I downloaded this s*** on Gamepass a few years ago and I said man what the f*** is this
I downloaded it on PS+ extra the other night and imma give it another shot
I think it's just now getting good. I'm about halfway into the main quest line.
The story isn't bad, you're just really held back so when you're forced into combat it's literally better to run away every chance you get
You eventually learn how to properly fight but even then the next two instances in the story that involve combat make you fight more than one so it renders that training almost pointless because it's damn near suicide
Go Get your speech to 9 by the "my friend Timmy" Quest. Because you're forced into combat with 6 people and you will not win that
You better have done absolutely every bit of training with Bernard
You better have done absolutely every bit of training with Bernard
I finally went back and did it. As much as I could. Learned master strikes (still don't have them fully down)
But it's world's apart from how I used to fight.
I finally am in a good spot.
I legitimately struggled for the first 26 hours of my playtime and only recently got good after I got plate armor, learned the combat and got the skills up, and started stealing like a mf to make money.
F***ing love the game now, Ive just never had a game hold me down that much before I got through.
Great game. F*** yeah. My only complaint is I'm like 6 quests away from the end and I'm just now good
Oh man here we go
Hey, Henry’s come to see us! Jesus Christ be praised.
I never got around to doing the DLC. I hope they streamlined some things in the sequel
IGN leaked the trailer
Coming this year
Henry’s back?!!? Surprised it’s not a new character
i’ve heard the first game is cool but seen people say play it with mods to make it not so annoying is that true ?
i’ve heard the first game is cool but seen people say play it with mods to make it not so annoying is that true ?
Can be pretty janky and mods can give some QOL or address some other issues it has
Since originally on launch it was a buggy mess with tons of issues, but slowly got fixed up. Still has it's problems though.
Oh s***. I hope he doesn't forget how to read
Oh s***. I hope he doesn't forget how to read
That’s what I’m confused about. Half of the appeal of the first game was getting Henry better learned and experienced in different things, so are they just gonna reset him or have they added so much new stuff that he can start with all the stuff known from game 1?
Trailer looks pretty good - pretty excited
full gameplay tomorrow
first game was so good I can’t wait to see how they’ve improved on things