Exactly, I know you work hard and it nets you results in life so idk wtf you on right now
i work two jobs so i can barely maintain the life i have. I can't even advance forward in life working two jobs fam. Inflation is only putting it further in danger.
the fact that we work twice as hard as our parents and 3x as hard as our grandparents to live at what is basically a lower standard is only proof that hard work gets you nowhere if you can't enjoy the full product of your labor
If you're "working hard" and not going nowhere that means you're not really working hard
Working SMART is a part of working hard and it isn't too smart if you think you're working hard and not getting to where you want to be now is it
the notion that a living has to be earned in the 21st century is such a win for propaganda
If you're "working hard" and not going nowhere that means you're not really working hard
Working SMART is a part of working hard and it isn't too smart if you think you're working hard and not getting to where you want to be now is it
this is truly semantical. working harder and working smarter mean the same thing when your end product is the amount of "value" you create, primarily in USD. Americans are producing more money from their work than they ever have and yet they're also seeing the smallest proportion of it in America's history
nothing has to be the way it is it's all fabricated bullshit
i work two jobs so i can barely maintain the life i have. I can't even advance forward in life working two jobs fam. Inflation is only putting it further in danger.
the fact that we work twice as hard as our parents and 3x as hard as our grandparents to live at what is basically a lower standard is only proof that hard work gets you nowhere if you can't enjoy the full product of your labor
I can't tell you about your life so we gonna end this here brother
I'm just saying that's a victim type of attitude it's not healthy
the notion that a living has to be earned in the 21st century is such a win for propaganda
Now we're talking
I can't tell you about your life so we gonna end this here brother
I'm just saying that's a victim type of attitude it's not healthy
you obviously need to read more economic theory because the system we exist in is only going to get more and more exploitative and "working harder" will eventually truly mean nothing because we physically won't be able to
unless we own the entirety of what value we individually produce then working harder gets us nowhere
I get it, but to turn that into a personally "factual" world view of "working hard gets you nowhere" is completely ridiculous
If I want to go to the grocery store, I have to walk there, bike there, drive there, skate there something. Even if I order it through an app there are still actions I must do in order to get my groceries. Some kind of effort must take place on my part to get me from point A to B. Communists really want everything handed to them
what they mean is that our society is increasingly immobile economically, so a person can work incredibly hard and still be stuck in the same monetary situation
they dont mean that work is useless in a vacuum. I would even go as far as to say work is not useless under our current system, its just highly unlikely that you will be compensated anywhere close to fairly for it
you obviously need to read more economic theory because the system we exist in is only going to get more and more exploitative and "working harder" will eventually truly mean nothing because we physically won't be able to
unless we own the entirety of what value we individually produce then working harder gets us nowhere
iight bro you right we're all f***ed the world is doomed
saying ur rich friends work smart and hard is just survivor bias btw
iight bro you right we're all f***ed the world is doomed
now we're talking
societal collapse incoming
now we're talking
societal collapse incoming
old society, not society itself
iight bro you right we're all f***ed the world is doomed
these last two pages are whiplash inducing how did this man go from bezos 101 to this ?
old society, not society itself
yeah new society gonna be back to our tribal roots
unless we Venus this s*** into something utterly unsurvivable
yeah new society gonna be back to our tribal roots
Yessir, and we'll still have to work hard to accomplish anything or get anything done at all so I guess we're back to square 1
iight bro you right we're all f***ed the world is doomed
i never said that. i said that we have to change our system to allow for something more sustainable aka a system where there is a democratic distribution of economic production
i never said that. i said that we have to change our system to allow for something more sustainable aka a system where there is a democratic distribution of economic production
The statement "working hard gets you nowhere" is incorrect that's it
The statement "working hard gets you nowhere" is incorrect that's it
i'm aware, you're twisting my words.
the term i have a problem with is "working hard gets you nowhere, when you can't have what you worked hard for"
If you think you can be rich if just work hard you delusional as f***.
99 percent of wealth is inherited
The statement "working hard gets you nowhere" is incorrect that's it
can't argue with the facts that economic maneuvering, rising from low fiscal class to a higher one, is at an all time low
the ROI from hard work is as low as it's ever been in modern history
i'm aware, you're twisting my words.
the term i have a problem with is "working hard gets you nowhere, when you can't have what you worked hard for"
I'm not twisting your words that literally what you said