lol how is working hard gets you more money nonsense?
make all the excuses you want, i know you spending 12 hours a day on ktt not getting you money
Because there’s only 24 hours in one day and if you’re working 9 vs 12 at minimum wage you’re only making $23-23 more a day at best and with inflation rising and more commodities we need to buy to stay afloat, it’s no surprise that people are only getting worse and worse off
Literally every economist is saying that the way our economy is structure is going to be our own death because working harder has such a marginal improvement that you might as well not work at all. Workers don’t get raises anymore, workers don’t get promotions, and workers’ wages don’t lead to stronger purchasing power due to inflation
And meanwhile idiots like @mctate still think this is the 80’s
If you don’t own the value your labor creates, you won’t get more money from working hard. Your boss gets that value. Or it’s your boss’ boss. Or it’s the CEO or the shareholders
The only way we can have everyone actually make more money from working hard is if everyone owned their own business which is neither feasible nor desirable for either the individual or powerful people who need a working class to do work for them
“Oh mah gawww thasss sooo truue” in the background
no wonder ye left her
knowing kanyes state of mind nowadays he would have said something just as bad if not worse lol
Kim is forgetting that she is in a highly privilege position and got her wealth due to the groundwork layed by her parents. If Kim was a regular joe and did the tape with Ray J nobody would care. It would get lost in the plethora of sextapes that inhabit xhamster and xnxx/xvideos etc...
Amazon employees work their assess off each and everyday and they don't see a c*** hair of what they deserve in relation to their effort and commitment due to how exploitative our current system is. Working hard doesn't equate to making more dough that's a falsehood that capitalistic pigs like to paddle.
Hey man, get your ass up & work
jk King great points totally agree
Whatever you’re saying is nonsense. Americans are working harder than they ever have and yet 64% of this country lives paycheck to paycheck
Why break your back working if you won’t even be able to live from it
If you don’t own the value your labor creates, you won’t get more money from working hard. Your boss gets that value. Or it’s your boss’ boss. Or it’s the CEO or the shareholders
The only way we can have everyone actually make more money from working hard is if everyone owned their own business which is neither feasible nor desirable for either the individual or powerful people who need a working class to do work for them
If you don’t own the value your labor creates, you won’t get more money from working hard. Your boss gets that value. Or it’s your boss’ boss. Or it’s the CEO or the shareholders
The only way we can have everyone actually make more money from working hard is if everyone owned their own business which is neither feasible nor desirable for either the individual or powerful people who need a working class to do work for them
That's why she said "women in business"
That's why she said "women in business"
Cool, women in business still exist in a hierarchical organization where a person above them has ownership of their labor
Working harder gets you nowhere
@LPG26 you wanna come out here?
Cool, women in business still exist in a hierarchical organization where a person above them has ownership of their labor
Working harder gets you nowhere
Cool, women in business still exist in a hierarchical organization where a person above them has ownership of their labor
Working harder gets you nowhere
That's such a defeatist attitude it's insane
i got money
so u gon post that bank balance or what
That's such a defeatist attitude it's insane
He (or she) probably worked at a corporation where their hard work wasn’t recognized, and that’s what makes them say that. I, too, felt this way when I was working for a company that never acknowledged hard work or gave raises
It can really fw you
Just Girlboss Things ™