Here’s a pop forum for yall nerds who care about numbers
Let’s go back to talking about MUSIC.
I don't think that sales discussion is the reason why you don't enjoy the site. 100-200 threads are being created daily, you have plenty of options if you don't like sales talk.
half of the threads in this section are just the same 5-6 threads with alternate titles
Here’s a pop forum for yall nerds who care about numbers
Let’s go back to talking about MUSIC.
they got b****es on there?
This man enters the thread every 5 pages to cry about Drake and his stans getting clowned
Get off my d***, I actually listen to dawnfm.
Here’s a pop forum for yall nerds who care about numbers
Let’s go back to talking about MUSIC.
Addison Rae thread
Hating on drake will always get you likes in here. Im tryna think what's cornier, sales threads or @op bringing up his likes for the fifth time itt
Addison Rae thread
love eating McDonalds hambug er verst very best food in the wohle world. McDoandalds Burrger .. EAt now! Best ! Food! Most sale .. eat NOW!!
This but unironically
Here’s a pop forum for yall nerds who care about numbers
Let’s go back to talking about MUSIC.
You say this but then choose to talk about sales and enter sales threads?
some people like sports some people defend grown men that will never acknowledge them online
At least with sports you can go to games and bars
Make OP a mod
Make OP a mod
Ill take a perma the day thay happens. Gonna be worse than synop and brainfeeder.