As for the homophobia and transphobia towards Black brothers and sisters apart of the LGBTQ and misogyny towards our Black women that are still heavy in NOI?
I’m not defending all of their actions, I dont even think the movement is very salvageable for revolutionary change. I just think they have brought positives and have changed plenty of black lives for the better, which is what that other dude said they didnt.
Damn thats crazy how the nation has prevented thousands of black men from returning to jail in exchange for their faithfulness and dedication to Islam.
Damn thats crazy how Malcolm X exists.
Damn thats crazy how their influence in Chicago, New York, Atlanta and other major cities for Black people doesnt exists.
Also Rizza dabbled in Scientology to learn the cult like strategies to successfully brainwash black people and almost caught a federal charge for insurance fraud and multiple other fraud charges
Niggas is bozos
Also Rizza dabbled in Scientology to learn the cult like strategies to successfully brainwash black people and almost caught a federal charge for insurance fraud and multiple other fraud charges
Niggas is bozos
okay? Are we talking about him or the impacts the NOI has had?
Something about him remind me of a rare sea creature
man looks like a scrapped Pokémon concept
I'll give the Nation of Islam credit though because they promote heavy Black empowerment and Black militant ideals. I think really it was just a way of giving Black people in America something to grasp onto when we really ain't have all that much. It was important in building a foundation. But after 90 or so years, a history of anti-intersectionality among Black people, b******ization of the Islamic faith, and a betrayal of one of the most powerful voices and leaders of Black people in America...yeah b we should've been done with them cats.
Take the teachings of an empowered Black person in America. Leave all that goofy and hypocritical hotep s*** behind.
I'll give the Nation of Islam credit though because they promote heavy Black empowerment and Black militant ideals. I think really it was just a way of giving Black people in America something to grasp onto when we really ain't have all that much. It was important in building a foundation. But after 90 or so years, a history of anti-intersectionality among Black people, b******ization of the Islamic faith, and a betrayal of one of the most powerful voices and leaders of Black people in America...yeah b we should've been done with them cats.
Take the teachings of an empowered Black person in America. Leave all that goofy and hypocritical hotep s*** behind.
agreed I just hope another movement can inspire so many black people (especially incarcerated) to oppose white supremacy and promotes black nationalism/pan africanism.
Bruh will you shut the f*** up about the vaccine and anti-vax s*** already my f***ing god
Now what?
NOI has helped a lot of people get their life on track. On an interpersonal level, it’s done a lot of good for a lot of people I’ve met personally. Cleaner living and structure can really help people grow into who they can be at their best. While Malcolm did have a huge falling out with the NOI, the NOI did give him the tools and lifestyle to become the leader he is known globally as today. The sad thing is there were hundreds upon thousands of men like Malcolm who never got that spark. Philosophically, I have a lot of different perspectives as a Sunni Muslim, but I do admire their ability to really impact individuals at the bare level and change their lifestyles. My Imam, Imam Siraj Wahhaj came to Islam through NOI. Now he’s one of the biggest Muslim scholars in the western world and helping me get on my deen.
My only point is there’s good things the NOI has done as well…I see your points throughout the thread but there’s also good things they do in helping individuals. I just wanted to share other side of the coin rather than generalizing them as one type of impact.
Ya'll people who bout to delete his new album because of antivax bars are exactly who Mortal Man was about
I hope he does it just to prove how fickle some of you are
The facts mean this is the vaccine and the game need me to survive
Not being disrespectful I’m generally asking, but did Kendrick have a stroke or something? His face looks so off.
Ya'll people who bout to delete his new album because of antivax bars are exactly who Mortal Man was about
I hope he does it just to prove how fickle some of you are
He definitely been alluding to people alienating him when they find out some things about him
What a total piece of s*** tool he is hanging out with lmao
NOI is full of Free Masons & Scientologists. Most of these groups are Masons.
The Black Hebrew Israelites, Christians, lmao etc.
There's nothing wrong with owning land and doing right for your people and teaching uprightness, entrepreneurship etc. Allowing for the enemy to infiltrate your post is goofy behavior. It's still a white washed form of reality.
Alotta black people turn on their own. That's how whitewashing works. It's the silent killer & it works on itself.
Then we allow outsiders to confirm our beliefs no matter how culturally removed from us they are.
Stop listening to rap then if u don’t care about black people
Go listen to your cultures music
Bruh what lmfaoo
Kendrick a manlet and been with sme girl since high school
Proves short niggas can get play
Stop listening to rap then if u don’t care about black people
Go listen to your cultures music