sad people is a really good song with really bad drums ive always thought that about the song. shouldve stuck with like an 808 ballad or something like that for sad people.
Yea i dont like the 808s on it they hit way too many times
thats my legend
still breaking down barriers at 37
Thug did this years ago
@Danhust one of the worst users on here. Didn't know we had dumbasses on here who still think Tyler was trolling about his sexuality
I don't follow Tyler, f*** do I know? I was too old for that s*** when OF blew up.
Somebody explain why he wore a dress does it relate to the song or is Cudi g a , he g a wtf
Somebody explain why he wore a dress does it relate to the song or is Cudi g a , he g a wtf
Cause Kurt Cobain wore one pretty much. Except Cudi looks like he belongs in Little Women lmao
808s arent in key
They definitely are G, I made the whole beat lol, and I know wtf I’m doing with basic music theory
should of payed homage to DMX instead tbh
i doubt kurt cobain would of ever wore a dress for cudi
"i doubt kurt cobain would of ever wore a dress for cudi"
Elaborate on that please, why do you think that?
ppl itt finding out cudi is a kurt cobain stan 💀
wait til they hear that KSG song samples kurt cobain 😰
Cause Kurt Cobain wore one pretty much. Except Cudi looks like he belongs in Little Women lmao
So he paying homage 2 Kurt ok
So he paying homage 2 Kurt ok
yeah kurt committed suicide in april 27y ago at the age of 27
"i doubt kurt cobain would of ever wore a dress for cudi"
Elaborate on that please, why do you think that?
thats how i feel