Yo (Excuse Me Miss)
One minute on the clock begins
I love watching Chris Brown dance
I remember all the delusional Chris Brown stans on here telling me he would wash Usher.
Yeah, wash his nutsack
Ursher baby >>>>
Or should I talk about her smile
I remember all the delusional Chris Brown stans on here telling me he would wash Usher.
Yeah, wash his nutsack
Ursher baby >>>>
I remember all the delusional Chris Brown stans on here telling me he would wash Usher.
Yeah, wash his nutsack
Ursher baby >>>>
look at the scoreboard in title mane
One minute on the clock begins
One minute on the clock ends
I remember all the delusional Chris Brown stans on here telling me he would wash Usher.
Yeah, wash his nutsack
Ursher baby >>>>
I can tell u smell
rd 7 results
U Remind Me 4 vz Yo (Excuse Me Miss) 6
bhris wins
rd 8 page 16
chris first usher second
@GottaGloUp1Day is ur lizzo thread in a different section, im getting like notifs but i cant view the thread
I just saw it got moved to G&G
look at the scoreboard in title mane
U kno that new age cacs can't read