  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    cry about it mr. I love dead arabs

    You are mentally ill

  • Stanley Kiest

    You are mentally ill

    Im one of the only sane people in this thread since yall are saying palestinians are just gonna die so you should've voted for the genocide cop lady anyway

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    yall care about palestinians til palestinians tell you what you should be doing to stop the holocaust, then it's "whoa little lady youre mentally ill!"

    eat s*** loser, yall not slick at all

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    My org is privately owned and provides school and home based mental health services for children and adults. I get to look at these insurance payouts for services and I deadass should be making at least 65k minimum for what I do frfr.

    Ok this sounds somewhat similar, maybe not behavioral?

    Also if you're getting under 75k with an MS in psych and in the private sector id really advocate for you to look into similar fields or better places to work

    edit unless you work under full time (under 25 hours/week), I forget how common that is in psych

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Banana Clip

    Domestic issues in the US directly impacts support for Palestine by diverting activist energy, shifting political focus, and drowning out media coverage. When domestic crises like economic struggles, racial injustice fights, or removal of basic rights and government support systems take center stage, activists and the public prioritize immediate survival, making it harder to sustain pressure on Palestine-related issues. Politicians, responding to voter concerns, focus inward, using domestic instability as an excuse to avoid foreign policy debates. Media coverage of Gaza also diminishes, limiting public awareness and mobilization.

    All the white moderates that might support Palestine no longer can when they’re dealing with 100 other issues immediately surrounding them.

    this is so stupid and there's no precedent for what youre saying. did the brits under Atlee care more about the slaughter of the Bengalis when they got the NHS?

    also this is still reactionary far-right communalism, where American problems are prioritized as "more important".

  • again either the mods clamp down on this garbage or palestinians on this forum aren't gonna feel safe. we will continue to be mocked for being slaughtered, and the conversation will slide back to "well we can't prevent a holocaust sorry, you sand monkies will have to wait til we have a welfare net".

  • Feb 5
    2 replies


  • Wonyoungism


  • Wonyoungism


  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Ok this sounds somewhat similar, maybe not behavioral?

    Also if you're getting under 75k with an MS in psych and in the private sector id really advocate for you to look into similar fields or better places to work

    edit unless you work under full time (under 25 hours/week), I forget how common that is in psych

    My org is behavioral. And yeah...the only reason I took my position is free supervision, it's salaried + benefits, and guaranteed clinical hours towards licensure. Once I get enough hours I'm out.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    My org is behavioral. And yeah...the only reason I took my position is free supervision, it's salaried + benefits, and guaranteed clinical hours towards licensure. Once I get enough hours I'm out.

    oh, s***, okay my bad, youre a student, and the same field almost for certain.

    Yes those in your position deserve so much more. I will never forget the extreme exploitation of arguably the most important position of the entire field. Its so nasty. In my state billing code payouts from medicaid went up, and my company cut the pay of everyone holding that position - not the supervisors, administration team, or anyone else. Still pisses me off and always will, I saw multiple great people just drop out of the field over it. And the company is bringing in many millions of profit a year anyways. I am so glad to hear youre salaried, being hourly as a student was literally hell. And my benefits were stupid expensive.

    You can also lookup insurance payouts state by state. For your position it was around $80/hour in my state. Hell no I was not getting even half that.

    Good luck on hours and the exam - once youre studying feel free to DM me and I can provide some really good pieces of study material if you want (its last edition, I only passed late last year, but not much really changed with the new edition)

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    this is so stupid and there's no precedent for what youre saying. did the brits under Atlee care more about the slaughter of the Bengalis when they got the NHS?

    also this is still reactionary far-right communalism, where American problems are prioritized as "more important".

    you’re misreading my point. I’m not arguing that domestic issues are morally more important than Palestine, I’m pointing out a material reality. When people are struggling with perceived immediate survival (even in privileged imperialist societies), their capacity for sustained activism on international issues decreases. That’s not an endorsement of the genocide, it’s an acknowledgment of reality in how political energy is often redirected.

    Your Atlee comparison isn’t a good one because the British public wasn’t mobilized for Bengal famine relief in the way the US left is for Palestine today. The NHS didn’t “distract” them from activism because they weren’t engaged in that fight to begin with (not to mention 70 years of technological advancements that let us hear about, and be activists for, tragedies in real time). But we do have recent precedents for domestic crises sapping movement energy, BLM’s momentum and pro-Ukraine engagement fell off as U.S. economic and political worries grew.

