  • Jun 22, 2023
    BlueChew Sean

    This is the conservative Christian who wants to deny women the right to have abortions Bro has such a warped understanding of Christianity

    You expected consistency from Kanye in 2023?

  • Jun 22, 2023
    1 reply

    she was at her dad's freak show of a birthday party the other week too

    Nude sushi bar is fun for the whole family 😃

  • Jun 22, 2023
    Bernie X

    He actually does not want to deny the right to have abortions! You’re wrong! 🤓☝️

    Whatever he said during that shambolic Presidential campaign announcement, I can't be bothered to look it up

  • Jun 22, 2023
    Block Muteson

    Didn't ask. We're on the website that did a 20 page thread because Pete Davidson drove Ye's kids around in a golf cart. This is also social media.

    That was one of the most insane threads ever

    People were calling him evil


    Every please tag all the lames who kept trying to excuse this with

    "we used to listen to slob on my knob when we were kids"

  • Also ye is still a loser. Both terrible parents lol

  • Jun 22, 2023

    Normally, I would say it's good she stopped having an insane take about parenting kids, but she's bound to do the same thing again and again. Kim is the worst kind of parent

  • Ye crazy but he not stupid

  • Jun 22, 2023

    another dude just told me he didn’t consider forums/message boards social media

    like what is the big difference in between this site and Twitter, most of the traffic on this site are cross posts from other social media apps + there’s a lot of crossover from user base to user base


    plenty of people do that on here

    it’s their way to justify sinking time into this site and still feel superior, super big cope

  • MyLeftBrain

    Kinda shows that she is not a focused parent, when she don’t take the time to listen to the lyrics before she let her daughter dress up and post it online

    They do anything for clout

  • youdaftpunk

    Link to the article and not a screenshot of aks ig

    “The media mogul also touched on her ex-husband’s role in all of this. “I saw on the Internet, ‘Kanye was right!’ And maybe he was, in that instance,” she said, “but in the creative side where she loves making slime videos and doing her little hair tutorials, I will fight for her to be creative in those ways.””

    Kim so dumb lol

  • Jun 22, 2023
    1 reply
    The Krab Season

    You know Ye regrets having kids with Kim. They will always be exposed to the fame, papz and plastic life because that's how their whole family make money and stay relevant. Compare that to Jay/Bey who are huge stars but they raise their kids low-key

    He definitely regrets it but I don’t feel bad for him, he knew what he was doing

    He knew marrying Kim would help him on the path to a billion or whatever, so he said “fuck them future kids”

  • Jun 22, 2023

    degenerrraaates 🎶


  • Jun 22, 2023

    I wonder how Oce Spice feels about this, assuming she cares at all...

    Like…. 🙄

  • OnyxShine9

    That’s why they say they wish it was possible. You’re applying too much logic it, people say stuff all the time that technically doesn’t make sense to express their thoughts and feelings.

    That’s like thinking if a person goes “I wish I was a genius supermodel”, they’re not expressing disdain or wishing for different parents, just that they came out differently

    You cant reason with that idiot. He takes everything literally


    He definitely regrets it but I don’t feel bad for him, he knew what he was doing

    He knew marrying Kim would help him on the path to a billion or whatever, so he said “fuck them future kids”

    Yup end of the day they made those choices

  • Jun 22, 2023

    lol I remember being in that thread like "does anyone else find this weird" then getting the "we all listened to mature music and content at that age". When the problem isn't even dressing up as ice spice or singing the lyrics alone its a child posting it online for millions of people vs just existing.

    Nah fr tho

  • Jun 22, 2023

    Ye, fadlan, convert to the right path

  • Jun 22, 2023

    Self love, she dont love herself, tryna love me!

  • Ice spice is a modern female rapper what does Kim think she’s rapping about? Doing tax returns?

  • Jun 22, 2023

    There's levels to everything, but most people are too lazy to figure out where to draw the line because there are many factors that go into it for each situation. Idk, i dont have kids.

  • Jun 22, 2023

    Link to the article and not a screenshot of aks ig

    “The media mogul also touched on her ex-husband’s role in all of this. “I saw on the Internet, ‘Kanye was right!’ And maybe he was, in that instance,” she said, “but in the creative side where she loves making slime videos and doing her little hair tutorials, I will fight for her to be creative in those ways.””

    Maybe kids shouldn't be exposed to millions of people.

    Kim you f***ing moron

  • Jun 22, 2023

    Brain dead mother.

    But who am I to judge?

  • Jun 22, 2023

    That’s progressives for ya

    There is no line in the sand, everything is permissible and if you disagree you’re a woman hating prude

    Online progressives*
