bruh i go for a walk every night before i go to bed cause i have insomnia and it helps so im not scared anymore but sometimes if its a windy night and its really quiet and its during the winter so there's no leaves on the trees i get spooked out sometimes fr
op u lost in the woods
all of a sudden u hear a stick breaking behind u u turn around
there's a house behind u
u tripping hard u knew that house wasn't behind u a second ago
but u think hey wait
maybe there's someone in there that could help me cause im so lost and s***
u walk up to knock on the door
but before u could knock the door the door swings open...
in the doorway.... you see ur nan
u tripping hard u knew that house wasn't behind u a second ago
but u think hey wait
maybe there's someone in there that could help me cause im so lost and s***
u walk up to knock on the door
but before u could knock the door the door swings open...
in the doorway.... you see ur nan
she tries to talk to you but you notice her voice is all ghostly
as u run away from the house u look back and u just freezings see this
Lowkey when I turn the lights off downstairs I have to run up the stairs because it feels weird having by back to the darkness
no but i will admit i don’t stick my feet from under the blanket and when i’m in the bathroom i check behind the shower curtains and i’m afraid of the dark
Like nigga just eat me already goddamnit and stop playing
I mean, if that's what you want