    Recognizing political constraints isn’t the same as justifying them. If anything, ignoring these dynamics makes movement building harder. The question is how to maintain pressure for Palestine despite these challenges? If you have a better strategy, let’s hear it, because all you appear to do is fight imaginary straw men battles online. S*** at least condomeyes campaigned on the streets during the election.

  • Feb 5
    5 replies

    Some of the same ppl who laughed when Harris lost, celebrated the Trump ceasefire, said that Trump will be better on Gaza, and claimed "both sides are the same" have now moved on to a new gimmick

  • Tragic

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    oh, s***, okay my bad, youre a student, and the same field almost for certain.

    Yes those in your position deserve so much more. I will never forget the extreme exploitation of arguably the most important position of the entire field. Its so nasty. In my state billing code payouts from medicaid went up, and my company cut the pay of everyone holding that position - not the supervisors, administration team, or anyone else. Still pisses me off and always will, I saw multiple great people just drop out of the field over it. And the company is bringing in many millions of profit a year anyways. I am so glad to hear youre salaried, being hourly as a student was literally hell. And my benefits were stupid expensive.

    You can also lookup insurance payouts state by state. For your position it was around $80/hour in my state. Hell no I was not getting even half that.

    Good luck on hours and the exam - once youre studying feel free to DM me and I can provide some really good pieces of study material if you want (its last edition, I only passed late last year, but not much really changed with the new edition)

    Word. Not a student though. Plus I we might not be testing for the same thing even though it might be similar, lol. I'm trying to get my LCSW.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Some of the same ppl who laughed when Harris lost, celebrated the Trump ceasefire, said that Trump will be better on Gaza, and claimed "both sides are the same" have now moved on to a new gimmick

    do you remember which users and what the new gimmick is?

    or are you operating off feels and vibes

  • Good golly Miss molly

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    yall care about palestinians til palestinians tell you what you should be doing to stop the holocaust, then it's "whoa little lady youre mentally ill!"

    eat s*** loser, yall not slick at all

    Kamala lost. Is the genocide over?

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Trump hotel in Gaza is gonna be the dems' fault too

  • Feb 5

    ^wishing unlimited genocide to own lefties

  • Feb 5
    2 replies
    Banana Clip

    Domestic issues in the US directly impacts support for Palestine by diverting activist energy, shifting political focus, and drowning out media coverage. When domestic crises like economic struggles, racial injustice fights, or removal of basic rights and government support systems take center stage, activists and the public prioritize immediate survival, making it harder to sustain pressure on Palestine-related issues. Politicians, responding to voter concerns, focus inward, using domestic instability as an excuse to avoid foreign policy debates. Media coverage of Gaza also diminishes, limiting public awareness and mobilization.

    All the white moderates that might support Palestine no longer can when they’re dealing with 100 other issues immediately surrounding them.

    keep deepthroating the Democratic party lol f***ing dumbass

    media coverage of Gaza under Biden was undeniably pro-genocide the entire time

    no politician felt pressure on Palestine-related issues

    media coverage suddenly turned to “oh no, genocide!” when Trump’s doing it because it can’t be bad if Biden’s doing it

  • Feb 5

    keep deepthroating the Democratic party lol f***ing dumbass

    media coverage of Gaza under Biden was undeniably pro-genocide the entire time

    no politician felt pressure on Palestine-related issues

    media coverage suddenly turned to “oh no, genocide!” when Trump’s doing it because it can’t be bad if Biden’s doing it

    libnesia hittin like a mother already

  • JaeRell

    Word. Not a student though. Plus I we might not be testing for the same thing even though it might be similar, lol. I'm trying to get my LCSW.

    Ah, I just keep getting it wrong lmao.

    Social workers rule, I've had multiple co-workers that came from that field. The materials I hoarded would be useless for your testing lol.

    good luck

  • libs are always like “look at what the Republicans are taking away!” then present us with candidates who promise not to reverse any damage the Republicans did during their time in office

  • vayla

    Some of the same ppl who laughed when Harris lost, celebrated the Trump ceasefire, said that Trump will be better on Gaza, and claimed "both sides are the same" have now moved on to a new gimmick

    Idk who you're pointing out? You're making up like a specific made up character of multiple posts from 6 months of this section

    People laughed at Harris losing because it was obvious. Yea some people celebrated a ceasefire happening, but 99% of people knew the reality of it. Yeah some people like Trump or are more optimistic about him. But literally Biden didn't stop funding Israel for his entire presidency