Thye've always been obsessed with numbers.
Pitchfork scores...Fantano scores...Metacritic scores...
The irony...Drake stans had a whole thread celebrating Pitchfork’s GNX review...
Pitchfork rates Kendrick Lamar’s 'GNX' a 6.6 — his lowest score from the publication EVER
Pitchfork reviewed Drake’s album today... Worse score than GNX and is Drakes lowest rated album ever and yet there’s not a thread in sight...
It’s not that deep
Kendrick selling records does nothing for me personally
It’s just fun to get back at the Drake sales bots who spent the better part of a decade making spreadsheets to prove that sales = quality
It’s easy to see how annoying and mind-numbing this discourse can get when it isn’t immediately benefiting your argument
Speaking bout kendrick fans, another one #NotLikeus
Bro loves Drake so much, he even thought The Heart Part 6 was good.
Bro loves Drake so much, he even thought The Heart Part 6 was good.
He been going hard as a kendrick stan ever since NLU came out on some @CliCity s***
He been going hard as a kendrick stan ever since NLU came out on some @CliCity s***
Oh I know but he does love Drake Look at that title
Oh I know but he does love Drake Look at that title
Crine why he switch up so hard
never seen one kendrick fan talk about numbers
Speaking bout kendrick fans, another one #NotLikeus
Saw those pics of this dude smiling on the TL before and you could just tell
Oh I know but he does love Drake Look at that title
90% of the reactors are just as big of a fan of Kendrick as they are Drake lmao. The beef being so one sided made them seem like stans
Wait drake Stan’s have a problem with pedo s*** now? Y’all was rockin with them niggas defending underage dating a couple months back. Regardless of who they Stan it’s weird af
Dude makes music reaction videos lol
Why Aubrey’s attorney posting him tho? Huge drake fan cares now
Oh I know but he does love Drake Look at that title
Wait that’s him!? Oh hell nah
Why Aubrey’s attorney posting him tho? Huge drake fan cares now
Cause he one of them kendrick stans that goes hard on twitter lol
Also everyone was clowning him on twitter today
Thye've always been obsessed with numbers.
Pitchfork scores...Fantano scores...Metacritic scores...
When this site would post fantano scores every week
KTT nerds