only ye can beat ye
im the only thing im afraid of
Whos gonna win ye or ye
@Prez u better play enough 808s songs
He only needs heartless
Welcome to heartbreak
Love lockdown
We could’ve really done first 10 years of his career as “old ye”
And next 9 years as “new”
U got the @ list?
He only needs heartless
Welcome to heartbreak
Love lockdown
And all the other ones
this vz is broken from the start, if the new ye guy plays his cards right it should be a very easy win
Welcome to heartbreak isn't even one of the best songs on that album
Playing thst but not paranoid is a sin
this vz is broken from the start, if the new ye guy plays his cards right it should be a very easy win
why it is broken lmao
why it is broken lmao
MBDTF was 13 years ago how is that new ye
MBDTF was 13 years ago how is that new ye
Mbdtf being new Kanye didn't make sense to me either
MBDTF was 13 years ago how is that new ye
No one think its new ye
It was only so the vz could be more fair instead of a wash