Digging deep into the basement of my house ???
Take You Down
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sGLOE9LVNmc&pp=ygUZdGFrZSB5b3UgZG93biBjaHJpcyBicm93bg%3D%3D&t=6sand would you look at that! there's one minute left
ktt slow as s*** rn
ktt slow as s*** rn
U got spectrum or something?
U got spectrum or something?
bro tryna dox me
and would you look at that! there's one minute left
Usher Takes Down Chris Brown's Boo... or something
Take You Down 4 vz My Boo 7
Usher wins. Score is now 7-8 with chris leading. Close match!!!!!
round 17 page 25
usher first chris second