So many people are toxic about j.cole because we all remember hearing his bangers like No Role Modelz and then this guy drops KOD mans career is just nonstop disappointment
This caption might rival it
Kendrick stans finally coming out the closest because of this is a W
I usually don’t do the “if this was Drake” thing but if this was Drake, he wouldn’t be getting grace like this from them.
People hate Drake but we already know that
“Pac had a nigga saying ‘f— Jigga’, ‘f— Biggie’, I was only like eleven so forgive me”
We shoulda seen this coming
He has to rewrite EVERY SINGLE BAR on Fall Off where he calls himself Number 1
I genuinely think Cole just gonna go MIA for awhile
from a real life perspective j cole probably woke up on his mansion with his family, had some nice breakfast, went to his gigantic yard and realized he didn’t need violence and conflict on his life
from the hip hop perspective and specially coming from a guy that is constantly talking about competition and being the best, this is lame as f***
what the f*** cole
Mansions probably gonna have to be downgraded soon since his PR took a huge hit
I just went to J Cole subreddit out of curiosity and it was hilarious. They breaking down over there
If you delete takes you just as p**** as J Cole
Unlike Cole stans, Kendrick fans stand on business with our posts. Even if it means saying Kendrick gotta girthy cock that has Cole and Drake terrified
I usually don’t do the “if this was Drake” thing but if this was Drake, he wouldn’t be getting grace like this from them.
I agree but Drake also wouldn’t pull some p**** s*** like this
Only time he did an “apology” was when he got backed into a corner by Pusha T and even then, it was more of an explanation for the cover then an actual apology
Cole literally said Kendrick could smack him around on wax and he’d “take it on the chin”
I genuinely think Cole just gonna go MIA for awhile
That’s what I was thinking but honestly if he stays out the limelight too long he’ll just damage his career more. Think Goldlink or Chance
I’ve been saying since the night Like That dropped. There isn’t even a Cole diss in there. Idk why he people pressured him into believing it was about him. These guys have a real problem with DRAKE. Its deeper than rap lol. The hatred is there on both sides. Drake gonna drop with layers to peel back, a real response record and something these guys can’t ignore. No one has a problem with Cole 😭
He fr sat back and said damn the s*** I said fr DOES apply to my perception and got self aware REAL QUICK
Let Nas Down Pt. 2 rename it you coward
"Your first s*** was classic, your last s*** was tragic
Your second s*** put niggas to sleep, but they gassed it
Your third s*** was massive and that was your prime
I was trailin' right behind and I just now hit mine"
if anything people sleep on Sideline Story and Born Sinner, but gas 2014 FHD. I like 2014 but I still think Born Sinner is his best work. but all his albums are at least decent, while TPAB has been a meme for years (even though its a classic) and Mr. Morale was panned outside of Kendrick's core.
7 minute drill is still on the album maybe he’s bluffing
first week numbers still coming in
We couldve had Drake, Kendrick and Cole go at each other like
but cole a p**** like
Drake: Gojo
Future: Geto
Metro: Jogo
Kenny: Sukuna
Jcole: Mahito
T&Y is flawless but there is something more raw and natural with f&l and the cool. I always seperate them. Amazing albums
Most lyrically gifted artist cant construct a dope album like lupr
He's at the top of his lane, royce bores me, black thought I'm hot and cold, aesop rock ehh to Me, if kendrick and lupe were closer, I'd wanna see how they'd influence each other cause lupe just cant cross the mainstream