no but i will admit i don’t stick my feet from under the blanket and when i’m in the bathroom i check behind the shower curtains and i’m afraid of the dark
I’m here to tell you that’s okay.
Lowkey when I turn the lights off downstairs I have to run up the stairs because it feels weird having by back to the darkness
Exactly! It’s not even fear per say it’s more uneasyness
I’m doing okay. Suns out so a lil less scared lol how are are u
Not too bad. Sun will return soon mark my words
Just two homies chilling, vibing, conversating
Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment
Kinda. When I sleep on the 1st floor I'm scared of somebody peeping me through my window
Kinda. When I sleep on the 1st floor I'm scared of somebody peeping me through my window
Like I said, there’s a guy in my city who’s never been caught and does it all the time. It’s scary s***
Monster like big foot? Nah. The super natural? I’m cautious.