Start living your life today
I'm missing out I'm hip smh
Been meaning to play the new game on Xbox but I gotta watch the films first
I need to see this too, is it bad? Heard mixed reception
There’s some good things about it but the whole time you ll find yourself questioning why it wasn’t way better
Terrible writing and acting
There’s some good things about it but the whole time you ll find yourself questioning why it wasn’t way better
Terrible writing and acting
Sounds like Kenobi. Great ideas but it should’ve been way better
The Acolyte could have been such a cool concept too, but they fumbled it soo badly... The witches, the terrible child actresses, the main character being a twin being played by someone who clearly didn't have the acting chops to pull it off...
Then they tried to save it in the final episode with Darth Plagueis and Yoda without a real ending when we all knew the s*** wasn't getting renewed.. Just nasty work all around.
I STILL have no idea how that s*** was $230 million to make either.
Need Iger to let me get in on this money laundering scheme he and Kathy got going