the sonics didnt crack 100, but I get it, that album rules
man this was my first disappointment. F***ing incredible album
Points: 200.5
Voters: rise zero (17), Bizzle (32), Galaxy (32), Fidelio (42), lucid (57), Elric (60), Lordie (68), Aruji (68)
Points: 200.5
Voters: @branmalt (3), suzuki (22), LuJo (30), drjdeponytail (37)
Points: 204.5
Voters: @RVI (12), arel (17), @lucid (18), VeryBased (44), Aruji (60)
Points: 205
Voters: @arel (6), @rise_zero (8), Galaxy (37), Aruji (51)
Points: 205
Voters: @Bourbon_Ben (5), @Koala (11), drjdeponytail (31), Einfinet (53)
Points: 205.5
Voters: rise zero (21), Lordie (22), Bizzle (39), Galaxy (40), Einfinet (40), Jerry Seinfeld (44), lucid (48)
Points: 207
Voters: branmalt (18), drjdeponytail (20), pneumonia (23), Lordie (29), lucid (51), RVI (65)
Points: 212
Voters: Galaxy (26), Elric (27), RASIE (32), Noir (34), Lordie (39), lucid (46), Einfinet (59), RVI (63)
Points: 213.5
Voters: branmalt (4), Elric (24), Noir (26), RVI (37), lucid (59)
Points: 214
Voters: @Aruji (7), @RASIE (12), Galaxy (36), RVI (40), pneumonia (50)
that john lee hooker is so incredible. Peak blues would recommend to anyone
Points: 216.5
Voters: @Elric (1), rise zero (6), Lordie (40)
direct your questions as to why a 70s album made this list to @ElricPoints: 219
Voters: @Riffwanker (9), Jerry Seinfeld (21), LuJo (25), branmalt (26), lucid (37)
Points: 230
Voters: @RASIE (8), @Aruji (9), Galaxy (13), Noir (45)
Points: 233
Voters: Elric (9), Fidelio (23), drjdeponytail (26), suzuki (34), LuJo (36), Lordie (37)
Points: 235
Voters: @drjdeponytail (9), rise zero (18), RASIE (26), Galaxy (29), Aruji (41), Lordie (56)
Points: 236
Voters: @Bourbon_Ben (4), lucid (14), Noir (37), LuJo (40), RVI (54), Fidelio (63)
Points: 237
Voters: rise zero (14), Lordie (15), arel (25), Jerry Seinfeld (29), BourbonBen (37), suzuki (41)
Points: 238
Voters: branmalt (22), woof (27), RASIE (29), Aruji (29), Lordie (38), Galaxy (41), Jerry Seinfeld (45), LuJo (53)
Points: 240
Voters: @Bizzle (6), BourbonBen (7), lucid (40), Lordie (48), Elric (61), RVI (69)
Points: 261.5
Voters: @RVI (5), Einfinet (17), suzuki (31), Galaxy (33), Elric (42), Aruji (53), LuJo (60)
townes s/t way too f***ing low wtf. Perfect country album, probably the best studio country album ever
Points: 216.5
Voters: @Elric (1), rise zero (6), Lordie (40)
direct your questions as to why a 70s album made this list to @ElricPoints: 219
Voters: @Riffwanker (9), Jerry Seinfeld (21), LuJo (25), branmalt (26), lucid (37)
Points: 230
Voters: @RASIE (8), @Aruji (9), Galaxy (13), Noir (45)
Points: 233
Voters: Elric (9), Fidelio (23), drjdeponytail (26), suzuki (34), LuJo (36), Lordie (37)
Points: 235
Voters: @drjdeponytail (9), rise zero (18), RASIE (26), Galaxy (29), Aruji (41), Lordie (56)
Points: 236
Voters: @Bourbon_Ben (4), lucid (14), Noir (37), LuJo (40), RVI (54), Fidelio (63)
Points: 237
Voters: rise zero (14), Lordie (15), arel (25), Jerry Seinfeld (29), BourbonBen (37), suzuki (41)
Points: 238
Voters: branmalt (22), woof (27), RASIE (29), Aruji (29), Lordie (38), Galaxy (41), Jerry Seinfeld (45), LuJo (53)
