  • Pazuzu Artist šŸŽ·

    Mostly white women

    Ok, but still.
    Eno used to be a femboy.

  • Ā·
    1 reply

    This album was rock solid

    That was right before Paulā€™s vocal quality took a nosedive

    Really underrated stuff


    That was right before Paulā€™s vocal quality took a nosedive

    Really underrated stuff

    Rich vocals

    Thoughtful lyricism

    Nigel Godrich production

    You can't go wrong

  • Noir

    Not liking white men is reasonable tbh

    peak Black Panther era Nina Simone doing multiple albums of white boy covers convinced me we aren't that bad

  • Ā·
    2 replies

    Paul better overall but Johnā€™s White Album songs are some of the best things the band ever did.

    Paul a better musician but not touching John as a vocalist. probably about tied as composer/songwriter.

    even Paul admits the entire band revolved around and was in awe of John for the first 5 years.

  • Elric

    Paul a better musician but not touching John as a vocalist. probably about tied as composer/songwriter.

    even Paul admits the entire band revolved around and was in awe of John for the first 5 years.

    I strongly disagree on the vocal aspect

    John had a very unique beautiful voice that made him distinctive from the rest, and was a better songwriter overall

    Paulā€™s vocal range and singing ability was unparalleled.


    Paul and John were great songwriters on their own. But together? They cancelled out their flaws and made some of the best s*** ever.

    Yep. Two all time great songwriters who complimented each other better than any other collaborators in pop music history. The songs they wrote are timeless.

  • Ā·
    1 reply

    How did I miss this. Paul should have won, were we considering solo careers too?? Smh

  • Ā·
    1 reply

    How did I miss this. Paul should have won, were we considering solo careers too?? Smh

    Then why werenā€™t you there to vote?


    Then why werenā€™t you there to vote?

    Havenā€™t been on ktt much recently but carti brought me back lol

  • Wings washes John solo and itā€™s not even close but comparing Beatles songs is harder

  • Ā·
    2 replies

    Paul a better musician but not touching John as a vocalist. probably about tied as composer/songwriter.

    even Paul admits the entire band revolved around and was in awe of John for the first 5 years.

    for me, Oh Darling washes anything John did vocally. Donā€™t mean to downplay his vocals tho.

  • worshal

    for me, Oh Darling washes anything John did vocally. Donā€™t mean to downplay his vocals tho.

    Paul had more range as a vocalist, no doubt. Being able to pull off Black Bird and Oh Darling is pretty crazy.

  • worshal

    for me, Oh Darling washes anything John did vocally. Donā€™t mean to downplay his vocals tho.

    That's just some Fats Domino via Little Richard. Love Paul but his voice is super derivative. Show me a precedent for Johns voice.

  • Y'all acting like Lennon didn't do Twist And Shout years before Paul learned how to shred vocal and also can't do impossibly delicate things like Oh My Love as well

  • Ā·
    1 reply

    If we're going off range then Beefheart, Waits and Prince Paul isn't on the 5 octave list.

    I believe Beefheart has the widest octave range and Waits has the lowest range on record for an actual established musician.

  • lennon wins is crazy


    just spent an 1 hour s***posting in a vz where i didnt even click play once

    someone ban me

    Some people just wish to tempt fate.

  • Everest

    @Elric need to get your votes for each round whenever you log back in croski

    Rd 1: Please Please Me vz Let It Be = obv LIB
    Rd 2: Paperback Writer vz Don't Let Me Down = DLMD groovier
    Rd 3: Strawberry Fields Forever vz Penny Lane = John duh
    Rd 4: Drive My Car vz Help! = tie
    Rd 5: In My Life vz Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey = tie
    Rd 6: Eleanor Rigby vz A Day In The Life, = tie
    Rd 7: Tomorrow Never Knows vz Maybe I'm Amaze = John
    Rd 8: Get Back vz Instant Karma = John
    Rd 9: If I Fell vz All My Loving = John by alot
    Rd 10: Here, There And Everywhere vz Revolution = Paul
    Rd 11: Come Together vz Jet = CT largely cause of Paul
    Rd 12: Blackbird vz Happiness Is A Warm Gun = John by alot
    Rd 13: LSD vz The Fool On The Hill = John
    Rd 14: Band On The Run vz I Want You = John
    Rd 15: All You Need Is Love vz Got To Get You Into My Life = neither
    Rd 16: Yesterday vz Jealous Guy = both
    Rd 17: Julia vz Arrow Through Me = is this a joke?
    Rd 18: Golden Slumbers vz Dear Prudence = hmm tie
    Rd 19: I Am The Walrus vz Helter Skelter, = tie
    Rd 20: The Long And Winding Road vz Because = John
    Rd 21: Rain/Imagine/Across The Universe vz Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band/Live And Let Die/Hey Jude, = John John Paul

  • Dam that was close

  • Happiness is a warm gun lost to blackbird? 7-4 Wth

  • Pazuzu Artist šŸŽ·

    If we're going off range then Beefheart, Waits and Prince Paul isn't on the 5 octave list.

    I believe Beefheart has the widest octave range and Waits has the lowest range on record for an actual established musician.

    Didn't Prince have a 5-octave-and-3-semitone vocal range.

  • Man I just looked at the songs in each roundā€¦Paul and John really are GOAT songwriters . S*** is insane