  • Updated Feb 4

    Great reviews so far

  • Jan 17, 2023
    3 replies

    Isn’t the creator a white supremacist or something

    I forget

  • Jan 17, 2023

    gonna cop when it’s on sale again

    not sure if i wanna do pc or console though

  • Jan 17, 2023
    1 reply

    Isn’t the creator a white supremacist or something

    I forget


  • Jan 17, 2023

    Always seemed kinda boring to me ngl

  • Jan 17, 2023
    1 reply

    Isn’t the creator a white supremacist or something

    I forget

    S***. It makes sense. The guy you play as sucks ass at everything. Can't even f***ing read.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 17, 2023

    Wasn't this free on ps+

    I downloaded it but never played it then uninstalled it to make room for other s***. Remember reading it was kinda buggy.

  • Jan 17, 2023
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    S***. It makes sense. The guy you play as sucks ass at everything. Can't even f***ing read.

    it's realistic lmao barely anyone could read at the peasant level back then. Pretty cool there's a quest where you can learn to read

    It's a solid game and the sense of progression is really good cuz you will get slapped by 1-2 bandits at first but eventually you become a god in impenetrable armor.

    Picking flowers is OP lmao you can sell them for money, make potions to sell, and all the squatting up and down builds your strength and gains exp

  • Jan 17, 2023
    1 reply
    Banana Clip

    it's realistic lmao barely anyone could read at the peasant level back then. Pretty cool there's a quest where you can learn to read

    It's a solid game and the sense of progression is really good cuz you will get slapped by 1-2 bandits at first but eventually you become a god in impenetrable armor.

    Picking flowers is OP lmao you can sell them for money, make potions to sell, and all the squatting up and down builds your strength and gains exp

    Do you ever get to the point where you can actually take 2 or 3 people without it being instant suicide
    I've been playing for like 8 hours and I can really just kind of do 1 on 1's.
    I just feel like progression is real slow

  • Jan 17, 2023
    1 reply


    The studios creator is a mega Trump supporter

  • Jan 17, 2023

    The studios creator is a mega Trump supporter

    oh wow

  • Jan 17, 2023
    Bo Ceephus

    Do you ever get to the point where you can actually take 2 or 3 people without it being instant suicide
    I've been playing for like 8 hours and I can really just kind of do 1 on 1's.
    I just feel like progression is real slow

    Yes absolutely. Once you get full plated armor and some good perks and skills you can take on more enemies, but this is definitely the type of game where you're always at risk. 8 hours is not much, like I said it takes a WHILE before you become a beast, but it does feel satisfying getting to that point. Once you have full armor, enemies with swords are pretty beatable and if they have a blunt weapon you should be using a shield. Until you level up and get better armor/skills though it's better to either avoid combat and run away, or find ways to eliminate them one by one.

    Maces are OP, I remember using mace and full armor with some kind of headshot perk and basically just spamming overhead attacks to bash them.

    Alchemy and potions can really help too, and make sure you've practiced a lot with the bernard knight guy to get really good at counterattacks/master strikes.

  • Jan 17, 2023


  • Jan 19, 2023

    Having a hard time in combat. Had to fight 3 people.

    Took me like 6 tries.

  • Jan 19, 2023
    1 reply
    Banana Clip

    it's realistic lmao barely anyone could read at the peasant level back then. Pretty cool there's a quest where you can learn to read

    It's a solid game and the sense of progression is really good cuz you will get slapped by 1-2 bandits at first but eventually you become a god in impenetrable armor.

    Picking flowers is OP lmao you can sell them for money, make potions to sell, and all the squatting up and down builds your strength and gains exp

    I've picked like 20 flowers and it hasn't done s*** to strength lol

  • Jan 19, 2023

    This game is difficult. Not like dark souls difficult. It just takes a while to not suck at every single thing. I don't think I'll ever be good at archery

  • Jan 19, 2023
    Bo Ceephus

    I've picked like 20 flowers and it hasn't done s*** to strength lol

    Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve played. One of the first herbalism perks you can get is “Leg Day” which then allows you to gain strength by picking flowers. I remember there’s a good amount of flowers right by the bath house. So you pick flowers until you can unlock the perk then you’ll gain exp for strength every time you pick flowers. Mind you it’s not a massive amount but it’s still very good and as your herbalism skill increases the range of your flower collecting grows so you’ll pick more flowers around you in a single animation. You can then just sell your s*** loads of flowers to the herbalist dude in town.

    Also shooting arrows is insanely difficult in the game. It doesn’t give you a cursor to know where you’re aiming so you just have to get your own feel for shooting, but also you start out shooting arrows like a bum so it’s hard to hit anything. Eventually as you hit things your skill in it goes up which then makes it easier to hit things but yeah no cursor marker makes it a b****

  • Jan 19, 2023

    I got a fancy hat now.

    As far as I know I'm about halfway through the game and still suck at everything except one on one (and even then, it's rough but I win).

  • Jan 19, 2023

    Side quests are okay.

  • Jan 19, 2023
    1 reply

    $7 on steam should i cop @op

  • Jan 20, 2023
    2 replies

    $7 on steam should i cop @op

    This is a hard game for me to recommend. But if you like immersive RPG's and don't mind a grind 7 dollars is a good price.

    Be forewarned combat is very different and your character is unbelievably ass at everything until he's worked at it forever.

    I'm surprised he didn't rip his a****** open because I didn't train him to sit for four hours.

  • Jan 20, 2023
    Bo Ceephus

    This is a hard game for me to recommend. But if you like immersive RPG's and don't mind a grind 7 dollars is a good price.

    Be forewarned combat is very different and your character is unbelievably ass at everything until he's worked at it forever.

    I'm surprised he didn't rip his a****** open because I didn't train him to sit for four hours.

    Oh god just sounds like another Morrowind

  • Jan 20, 2023

    downloaded this on the ps5 earlier cause of this thread. game looks amazing lowkey i’m surprised i’ve never really seen it like that

  • Jan 20, 2023
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    This is a hard game for me to recommend. But if you like immersive RPG's and don't mind a grind 7 dollars is a good price.

    Be forewarned combat is very different and your character is unbelievably ass at everything until he's worked at it forever.

    I'm surprised he didn't rip his a****** open because I didn't train him to sit for four hours.

    ngl kinda forgot you can refund on steam might try and and if i don’t like i’ll refund

    but ya i’ve seen people say it’s very hard but super good

  • Jan 20, 2023
    1 reply

    ngl kinda forgot you can refund on steam might try and and if i don’t like i’ll refund

    but ya i’ve seen people say it’s very hard but super good

    I think it's just now getting good. I'm about halfway into the main quest line.

    The story isn't bad, you're just really held back so when you're forced into combat it's literally better to run away every chance you get

    You eventually learn how to properly fight but even then the next two instances in the story that involve combat make you fight more than one so it renders that training almost pointless because it's damn near suicide

    Go Get your speech to 9 by the "my friend Timmy" Quest. Because you're forced into combat with 6 people and you will not win that
