I seen his Comedy Central special on YT then weeks later seen his remix to lookout for detox
I was like hold on wtf this that comedian?
It has to be this moment, because I remember that special and piecing it together
I was watching Community not knowing s***
Funniest thing is that I found him in The Muppets movie first, but forgot about him until I saw a Vine with 3005 playing 2 years later, and I looked deep through the comments.
Found the song, then I learned:
I acknowledge you brother
I misspoke you and @Valentine 2 of the realest on the site
I’ve always been a numbers guy and a Kendrick fan
Numbers are fun to follow. They don’t dictate quality, great artists flop all the time and s*** songs become hits. But they’re fun to follow and discuss
I pay attention to numbers to the extent of maybe hoping an artist I like performs well contextually—then again a lot of my favorite artists don’t chart in any meaningful way, the rest is white nose to me, & the pissing contest of it all is completely uninteresting
theyve become what they always hated
Love when y’all use this line cause we then get to say so have y’all seeing as how numbers magically don’t dictate music quality anymore
We were here when y’all were calling MM&TBS a flop so y’all don’t get to get mad when niggas throw his numbers now in your face
What's funny is the Kenny's don't acknowledge when I'm on their side, only when I'm not
Ngl, you disappointed me with the Nas slander
Appreciate you for the heavy Bino love
This completely ignores the context of how niggas was treating Dot before he started s***ting on niggas.
Ngl, you disappointed me with the Nas slander
Appreciate you for the heavy Bino love
It ain't slander fr, I'm just a Hovenger
you got a group of fans who doesn’t want their favorite artist a***yzed and just enjoy how the music makes them feel
and you got a group of fans who does want to a***yze their favorite artist and enjoy how the music makes them think
for some reason, the first crowd was upset at the second crowds artists for not selling enough and taking a hiatus
for some reason, the second crowd is upset at the first crowds artist for not putting enough thought in his music and wasting tracks
if both of these groups could just focus on their favorite, we don’t have threads like this
Well said
Sales mean nothing and this site would be better if mods locked the chart thread permanently
Ngl, you disappointed me with the Nas slander
Appreciate you for the heavy Bino love
The Nas slander was swift and shocking
Culdesac gang where we at?
My first Bino song
funniest thing is drake stans trying to pretend kendrick did this to be the new number 1 guy like no hes gonna still move on his own accord lol
The Nas slander was swift and shocking
I'm just an hood baby who was outside for a lil bit. No one should take my Nas commentary seriously
Lol this wouldn’t have happened if Drake fans on here hadn’t been so arrogant about his numbers and using that to clown literally every other artists numbers that aren’t Drake. Of course those fanbases are going to laugh at yall whenever they can
I think part of it comes from Drake always being the sales and numbers guy but it looks like he’s gonna be dethroned and they’re getting to use the only thing Drake concretely had on lock against him for the first time
The day Kendrick overall numbers come close to Drakes overall is when Kendrick is the number 1 artist
Lol this wouldn’t have happened if Drake fans on here hadn’t been so arrogant about his numbers and using that to clown literally every other artists numbers that aren’t Drake. Of course those fanbases are going to laugh at yall whenever they can
I understand its a sweet revenge and a nice comeback since its considered kendrick is beating drake "on his own game" but now they are overdoing it
Ngl at first it was fun but ts just started a hate circle bigger than ever and its meaningless unlike the beer
Kendrick has the right to brag about numbers since drake challenged him there too but his some stans acting like this is just cringeworthy
I think part of it comes from Drake always being the sales and numbers guy but it looks like he’s gonna be dethroned and they’re getting to use the only thing Drake concretely had on lock against him for the first time
not doubting it but where does it look like drake is getting dethroned ? from what im seeing he has been the top streamed rapper every month ever since the beef and his loss.
not even the beef/nlu, grammies,superbowl and all these sza tracks are enough to close that gap
a drake that is beefing with his label and dsps is still on top, just shows how big the gap between them really was - especially after mr. morale
kendrick really needed that beef, he should be happy that drake participated