Brooooo 79 pages
This is insane
But Lupe does have concept albums
Agree with the last sentence tho
Oh yeah for sure, I meant earlier lupe, unless im misremembering and missing some overall concept to F&L1
Some people are desperately wanting Kendrick to fail. Its f***ing weird at this point
Why does this thread have almost 2000 replies
Hotline bling
78 pages!!!!!????
Kendrick stans coping. Deflecting. etc.
Kendrick stans coping. Deflecting. etc.
Mostly Drake talk in here and the thread has been driven by your friends.
Ofc. Drake just can't.
On the other hand Kendrick CAN make countless hits, he just doesn't want to.
Hitmaking isn’t easy
Ask post malone.
Mostly Drake talk in here and the thread has been driven by your friends.
Thread would've been 5 pages if Kendrick stans admitted that this is a bit sad and only done to increase the streaming numbers
Hitmaking isn’t easy
Ask post malone.
He’s not allowed to make the music he wants. He’s phoning it in and you could tell
Thread would've been 5 pages if Kendrick stans admitted that this is a bit sad and only done to increase the streaming numbers
Kendrick running ktt for weeks now
Stans and haters cant stop talking bout this man and album
Kendrick running ktt for weeks now
Stans and haters cant stop talking bout this man and album
wish they'd play the album as much as they talk about it fr
I remember saying The Heart Part 5 could possibly be added to the album and Kendrick stans attacked me for even suggesting it.
How are you holding up? I’m sorry you had to endure such a vicious attack.
wish they'd play the album as much as they talk about it fr
Fav song?
He’s not allowed to make the music he wants. He’s phoning it in and you could tell
Hitmaking still isn’t easy. If that was the case there wouldn’t be so many one hit wonders
Oh yeah for sure, I meant earlier lupe, unless im misremembering and missing some overall concept to F&L1
There was kinda lowkey. He said Food & liquor is like the good and evil type s***. Like groceries and stuff you need as opposed to liquor which is like a vice.
Are you happy for me?
Smile in my face ..