Snowboy controls the system of oppression on KTT through the unmitigated power of DMing mods for backup!
my shayla
S***s crazy.
Snowboy could be a perfect tabloid writer.
why do you think you know what palestinians need more than palestinians? can you just sincerely answer this question? what makes you the expert?
Snowboy controls the system of oppression on KTT through the unmitigated power of DMing mods for backup!
embarassing stuff
highkey tbh
aight man lets keep it civil..
Snowboy controls the system of oppression on KTT through the unmitigated power of DMing mods for backup!
have you ever tried to step on a banana peel to see what would happen?
Well don’t tell me to suck something that doesn’t exist dumbass
And if I am are you gonna call me gay slurs? I thought you were against slurs.
Dude you’re so stupid.
It’s entertaining though.
have you ever tried to step on a banana peel to see what would happen?
Calls for violence on me are crazy
Whatever ghosting says I ride
that makes jokes about hitting women ok I guess
breh you be in carti thread stanning hard as hell every chance you get knowing full well he got multiple abuse cases including choking out his pregnant girlfriend get a grip
banana clip might actually be the most right-wing user on the site, bro openly advocates for imperialist NGOs caught funneling weapons to jihadists and latin american contras and will argue with a straight face that the welfare of the entire universe relies on keeping fat white amerifans well fed. terrifying fascistic stuff.
why do you think you know what palestinians need more than palestinians? can you just sincerely answer this question? what makes you the expert?
What are you talking about I’ve literally just been in here saying you should also be banned for misquoting the absolute f*** out of people if Pedro was also banned. You’re just as guilty of saying lame s*** as he supposedly is.
Yes I’m gonna not take you seriously when you misquote and put words in peoples mouths every other post. Why would I waste my energy trying to be serious with a lying f*** like you
let him cook wtf..
banana clip might actually be the most right-wing user on the site, bro openly advocates for imperialist NGOs caught funneling weapons to jihadists and latin american contras and will argue with a straight face that the welfare of the entire universe relies on keeping fat white amerifans well fed. terrifying fascistic stuff.
token limit just reset
let him cook wtf..
no can do i woke up a hater this morning