Tbh both are classics at this point just a matter of preference
Gkmc was the first album i bought with my own earned money and it will always have a special place in my heart but tpab is just amazing
The way some hip hop media like Rosenberg and Charla are giving Cole a pass for last night is crazy
He was supposed to save boom rap and he lost. They're a huge demographic who championed him into the imaginary big 3. This was 9/11 for them
but who has the bigger cock?
ngl if kendrick packing even just an average d*** on his body it would look HUGE
I genuinely think Cole just gonna go MIA for awhile
nah he's just gonna embrace the meme and bow his head in shame for 3-4 tracks which sucks bc I love when Cole just goes to war on a song and writes a verse where he shows people why he has a claim at the top spot
Drake: Gojo
Future: Geto
Metro: Jogo
Kenny: Sukuna
Jcole: Mahito
Count metro and Cole out then 😂 thar sukuna vs gojo tho
this post gayer then literally nutting in a dudes ass
Nothing gay about asserting dominance upon another man and breeding him with your masculine seed if you say pause right after.
Gkmc was the first album i bought with my own earned money and it will always have a special place in my heart but tpab is just amazing
It really is
It’s telling when that albums scraps are better then half of Coles discography
He's at the top of his lane, royce bores me, black thought I'm hot and cold, aesop rock ehh to Me, if kendrick and lupe were closer, I'd wanna see how they'd influence each other cause lupe just cant cross the mainstream
Idk what majority thinks but gkmc and tpab(especially) are heavily influenced by The Cool concept wise
There was a long ass thread about it in ktt but idk if i can find it
This caption might rival it
Can you handle it?
That’s what I was thinking but honestly if he stays out the limelight too long he’ll just damage his career more. Think Goldlink or Chance
I actually don’t know what he should do
Usually when someone takes a huge L the best move would be to drop the hardest s*** of your life to get people to talk about that instead
But Cole can’t do that now and basically made it impossible for himself to s*** talk without getting clowned
Just busted this nigga ass who’s always talking s***. He just walked off the court without saying s*** 😭
there is not a single good reason why a rap beef hasnt ended in the 2 rappers just whipping out their cocks and for us to compare and decide who the winner is. It has to happen
Drake already delivered, now its your turn @Kendrick Lamar
This caption might rival it
I play this too much I swear
I’ve been saying since the night Like That dropped. There isn’t even a Cole diss in there. Idk why he people pressured him into believing it was about him. These guys have a real problem with DRAKE. Its deeper than rap lol. The hatred is there on both sides. Drake gonna drop with layers to peel back, a real response record and something these guys can’t ignore. No one has a problem with Cole 😭
It was about Cole. Kendrick responds to his funeral line and tells him to prove that he's a problem. That couldn't have been for Drake because he's already proven a big challenge for Kendrick. Then he references the Cole songs STICK and PTSD. The Drake shots don't start until the niggas with a check line
First man to drop a diss and then erase it from streaming?
people keep saying this but the diss is still up (at least on AM)
It really is
It’s telling when that albums scraps are better then half of Coles discography
It's hiphop's fault that cole was able to gas him up to top3 tbh
Other rappers wouldve been offended back in the day not just the top
Just busted this nigga ass who’s always talking s***. He just walked off the court without saying s*** 😭
You should be the bigger man, Cry and apologize to him
Kenny just need to put Cole out of his misery at this point man