It’s purple rain
If KTT existed in the 80s everyone would say PR because Thriller would be viewed as the more casual/mainstream one
so which is objectively better between purple rain and thriller?
grabs mic OFF THE WALL
love eating McDonalds hambug er verst very best food in the wohle world. McDoandalds Burrger .. EAt now! Best ! Food! Most sale .. eat NOW!!
I hope you aren’t viewing that as some sort of accomplishment just because you’re the op lol
I keep this engine running whether you know that or not
love eating McDonalds hambug er verst very best food in the wohle world. McDoandalds Burrger .. EAt now! Best ! Food! Most sale .. eat NOW!!
120 likes on op is brazy
Agreed tho
Hating on drake will always get you likes in here. Im tryna think what's cornier, sales threads or @op bringing up his likes for the fifth time itt
Hating on drake will always get you likes in here. Im tryna think what's cornier, sales threads or @op bringing up his likes for the fifth time itt
Except that wasnt even me nigga
Hating on drake will always get you likes in here. Im tryna think what's cornier, sales threads or @op bringing up his likes for the fifth time itt
This man enters the thread every 5 pages to cry about Drake and his stans getting clowned
Hating on drake will always get you likes in here. Im tryna think what's cornier, sales threads or @op bringing up his likes for the fifth time itt
You’re right, Drake is so unpopular here he doesn’t even have his own sxn full of fans. They have to be scattered to the winds of the music sxn smh.
Yep. Makes me not even enjoy being on this site anymore.
I don't think that sales discussion is the reason why you don't enjoy the site. 100-200 threads are being created daily, you have plenty of options if you don't like sales talk.
some people like sports some people defend grown men that will never acknowledge them online