If you think you can be rich if just work hard you delusional as f***.
99 percent of wealth is inherited
zip codes more important than any type of education or hard work
Cool, women in business still exist in a hierarchical organization where a person above them has ownership of their labor
Working harder gets you nowhere
mb you said "Working harder gets you nowhere"
which is cap
There’s a weird phenomenon with wealthy people that they think they just worked harder than everyone else and that’s how they earned their wealth. They somehow “deserve it” more than others through work ethic
She invented the art of making money without working. They just following her
Ig "influencer" before ig even existed lmao
Ray J invented instagram thots.
so u gon post that bank balance or what
lol i post how much money i have and its a lose lose my friend
i have no reason to lie and the message of work hard to get ahead is how it is done
lol i post how much money i have and its a lose lose my friend
i have no reason to lie and the message of work hard to get ahead is how it is done
stay poor
mb you said "Working harder gets you nowhere"
which is cap
Yes, because working in business means working in corporate structures, where you don’t own the product your labor.
The only place where working harder is at the exact top. And you don’t get much more for working harder
ok brokie
literally have 100k+ net worth
c'mon son match my level of corn
a lot of girls have sucked d*** and not built a billion dollar brand off of it She worked hard and leveraged her fame
Literally every economist is saying that the way our economy is structure is going to be our own death because working harder has such a marginal improvement that you might as well not work at all. Workers don’t get raises anymore, workers don’t get promotions, and workers’ wages don’t lead to stronger purchasing power due to inflation
And meanwhile idiots like @mctate still think this is the 80’s
'literally every economist' lol sure..
do you know people who have worked hard and got ahead? do you know lazy people who dont work hard?
workers get raises, literally happens all the time with my friend groups. youre talking generalization's of minimum wage workers and im talking anecdotally blah blah whatever
just believe in socialism or whatever it is you believe
Yes, because working in business means working in corporate structures, where you don’t own the product your labor.
The only place where working harder is at the exact top. And you don’t get much more for working harder
That's not how every business works lmao and many people have their own businesses and|or work for themselves. We ending this conversation here a town
a lot of girls have sucked d*** and not built a billion dollar brand off of it She worked hard and leveraged her fame
nah every b**** with a s***tape and a rich dad has built a billion dollar empire!
lol i post how much money i have and its a lose lose my friend
i have no reason to lie and the message of work hard to get ahead is how it is done
i work two jobs so i can barely maintain the life i have. I can't even advance forward in life working two jobs fam. Inflation is only putting it further in danger.
the fact that we work twice as hard as our parents and 3x as hard as our grandparents to live at what is basically a lower standard is only proof that hard work gets you nowhere if you can't enjoy the full product of your labor
you work hard with 2 jobs but on ktt all day idk how thats possible
'literally every economist' lol sure..
do you know people who have worked hard and got ahead? do you know lazy people who dont work hard?
workers get raises, literally happens all the time with my friend groups. youre talking generalization's of minimum wage workers and im talking anecdotally blah blah whatever
just believe in socialism or whatever it is you believe
i know hard workers who still struggle making ends meet
and i know plenty of lazy folks who dont do s*** all day and still make money
your hard work has nothing to do with how much money you make. it's about how many people's labor you own. Why do you think slavery was so profitable?
you work hard with 2 jobs but on ktt all day idk how thats possible
cuz ktt is on my phone. one is a desk job and the other is waiting and serving. the rest of my time is either in school or volunteering
why are you so interested in my activity on this site anyways? you got a crush on me or something?
i know hard workers who still struggle making ends meet
and i know plenty of lazy folks who dont do s*** all day and still make money
your hard work has nothing to do with how much money you make. it's about how many people's labor you own. Why do you think slavery was so profitable?
that last line is the truth no disagreement from me
Why yall mad If you struggling just make some selfies.Advertise some s***ty overpriced brands on IG story.
It can not be that difficult
that last line is the truth no disagreement from me
the exact same system has extended into the modern day except now they have to give you at least $10 of what you make for them every hour and they can't beat you
and if you happen to get paid enough you can create the same system and get your own people to do your work for you in exchange for less than they produce
Why yall mad If you struggling just make some selfies.Advertise some s***ty overpriced brands on IG story.
It can not be that difficult
nobody cares about male selfies
cuz ktt is on my phone. one is a desk job and the other is waiting and serving. the rest of my time is either in school or volunteering
why are you so interested in my activity on this site anyways? you got a crush on me or something?
because youre someone whos angry and spends all their time online lol if you think youre the model for working hard idk what to tell you
imma get back to work
enjoy letting this site continue to make you mad!