  • Bo Ceephus

    i just checked dudes profile thats somebody from info wars saying hes wilin what the f***

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    @PapiPedro @Bo_Ceephus

    I should have chosen my words more carefully earlier and was wrong for what I said.

    good on you fam. No worries. Things get heated when it comes to politics. All water under the bridge. I also apologize for increasing tensions.

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    Pusha P

    It's crazy because Snowboy is by definition a liberal (assuming she likes progressive ideals, which it seems like she does...).

    We are all literally similar lmao (at least in how we view social programs and certain progressive things).

    Abysmal level of discussion in this thread

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    Abysmal level of discussion in this thread

    4 years of this incoming unless we get rid of these morons

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    4 years of this incoming unless we get rid of these morons

    Ngl it’s really not a surprise other comrades aren’t in this thread more often, just pure mental weakness and lib despair rhetoric here

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    4 years of this incoming unless we get rid of these morons

    Can we get rid of you, person that said they were happy my mom was dead?

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    1 reply

    Ngl it’s really not a surprise other comrades aren’t in this thread more often, just pure mental weakness and lib despair rhetoric here

    They folded for the briscord

  • Pusha P

    It's crazy because Snowboy is by definition a liberal (assuming she likes progressive ideals, which it seems like she does...).

    We are all literally similar lmao (at least in how we view social programs and certain progressive things).

    This has to be a troll

  • americana

    They folded for the briscord

    come back king we litty in there

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    1 reply

    wow, Trump is really gonna let the demoralized US army who got embarrassed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, get whooped by Hamas?

  • teku izing

    wow, Trump is really gonna let the demoralized US army who got embarrassed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, get whooped by Hamas?

    Xi gon park his EV on the white house lawn if the us boys get f***ed by hamas as well

  • Pedro

    Oh. You dismissed my point about minimum wage like that wouldn't be a huge difference for millions of people in dozens of states (it's $13/hr for you)

    No you f***ing dunce what I'm telling you is that raising the minimum wage is not some sufficient measure to solve any issue

  • Snowboy

    4 years of this incoming unless we get rid of these morons

    Get rid of us? ktt cleansing

  • Himothee

    Niggas really itt writing fan fiction of Trump accomplishing his genocidal goals so they can feel morally superior to ppl that criticized Biden

    plenty ITT writing fan fiction that a Trump admin is no different from a dem admin so they can feel morally superior

    It’s ivory towers, high horses, and communal narcissism all the way up

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    Calling for the CIA to do something about Trump is crazy considering the number of dictators it put in power in the first place

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    Banana Clip

    Calling for the CIA to do something about Trump is crazy considering the number of dictators it put in power in the first place

    they gotta be in some sort of confrontation with trump already so thats not too far fetched. the assassination attempt was very telling

  • WRU

    they gotta be in some sort of confrontation with trump already so thats not too far fetched. the assassination attempt was very telling

    Oh for sure, especially because they just offered a buyout for all CIA employees which is separate from the buyout all other fed employees received.

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    Can we get rid of you, person that said they were happy my mom was dead?

    cry about it mr. I love dead arabs

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    Sounds like a much different field but we're all f***ed the same lol

    I have no interest in leadership like roles anymore unless I move to a state position, which I cant see disappearing (would be like supervising grouphome consumers life plans, kind of). Idk if I'm safe or more screwed being in a privately owned field like this that just gets payouts from Medicaid

    My org is privately owned and provides school and home based mental health services for children and adults. I get to look at these insurance payouts for services and I deadass should be making at least 65k minimum for what I do frfr.

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    And now we get no ceasefire AND millions of Americans everyday conditions get worse. So that makes genocide more palatable to you?

    remember this is your position

    palestinians are gonna die, I can't do s*** about it, thats the way it is, but at least I should get muh american treats (which you won't actually get)

    literal fascism. youre a fascist and youre not better than trumpers at all. people like you will one day be paraded thru gaza in the streets with your genocidal messages to palestinians hung around your neck and people are gonna point and laugh at how worthless you were.

    youre a joke, p****. your life straight up dont matter to me if you think palestinian mass murder is worth "social programs".

  • Synopsis2

    What do you do?

    Well you could stop with the idiocy to start. This has always been the plan

    step1: start the genocide under Dem leadership, “hands are tied” “nothing we can do about it”

    step2: finish the genocide under Repub leadership, keep the blame off the Dems

    step3: Dems still get votes in 2028

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    6 replies

    Domestic issues in the US directly impacts support for Palestine by diverting activist energy, shifting political focus, and drowning out media coverage. When domestic crises like economic struggles, racial injustice fights, or removal of basic rights and government support systems take center stage, activists and the public prioritize immediate survival, making it harder to sustain pressure on Palestine-related issues. Politicians, responding to voter concerns, focus inward, using domestic instability as an excuse to avoid foreign policy debates. Media coverage of Gaza also diminishes, limiting public awareness and mobilization.

    All the white moderates that might support Palestine no longer can when they’re dealing with 100 other issues immediately surrounding them.

  • Banana Clip

    Domestic issues in the US directly impacts support for Palestine by diverting activist energy, shifting political focus, and drowning out media coverage. When domestic crises like economic struggles, racial injustice fights, or removal of basic rights and government support systems take center stage, activists and the public prioritize immediate survival, making it harder to sustain pressure on Palestine-related issues. Politicians, responding to voter concerns, focus inward, using domestic instability as an excuse to avoid foreign policy debates. Media coverage of Gaza also diminishes, limiting public awareness and mobilization.

    All the white moderates that might support Palestine no longer can when they’re dealing with 100 other issues immediately surrounding them.

    Exactly enough with the “I didn’t vote in the best interest BS”