Points: 240
Voters: @Bizzle (6), BourbonBen (7), lucid (40), Lordie (48), Elric (61), RVI (69)
Points: 261.5
Voters: @RVI (5), Einfinet (17), suzuki (31), Galaxy (33), Elric (42), Aruji (53), LuJo (60)
Elvis made it
Points: 216.5
Voters: @Elric (1), rise zero (6), Lordie (40)
direct your questions as to why a 70s album made this list to @ElricPoints: 219
Voters: @Riffwanker (9), Jerry Seinfeld (21), LuJo (25), branmalt (26), lucid (37)
Points: 230
Voters: @RASIE (8), @Aruji (9), Galaxy (13), Noir (45)
Points: 233
Voters: Elric (9), Fidelio (23), drjdeponytail (26), suzuki (34), LuJo (36), Lordie (37)
Points: 235
Voters: @drjdeponytail (9), rise zero (18), RASIE (26), Galaxy (29), Aruji (41), Lordie (56)
Points: 236
Voters: @Bourbon_Ben (4), lucid (14), Noir (37), LuJo (40), RVI (54), Fidelio (63)
Points: 237
Voters: rise zero (14), Lordie (15), arel (25), Jerry Seinfeld (29), BourbonBen (37), suzuki (41)
Points: 238
Voters: branmalt (22), woof (27), RASIE (29), Aruji (29), Lordie (38), Galaxy (41), Jerry Seinfeld (45), LuJo (53)
Points: 240
Voters: @Bizzle (6), BourbonBen (7), lucid (40), Lordie (48), Elric (61), RVI (69)
Points: 261.5
Voters: @RVI (5), Einfinet (17), suzuki (31), Galaxy (33), Elric (42), Aruji (53), LuJo (60)
Basement Tapes made it thanks pal
Points: 333.5
Voters: @Noir (1), Bizzle (18), RVI (35), pneumonia (39), VeryBased (41), Fidelio (45), Lordie (47), BourbonBen (49), Galaxy (49), Aruji (66)
Points: 339
Voters: @Riffwanker (6), @drjdeponytail (6), branmalt (7), Bizzle (23), Koala (28), Aruji (69)
Points: 341.5
Voters: Lordie (10), Elric (12), Einfinet (16), LuJo (22), Bizzle (25), riffwanker (27), Jerry Seinfeld (43), RVI (67)
Points: 345.5
Voters: @twinkletoez (6), @woof (8), suzuki (17), branmalt (20), lucid (35), LuJo (46), Galaxy (50), Elric (56)
Points: 360.5
Voters: @Very_Based (7), Lordie (11), Bizzle (15), Fidelio (26), Noir (38), , RASIE (40), Koala (40)LuJo (41), Einfinet (43)
Points: 360.5
Voters: @LuJo (2), lucid (13), RASIE (19), Galaxy (25), woof (26), pneumonia (32), RVI (44), Aruji (49)
Points: 365.5
Voters: @pneumonia (1), Lordie (13), Aruji (16), VeryBased (23), Fidelio (32), drjdeponytail (34), Galaxy (42), lucid (55)
Points: 380
Voters: @Bourbon_Ben (1), @arel (1), Einfinet (9), pneumonia (13), LuJo (55), Lordie (70)
Points: 382
Voters: Koala (5), Fidelio (6), Noir (9), branmalt (9), riffwanker (11)
Points: 385
Voters: Lordie (7), pneumonia (8), suzuki (14), RVI (18), Elric (25), drjdeponytail (33), Bizzle (35), BourbonBen (41)
pastel blues being this low is
townes s/t way too f***ing low wtf. Perfect country album, probably the best studio country album ever
Remind me to get on that when I move on to 1969 in a few months
Remind me to get on that when I move on to 1969 in a few months
incredible record. Its not his 60s output, but once u get there in a few years lol check out his live album live at the houston quarter. Its just breathtaking and lets the songwriting shine through unlike any of his studio stuff.
