Nah, you must be high or some s***. Get off them d**** and post when you're sober. Thanks.
They definitely are G, I made the whole beat lol, and I know wtf I’m doing with basic music theory
they dont sound in key in my headphones
i imagine kurt would be vehemently opposed to this clown making a tribute to him then monetizing it
They definitely are G, I made the whole beat lol, and I know wtf I’m doing with basic music theory
its not even a bad song and the vocals are the highlight fosho
its not even a bad song and the vocals are the highlight fosho
Thanks bro, I was just curious as to your opinion since I had someone else say something similar one time
89% of you niggas hate all things women (judging by posts) but cream at the visual of a man frolicking in a cute designer dress in a game changing performance of faux freedom and redefining masculinity.
Then years later down the line after losing your virginities, growing two inches and discovering a hair on your chest become conspiracy theorists on the emasculation of black men in the music and film industry
Rinse, wash.. repeat..
what got you to write that bullshit of a first sentence
I don't follow Tyler, f*** do I know? I was too old for that s*** when OF blew up.
Too old for OF, yet listens to 69
This guy’s the biggest clown on KTT2
i imagine kurt would be vehemently opposed to this clown making a tribute to him then monetizing it
my dude theres nirvana tees at wallmart
great performaces, nice to just see Cudi in the light with a smile on his face promoting a great record, especially considering 90% minimum of other artists haven't done jack s*** this year
kid cudi has been cringe, crazy it took a dress for more ppl to notice.
Compare this to young thug in a dress. Only one pulled it off
im not mad thats just you typing, im expressing my opinion.
cudi lost respect + kudos for looking like a pawn. get over it