Nice user!
Edit: misspelled nice
bro resorting to slurs because he lost. cmon bro, run through em.
bro resorting to slurs because he lost. cmon bro, run through em.
I’m good but I’m glad I got your permission.
Nice user!
Edit: misspelled nice
Chill bro you don't need to treat fire with fire
I’m good but I’m glad I got your permission.
you sure? bet it felt good to call a woman a w**** though, you really are a real progressive and I bet you love palestinians 🥺
I just laugh at them doing this mental psycho s*** itt
Just edited the post I gotta be better than Snowboy.
you sure? bet it felt good to call a woman a w**** though, you really are a real progressive and I bet you love palestinians 🥺
I called you a nice user? And I do! Hopefully you don’t go accusing me of how I actually feel about things just like you put quotations around something Pedro never actually said.
I called you a nice user? And I do! Hopefully you don’t go accusing me of how I actually feel about things just like you put quotations around something Pedro never actually said.
mods can see edits bro and you already been reported, issa wrap
I explained how domestic issues take away from pro-Palestinian movements and you had no reply.
Personally how am I supposed to participate in ICE protests which personally affect me and my community when the pro-Palestine protests occur simultaneously. In an ideal world I would be in both but I don’t have the energy or time to fight all the injustices of the world.
The issue is that Trump causes more reasons to protest and these take political energy away from pro-Palestine movements
nationalism & patriotism are bad, actually
American lives are not worth more than Palestinian lives
mods can see edits bro and you already been reported, issa wrap
Oh trust me ik you already reported me lol
Oh trust me ik you already reported me lol
"heh, you reported me for using a sexist slur? "
embarassing stuff
"heh, you reported me for using a sexist slur? "
embarassing stuff
You said you’re happy Pedro’s mom died
Do I agree with everything Pedro said? No
But you said just as much s*** back and said you’re happy his mom died. @Snowboy sometimes you gotta step back and realize you’re also in the wrong
sure isn't valid to be smug about the death of 400000 people
i didnt take it as smug but to each their own none of this is anything to be happy about
Do I agree with everything Pedro said? No
But you said just as much s*** back and said you’re happy his mom died. @Snowboy sometimes you gotta step back and realize you’re also in the wrong
you need to step back so you can see the size of this d*** and then suck it, p****
you dont deserve to be alive and id trade your life for any palestinian child in a heartbeat
Not about his mom but this is a weird post for sure
cry about it mr. I love dead arabs
And you certainly didn’t deny saying it here when he brought it up
i didnt take it as smug but to each their own none of this is anything to be happy about