  • afterimage

    Bernie is such a dork lmao

    But whats wrong bout this tho?

  • Pusha P

    Been saying this. Companies are about to get free reign to do whatever they want

    Also Louis Rossman is a real one even though he seems like an annoying know-it-all.

    He just has Asperger

  • PlasticBananas

    Pretty soon this post will be grounds for you being sent straight to Guantanamo. But, go off sis.


  • Feb 15
    3 replies

    Trump officials fired staff that they didn’t realize oversaw the nukes.

  • CrimsonArk

    Trump officials fired staff that they didn’t realize oversaw the nukes.

    Black Market going on a run

  • Feb 15

    Trump officials fired staff that they didn’t realize oversaw the nukes.

    Incompetence and evil in this administration are indistinguishable

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    Trump officials fired staff that they didn’t realize oversaw the nukes.

    I won't be surprised when, through the sheer incompetence of our admin, some type of adversary or procedural oversight will cause some warhead to get launched on some random country by accident, and then WW3 starts.

  • Feb 15
    Pusha P

    I won't be surprised when, through the sheer incompetence of our admin, some type of adversary or procedural oversight will cause some warhead to get launched on some random country by accident, and then WW3 starts.

    Where’s the Illuminati when you need them?

  • afterimage

    Bernie is such a dork lmao

    This has been posted with that stupid ass title all over Reddit and now all over the internet

    There's videos of him freaking out, this is not him freaking out. He's calmly stating the same thing he's stated daily to reporters for months. No idea how you can watch the video and call it dorky, he's echoing a lot of peoples opinions in a clear way.

    Stupid ass click bait, crazy how that spreads

  • Feb 15
    6 replies

    What is bro up to

  • Feb 15

    What is bro up to

  • Project

    What is bro up to

    He who sells out his allies and his country is a c***

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    The nuclear staff they fired was rehired

  • Feb 15
    2 replies

    What is bro up to

    He keeps saying he's gonna save the country but I've yet to see anything that's actually affecting our lives happen.

    All it's been so far is performative bs for his Idiocracy base that further divides the country, and pissing off allies. None of what he's done has actually improved the lives of Americans or is even setting in motion that idea.

    If he actually wanted to improve our lives he would do something about the cost of living, but notice how that topic hasn't even come up at all since he became president

  • Pusha P

    The nuclear staff they fired was rehired

    Twitter all over again

  • Feb 15

    Bernie is such a dork lmao

    Kinda sad to see him going out like that. I feel like he ain’t gonna survive this term. Good lesson on why social democracy is ultimately impotent against any stronger political currents

  • afterimage

    Bernie is such a dork lmao

    How 'good or better' could've been as a president compared to trump or kamala ?

  • Feb 15
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Alot of the military is maga. They are gonna f*** Canada right in its ass.

    Not a good thing. But the outcome. If push came to Shove.

    Ground soldiers maybe, but even the guys at the top?

  • Feb 16
    Pusha P

    He keeps saying he's gonna save the country but I've yet to see anything that's actually affecting our lives happen.

    All it's been so far is performative bs for his Idiocracy base that further divides the country, and pissing off allies. None of what he's done has actually improved the lives of Americans or is even setting in motion that idea.

    If he actually wanted to improve our lives he would do something about the cost of living, but notice how that topic hasn't even come up at all since he became president

    He declared the interest rates to go down

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    America fam what is this guy gonna do if the trade war keeps escalating with Canada?

    I wanna believe the military would refuse to invade us if he told them to

    Gonna be so pissed if they invade mackinaw island

  • Fever

    Gonna be so pissed if they invade mackinaw island

    I'm on the other side of the continent lol and will be retreating back to the bush that I came from luckily my crazy mountain woman mom still living off the grid and has 80 acres on the side of a remote mountain

  • OnceAgain

    Ground soldiers maybe, but even the guys at the top?

    You'd be surprised.

    Quite alot of our top guys are Republicans.

    And Republicans have folded into maga.

    The entire country is bending a knee to this guy. One general won't make a difference.

    Hell he recently actually dishonored one of the generals who stood up to him before. Stripped him of his security clearance and took his portrait off the walls just because he called it like he saw it.

  • Feb 16
    1 reply

    What is bro up to

    Quoting napoleon before he f***s us

  • Pusha P

    He keeps saying he's gonna save the country but I've yet to see anything that's actually affecting our lives happen.

    All it's been so far is performative bs for his Idiocracy base that further divides the country, and pissing off allies. None of what he's done has actually improved the lives of Americans or is even setting in motion that idea.

    If he actually wanted to improve our lives he would do something about the cost of living, but notice how that topic hasn't even come up at all since he became president

    He's not going to do anything like that.

    He is going to f*** up our economy though.

    He is affecting our lives, just not for the better.

  • Bo Ceephus

    Quoting napoleon before he f***s us

    Mans not even 1% of what Napoleon was