  • Jan 9, 2022

    His eye is an independent thinker.

  • Jan 9, 2022

    Called it

  • Jan 9, 2022
    3 replies

    Ya'll people who bout to delete his new album because of antivax bars are exactly who Mortal Man was about

    I hope he does it just to prove how fickle some of you are

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Anti-semetic Nation of Islam era Kendrick finna go crazy

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Stay away from them angry militant ass niggas Kenny

    We need some party records

  • Jan 9, 2022
    2 replies

    lol not this majority non black forum talking about the Nation

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Ya'll people who bout to delete his new album because of antivax bars are exactly who Mortal Man was about

    I hope he does it just to prove how fickle some of you are

    Bruh will you shut the f*** up about the vaccine and anti-vax s*** already my f***ing god

  • Illermatic 🛰️
    Jan 9, 2022

    His eye is an independent thinker.

  • JT is Electric

    lol not this majority non black forum talking about the Nation

  • Jan 9, 2022

    Stay away from them angry militant ass niggas Kenny

    We need some party records

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    lol not this majority non black forum talking about the Nation

    What has the “nation” done for anyone???

  • VampVENENO

    Stop listening to rap then if u don’t care about black people

    Go listen to your cultures music

    More gay black erasure

  • Jan 9, 2022
    3 replies

    Rizza Islam looks mad funny man lmao he looks like the "Beat it chick!" nigga

  • Jan 9, 2022
    5 replies

    What has the “nation” done for anyone???

    Damn thats crazy how the nation has prevented thousands of black men from returning to jail in exchange for their faithfulness and dedication to Islam.
    Damn thats crazy how Malcolm X exists.
    Damn thats crazy how their influence in Chicago, New York, Atlanta and other major cities for Black people doesnt exists.

  • Jan 9, 2022

    that’s just normal Kendrick bars

    Naah he's just biracial

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    Damn thats crazy how the nation has prevented thousands of black men from returning to jail in exchange for their faithfulness and dedication to Islam.
    Damn thats crazy how Malcolm X exists.
    Damn thats crazy how their influence in Chicago, New York, Atlanta and other major cities for Black people doesnt exists.

    NOI was tryna kill Malcolm X and frequently referred to him as a traitor when he called out Elijah Muhammad for being a hypocrite and pedophile who only used his power to sleep with and impregnate his teenage secretaries

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Nation of Islam niggas just some well dressed hoteps who were implicated in the assassination of one of our greatest Black leaders Malcolm X.

    You can get down with their teachings, but when you got that in the back of your mind, they really start lookin funny in the light. Also doesn't help that they be wild homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic towards any woman who ain't immediately down with shutting up and popping out babies. That ain't pushing Black people forward.

    Yeah at a young age you really think these cats are spitting. But just going beyond the surface level stuff...yeah they really be wylin.

  • Jan 9, 2022
    Oblivion X

    Side note but I have a feeling kendrick gonna drop a borderline anti vax bar on the album lmao

    I need it, the shambles would be amazing

    fantano would drop it 2 numbers just for that

  • JT is Electric

    Damn thats crazy how the nation has prevented thousands of black men from returning to jail in exchange for their faithfulness and dedication to Islam.
    Damn thats crazy how Malcolm X exists.
    Damn thats crazy how their influence in Chicago, New York, Atlanta and other major cities for Black people doesnt exists.

    Lol read the Autobiography of Malcolm X. Malcolm X fell out with the nation before he died. Like he didn’t f*** with them at all. And they didn’t f*** with him at all. And they had a contract on his life

    After Mecca, X basically rejected everything he’d believed for his entire life. And people just ignore that

  • Jan 9, 2022
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    NOI was tryna kill Malcolm X and frequently referred to him as a traitor when he called out Elijah Muhammad for being a hypocrite and pedophile who only used his power to sleep with and impregnate his teenage secretaries

    Yeah leadership is ass but the Movement has done a lot of positive things in our community including putting black men on a more positive route. But I agree Elijah Mohammad was such an opportunist and manipulator (like how he dealt with Malcolm and Ali)
    I always thought 100% the Nation murdered Malcolm until recently tbh. This coupled with COINTELPRO and how Betty eventually reconciled with Farrakhan.

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    Yeah leadership is ass but the Movement has done a lot of positive things in our community including putting black men on a more positive route. But I agree Elijah Mohammad was such an opportunist and manipulator (like how he dealt with Malcolm and Ali)
    I always thought 100% the Nation murdered Malcolm until recently tbh. This coupled with COINTELPRO and how Betty eventually reconciled with Farrakhan.

    The NOI is good in that it brings material improvement in the moment but their overarching goals just make no sense and they’ve allied with American nazis to achieve such goals

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    Yeah leadership is ass but the Movement has done a lot of positive things in our community including putting black men on a more positive route. But I agree Elijah Mohammad was such an opportunist and manipulator (like how he dealt with Malcolm and Ali)
    I always thought 100% the Nation murdered Malcolm until recently tbh. This coupled with COINTELPRO and how Betty eventually reconciled with Farrakhan.

    As for the homophobia and transphobia towards Black brothers and sisters apart of the LGBTQ and misogyny towards our Black women that are still heavy in NOI?

  • Jan 9, 2022
    2 replies

    Nation of Islam niggas some hateful pedos in Urkel suits and thesauruses.

    The only thing 80% of black men who follow them live by is the dating strategy of dating a woman half your age + 7

    Washed up 53 year olds love that line.

  • americana

    The NOI is good in that it brings material improvement in the moment but their overarching goals just make no sense and they’ve allied with American nazis to achieve such goals

    They want the same things as American Nazis. Black and white people to live separately

  • Zingo

    Nation of Islam niggas some hateful pedos in Urkel suits and thesauruses.

    The only thing 80% of black men who follow them live by is the dating strategy of dating a woman half your age + 7

    Washed up 53 year olds love that line.
