My ranking:
The Prestige
Batman Begins
Dunkirk a masterpiece. Only lames hate on it. Stick to pleb s*** like 1917
I’m surprised people like inception so much but hate tenet so much. Inception is more understandable on a first watch (and slightly more interesting storyline) but it has a lot of the same issues tenet does
very overrated. Apart from having cool and novel concepts that you enjoy on the first watch his films as a whole leave a lot to be desired.
1. Dunkirk
2. Prestige
3. Inception
4. Interstellar
Won't bother to rank the rest
My ranking:
The Prestige
Batman Begins
Dunkirk a masterpiece. Only lames hate on it. Stick to pleb s*** like 1917
1917 was good tho
I’m surprised people like inception so much but hate tenet so much. Inception is more understandable on a first watch (and slightly more interesting storyline) but it has a lot of the same issues tenet does
nah cobb is probably one of nolan’s most humanistic characters, you really fall for him and want him to get home, protag is a bland son of a b****
inception has a better score, concept & audio mixing lmao
memento & prestige are some of his best (lowesr budget) movies that focus on writing rather than theatrics, that’s where he shines best
his best movie hands down is Dunkirk.
i do want him to not be such a baby when it comes to actively showing violence and for his gunshots/sparks effects to be FREAKING TIMED RIGHT.
tenet gets too much hate on here and not enough of it is directed at tdkr just based on his filmography. its clearly bottom tier.
prestige is fantastic.
his style is appealing and hes still doing interesting work. should be
appreciated more.
obviously some questionable writing choices here and there.
Was it really tho
Sucks too cuz the reality now is that Deakins will likely never link up with good filmmakers again because deakins will 100% reject any streaming company since they have camera mandates which he hates and likewise, most of the studios deakins wants to work with probably wouldn’t green light Coens or Denis or whoever if it’s not also a streaming release.
Trash ass Mendes x Deakins gonna be a sad reality for years to come
My ranking:
The Prestige
Batman Begins
Dunkirk a masterpiece. Only lames hate on it. Stick to pleb s*** like 1917
Tenet and Interstellar over Inception.....cmon
Tenet and Interstellar over Inception.....cmon
Interstellar one of my favorite films oat
Inception is really good but the cinematography was always a little dry to me compared to Tenet and Tenets editing and filmmaking is a lot more ambitious and experimental. I will say Inception got a better emotional core but overall I prefer Tenet by a little. Both films also mostly have the same flaws but Tenet feels more self aware than Inception did.
Also whats with the Insomnia hate,aside from the dookie third act it was a pretty decent movie.
And that film club chat was popping
Kinda overrated especially the Batman films, but I rewatched Interstellar a few days ago after 7 years and that movie is absolutely amazing.