Points: 660.5
Voters: @Bourbon_Ben (3), @Riffwanker (3), @Jerry_Seinfeld Seinfeld (6), Koala (8), rise zero (9), LuJo (24), arel (28), lucid (29), Lordie (34), drjdeponytail (35), Fidelio (44), suzuki (44), Galaxy (47)
Points: 664.5
Voters: @drjdeponytail (5), @twinkletoez (8), rise zero (11), Jerry Seinfeld (16), Noir (18), VeryBased (21), lucid (22), arel (26), RVI (28), BourbonBen (30), Elric (31), LuJo (33), pneumonia (35), Aruji (39), woof (45)
Points: 677
Voters: @LuJo (1), Aruji (11), Fidelio (20), Koala (20), Galaxy (21), RASIE (21), pneumonia (22), VeryBased (25), BourbonBen (26), Einfinet (29), Bizzle (30), Jerry Seinfeld (32), Noir (32), Lordie (35), suzuki (40), Elric (53)
Points: 724.5
Voters: @pneumonia (2), @Einfinet (4), Elric (6), RVI (9), LuJo (13), lucid (15), Jerry Seinfeld (17), Koala (19), branmalt (21), Bizzle (29), Lordie (32), Fidelio (36), BourbonBen (50)
Points: 751
Voters: Koala (12), BourbonBen (12), drjdeponytail (13), Jerry Seinfeld (14), RASIE (15), branmalt (17), riffwanker (19), woof (20), pneumonia (24), Lordie (27), rise zero (28), LuJo (32), lucid (34), Galaxy (35), suzuki (39), Elric (44), Einfinet (52), Aruji (50), RVI (53)
folsom such a classic, super glad i got it on vinyl.
im still unsure why ppl put village green as the best kinks album. I ust dont f***ing get it
Points: 1071
Voters: Bizzle (2), drjdeponytail (2), Noir (5), branmalt (5), Jerry Seinfeld (7), LuJo (8), Elric (8), riffwanker (10), VeryBased (13), Koala (15), Galaxy (16), rise zero (16), Aruji (18), lucid (20), BourbonBen (24), RVI (36)
Points: 1077.5
Voters: @Aruji (1), @Koala (1), @Very_Based (1), LuJo (4), Galaxy (5), woof (7), rise zero (7), Jerry Seinfeld (8), RVI (15), Lordie (19), Noir (20), Pneumonia (20), arel (22), Fidelio (29), lucid (32), BourbonBen (32)
Points: 1095
Voters: @HeyFella (1), @twinkletoez (2), @Noir (2), drjdeponytail (3), pneumonia (4), RVI (4), Bizzle (7), suzuki (8), arel (15), Einfinet (23), Jerry Seinfeld (27), Elric (29), woof (32), rise zero (35), RASIE (37), LuJo (38), BourbonBen (40), lucid (44), Aruji (63)
Points: 1174.5
Voters: @lucid (1), @woof (1), @RASIE (1), @Jerry Seinfeld (2), Galaxy (3), suzuki (5), LuJo (7), Aruji (8), Bizzle (13), RVI (16), Elric (18), riffwanker (21), branmalt (24), VeryBased (29), rise zero (32), Noir (33), arel (39), Fidelio (54), Lordie (60)
Points: 1506
Voters: Galaxy (2), Fidelio (3), Bizzle (3), pneumonia (3), VeryBased (3), Aruji (4), Lordie (4), RASIE (5), suzuki (6), woof (6), RVI (7), arel (11), Elric (11), Einfinet (12), Jerry Seinfeld (12), LuJo (15), Koala (16), BourbonBen (18), lucid (25), rise zero (31)
had to be velvet who won, just cant see how it wouldnt be with this crowd of voters. Im happy with the top 5. s/o @Galaxy for all the time and effort, this s*** a blast to me.
f*** yeah alice in chains. Dirt deserves all the praise
im still unsure why ppl put village green as the best kinks album. I ust dont f***ing get it
Definitely their most consistent and sonically pleasing. The production on the earlier albums was a little too crusty and thin and the later albums were a little bit too slick. As with the Beatles 1968 was the sweet spot for them
I liked that 21st century idea. Gives us an opportunity to vote for our favorite albums from this decade
This the most likely future project
was never supposed to come out at all so might as well consider it from the decade it was recorded firmly within
townes s/t way too f***ing low wtf. Perfect country album, probably the best studio country album ever
great album but probablty wouldnt crack my top 10 country albums
great album but probablty wouldnt crack my top 10 country albums
studio albums? i honestly feel like studio country albums on a large scale basically suffer from over production. But townes s/t doesnt, which makes it unique in my eyes. Id put a handful of live country albums over it tho including one by townes himself
studio albums? i honestly feel like studio country albums on a large scale basically suffer from over production. But townes s/t doesnt, which makes it unique in my eyes. Id put a handful of live country albums over it tho including one by townes himself
yes studio, but agree a bunch of the establishment "nashville sound" ones have overproduction