more info dropping since the jp site got updated
an update before remind actually drops
I can’t share the post rn but they just revealed dual wielding is back!! Check the kh twitter!!
It’s called “double form” and gives you both oathkeeper and oblivion
S*** you beat me to it
I’m so happy rn!!
you guys replaying the full game or just going to do the dlc? I haven't replayed since I first beat it last year...
you guys replaying the full game or just going to do the dlc? I haven't replayed since I first beat it last year...
Absolutely 0 desire to replay this game cant wait for dlc tho :pog:
you guys replaying the full game or just going to do the dlc? I haven't replayed since I first beat it last year...
Already replayed the game on Critical, challenging but fun. So got both of the certificates and going straight to ReMind.
Then replay the whole thing but on Proud to relax lol might mess around with the premium menu though.
you guys replaying the full game or just going to do the dlc? I haven't replayed since I first beat it last year...
yeah i am cause im still halfway thru my original replay 😅
I’m going to have to play Remind on my critical save file. I don’t have both proofs on my initial save. I’m guessing a new game plus is required in order to acquire Oathkeeper and Oblivion on a lower difficulty?
I would kind of like to learn the patterns and openings of the super bosses before jumping straight to critical, but oh well. I need both those keyblades. My load out will probably be Ultima, Oblivion, and Kingdom Key.