Pretty sure Gabor Mate thinks you shouldn't learn how to use a computer until 12/13 years old.
I agree with the idea that kids shouldn't be on the internet at a young age but how would we even control this? All a kid would need to do is lie about their date of birth when creating an account
Make social media did identity verifications to signup and random selfie checks from time to time
Make social media did identity verifications to signup and random selfie checks from time to time
You really gonna trust corpos to have more personal data of you?
Social Media platforms should just start charging money if people want to use them. This would make everyone pissed and they'd retreat back to the millions of different websites and communities they were once in and not run by huge corporations. I mean seriously who's gonna pay $7.99 a month to use TikTok or Facebook. Lol
Most kids do not yet possess the cognitive function to practice moderation and safety at that age.
That’s why kids often opt for eating candy for dinner even if you teach them it’s not healthy.
That part of their brain to practice restraint is not yet fully baked.
This is sort of true but one of the things that's gone is the parenting part that teaches right/wrong.
I feel like this isn't the answer lol
I had internet access by the time I was like 8 years old, but I was taught common sense on how to use it and were also given strict time limits as to when I was able to use it
Like most problems we're seeing in America's youth, parents need to parent more
We gotta have a middle ground
Imagine keeping kids from talking to friends outside of school until they’re 18 cus phones and social media bad!
as someone who wasnt allowed on the internet until i was 18, theres many things wrong with me.
Tbh idk
I wouldn’t be nearly as far in my life if I wasn’t able to use social media as a child so idk if I’d feel fair just banning it for kids
But I do think kids are way less monitored now even compared to the 2010s, when i was growing up i didnt even have access to the internet 4 days out the week
I think a lot of the solution to our problem is people need to start being better parents bc banning kids from social media is not realistic. When I have kids they can use the internet but only until a certain time in the day and I will make them read and have other hobbies still and definitely monitor their internet use when they’re young
There is no way to know how your life would be without social media as a kid.
There is no way to know how your life would be without social media as a kid.
Well I met all the people who I work with as a kid on social media 10+ years ago and I know I wouldn’t know them
So my life would be very different
Well I met all the people who I work with as a kid on social media 10+ years ago and I know I wouldn’t know them
So my life would be very different
Different yes.
anyways my sister is a 1st grade teacher and had to ban the phrase diddy party from her classroom
It's not funny but it is
This is a bandaid fix to deep core issues in modern society, particularly American though
Dying public education at all levels but especially K-12— worsening intelligence and critical thinking, little to no planning for future, less enthusiasm for previously coveted jobs like doctor, astronaut, etc. — dumber kids doing dumb stuff on social media, easily influenced by passing trends or echo chambers
Wage slavery — extremely overworked populace with not enough of a safety net and cash inflow to support a family with ease but must work — parents overworked and incapable of being active in their kids’ lives — kids doing whatever tf they want on social media
Among other factors that all contribute to our youth not being ready to deal with today’s problems
Banning social media will do very little imo
And it all boils down to capitalism
How fun!
Different yes.
This post just annoyed the f*** out of me lol idk why but I feel like ur being condescending
Well I met all the people who I work with as a kid on social media 10+ years ago and I know I wouldn’t know them
So my life would be very different
Some kid probably met his wife while drinking and smoking cigarettes when he was 14
Some kid probably met his wife while drinking and smoking cigarettes when he was 14
Good for him then
Thats awesome
Everyone check out Social Studies on FX
Social Studies is an American documentary series directed and produced by Lauren Greenfield. It follows teenagers over the course of a school year in Los Angeles, exploring how the generation has grown up online.
Over the course of a school year, the series explores students in Los Angeles who deal with bullying, racism, beauty standards, sexuality and making life-changing decisions.
you niggas always try to substitute s*** for people being s***ty parents.
Again most people SHOULD NOT have kids
As a single father to a high school aged kid, I regret being a parent. Really do love my son and everything but having to constantly monitor his social media usage is exhausting.