Wait drake Stan’s have a problem with pedo s*** now? Y’all was rockin with them niggas defending underage dating a couple months back. Regardless of who they Stan it’s weird af
It’s not that deep
Kendrick selling records does nothing for me personally
It’s just fun to get back at the Drake sales bots who spent the better part of a decade making spreadsheets to prove that sales = quality
It’s easy to see how annoying and mind-numbing this discourse can get when it isn’t immediately benefiting your argument
So true.
Drake stans and Drake himself used to use sales against Kendrick all the time.
Drake even said back on 100 w/Game, "I could have all of your fans if I went on some conscious s***."
Even the sales megathread we have on here started initially as a setup to clown MMTBS's fw sales after a random tweet predicted that Kendrick would sell close to a milli fw.
And, when the projections came in, Drake fans came in clowning the s*** out of the sales.
It ironically wasn't until HNVM sold less fw that it shifted into being a general sales thread that got pinned and the same Drake stans claiming Kendrick couldn't compete were telling people to focus on the music.
But when Her Loss sold well, it shifted back into Drake being the number 1 rapper all over again.
I was there so I saw it all. Drake stans are pretending like they weren't calling MMTBS and even TPAB "flops" and calling his music "critic bait."
That said, I DO see some people d***riding Kendrick's sales but a lot of them are just Drake haters hiding behind Kendrick or casual White kids who found a new "rap savior" besides Eminem and Tupac to flock to. But core Kendrick fans who liked his music before NLU and GNX hardly ever used sales to big up his music.
Cause he one of them kendrick stans that goes hard on twitter lol
Also everyone was clowning him on twitter today
getting ethered by
This beef s*** would have been over with if a certain fanbase would have just gracefully held their L in peace but no, we gotta enter every new day on here with endless cope and shambles.
Huh? The beef would've been over if not for Drake fans and yet it was just center stage at the Super Bowl?
I think this site just loves numbers (fuck your math) Kendrick tho>>>
its just fun cos hes killing drake on the one thing fans could grasp to argue about
Huh? The beef would've been over if not for Drake fans and yet it was just center stage at the Super Bowl?
Well yeah if the majority didn’t engage with it it wouldn’t have been centre stage
He been going hard as a kendrick stan ever since NLU came out on some @CliCity s***
running around like he kendrick is nuts
Crine why he switch up so hard
Clout lol if the beef ended wit Family Matters he would’ve been shaking his ass for Drake too
makes it easy for me to divide and conquer
never seen one kendrick fan talk about numbers
It’s the new ones that are consumed with winning over drake of all rappers