After more than a decade in a galaxy far, far away, Kathleen Kennedy is charting a course toward retirement. The Lucasfilm boss has told associates she plans to retire by the end of 2025, Puck reported Monday night.
Reps for Kennedy and Lucasfilm were not immediately available for comment.
@ObiWanKenobi @Anakin We are epic again.
*some youtube dweeb
YouTube? Look at this thread already
All of this celebrating lmao. F***ing MORONS. It can get so much worse than Kennedy, it almost certainly will.
After this whole time she is finally stepping down after destroying everything?
iirc she going to step down around COVID and stayed b/c of Iger
I think she's functionally been a lot less involved since Filoni got promoted anyway
All of this celebrating lmao. F***ing MORONS. It can get so much worse than Kennedy, it almost certainly will.
It can't get worse bro star wars is a dead franchise
All of this celebrating lmao. F***ing MORONS. It can get so much worse than Kennedy, it almost certainly will.
I actually don't think it can get worse. Right now the Star Wars franchise is on the brink of never coming back, which is almost unthinkable. That Skeleton Crew show was great and no one watched it... They need a fresh start with an absolute splash to turn things around.