This perfectly describes our times: culture wars, women's equality, unstable economy, loss of faith, anger towards masculinity, label exploitation of artists.
And the delivery is just impeccable.
The world in a panic
The women is stranded
The men on a run
The prophets abandoned
The law take advantage
The market is crashin'
The industry wants
Niggas and b****es to sleep in a box
While they makin' a mockery followin' us
This ain't Monopoly
Watchin' for love
This ain't monogamy
Y'all gettin' f***ed
Nah not really
he’s always been Wayne’s nerd son (as opposed to Drake, who is Wayne’s jock son, or nerd ass jock depending on who you ask)
Kendrick plays the kung fu crackhead character so well
Thats why he got the best selling album of the year by a Rapper
Future and Gunna aren't rappers?
This song is a movie
This perfectly describes our times: culture wars, women's equality, unstable economy, loss of faith, anger towards masculinity, label exploitation of artists.
And the delivery is just impeccable.
The world in a panic
The women is stranded
The men on a run
The prophets abandoned
The law take advantage
The market is crashin'
The industry wants
Niggas and b****es to sleep in a box
While they makin' a mockery followin' us
This ain't Monopoly
Watchin' for love
This ain't monogamy
Y'all gettin' f***ed
Most rappers would spit that in the corniest way, Kendrick comes in and delivers it in a way that it conveys that message and is still dope
Chet hanks looks like French or from the boys
Don’t look s*** like Hank that’s for damn sure
Most rappers would spit that in the corniest way, Kendrick comes in and delivers it in a way that it conveys that message and is still dope
I thought he wasn’t our savior tho
Wild how this was supposed to be the hit off the album it didn’t really make any noise
Die Hard should be a hit
he’s always been Wayne’s nerd son (as opposed to Drake, who is Wayne’s jock son, or nerd ass jock depending on who you ask)
Wild how this was supposed to be the hit off the album it didn’t really make any noise
it wasnt a good first single.
Wild how this was supposed to be the hit off the album it didn’t really make any noise
Good song. Bad single.
I thought he wasn’t our savior tho
I don't understand how that has anything to do with what I said