Tyler tbh
Tyler may not be a "GOAT" rapper just because he's not mr real hip hop but he's legit one of the best artists in hip hop
I don't think I'll realistically listen to most Kendrick albums more than Tyler albums
Kendrick s*** is so dense that a lot of people have a hard time just listening to it for the music's sake
See this is why I made the thread.
Some of y’all scoff and mock this thread thinking that it’s obviously Kendrick, and then you have dudes like this who say otherwise. So it’s not as ridiculous as some of y’all are acting like it is.
Tie. They are equally rich and standout against their peers, but Tylers is a bit more revolutionary in style, I think.
Y’all in here reeking havoc rightfully so but that s*** really ain’t even that far fetched
They probably have about the same amount of classics tbh
It’s just that one made classics that are among the top rap albums of all time so…
Of everyone in the Golden State, open aux cord, the fate of the universe on the line, the Martians have the death beam pointed at earth, you better put on a hit…..I want IGUODOLA.
Deadass lirl
OP you're hilarious
The only rapper KTT pretends to hate more than Kendrick is Tyler
nicki and cole
I'm going with Tyler on this but it's close
I'm going with Tyler on this but it's close
Tyler needs to throw some shade at Drake so we can see if this answer changes
Nicki is a woman though so they actually hate her
Nicki is the best female rapper of our time.
Idk why ktt deludes themselves and says otherwise
this could be either knowing you
Obviously it's Kendrick for me but I like Tyler and he gets so much unnecessary hate on here I don't feel like piling on
this could be either knowing you
no way i'm not giving it to the man who made good kid and tpab nigga wtf
no way i'm not giving it to the man who made good kid and tpab nigga wtf
B****** and Goblin better