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  • Jul 6, 2020
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    I was today years old when I found out

    Btw I found this out from a very anti Trump communist on YouTube lmao

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    that's just not true

    yeah bro they're saying the same s*** but don't you think they'd be saying it to different people?

    i said that thing about the crime bill earlier on to you but the thing is biden will often pick the safest option in the dem party when making new policy. the safest option in the dem party is still more progressive than trump so that's gotta be better when rn the centre of the dems is under pressure from blm, green movements, bernie, justice democrats etc.

    for example biden shifted a little bit closer to bernie as a response to him coming second by having that free public college plan. trump would never do that, do you see what i'm saying?

    doesn't make him not a piece of s*** tho

    Lmao ight bro...y’all keep going hard for dems. Let’s keep the oppression going niggas keep b****ing about

    I fully understand and agree with why niggas don’t want Trump in office. But the second you say you don’t want Biden in office “oh you pro trump”...Niggas literally lack common sense to understand why both these niggas is bad for our country.

    But all good I’ll fly to your country when Biden f***s up this one, maybe then you’ll understand what I been preaching.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    move to politics so these heathens stay out of the thread

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Told Charlamagne to his face that the crime bill didn’t cause mass incarceration

    Niggas is literally f***ing jokes bro. We deadass act like pussies when it comes to Democrats

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Lmao ight bro...y’all keep going hard for dems. Let’s keep the oppression going niggas keep b****ing about

    I fully understand and agree with why niggas don’t want Trump in office. But the second you say you don’t want Biden in office “oh you pro trump”...Niggas literally lack common sense to understand why both these niggas is bad for our country.

    But all good I’ll fly to your country when Biden f***s up this one, maybe then you’ll understand what I been preaching.

    Was literally about to tweet “if you Black just stay home in November” but
    1) I’m not a citizen/can’t vote so I don’t find it appropriate to tell others not to do something they have the right to that I don’t.
    2) Regardless of whoever wins Black people will still be oppressed. It’s honestly not that big a deal anymore. I don’t even care if Biden wins I would just be fuming if he didn’t pick up on the First Step Act and continued to expand it.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I was today years old when I found out

    Btw I found this out from a very anti Trump communist on YouTube lmao

    See what I mean? But go ahead niggas stay sleep and vote in your king Biden

    I’m good....I got fam overseas

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Niggas is literally f***ing jokes bro. We deadass act like pussies when it comes to Democrats

    Charla literally said “what do you think about Diddy saying the Black vote isn’t free?” And he continued to explain how Black people have supported him his whole career without even addressing Diddy’s point.

    If you care about the environment more than tax rates you should vote Biden that’s how I feel. Your stance on Black issues should actually have nothing to do with your vote this November in my opinion because both candidates offer nothing but the status quo.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Don't wanna dox lol

    We’ll behave

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Was literally about to tweet “if you Black just stay home in November” but
    1) I’m not a citizen/can’t vote so I don’t find it appropriate to tell others not to do something they have the right to that I don’t.
    2) Regardless of whoever wins Black people will still be oppressed. It’s honestly not that big a deal anymore. I don’t even care if Biden wins I would just be fuming if he didn’t pick up on the First Step Act and continued to expand it.

    Bro as bad as it sounds it’s like you kinda want Biden to win just to hope it wakes niggas up to stop letting Democrats bend us over every second of the day

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    See what I mean? But go ahead niggas stay sleep and vote in your king Biden

    I’m good....I got fam overseas

    Not posting this to excuse Reagan for being a racist.

    But like bruh even Reagan was like “Jesus nigga you trynna go broke locking niggas up?”

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    how much do you think the dems being such a corporate party has to do with it? a lot of US friends i have who are on the left are jealous that we have a party funded and directly tied to the unions and their workers. not that that party is problematic too, but before you've got candidates you've already got some dividing lines and it's very clear who each party is representing (some of the time at least).

    The other thing that maybe makes a difference is it's easier in the us than some other countries for a president to face a deadlock stagnant situation. like if obama had won in the uk he would have a majority instantly in the house because who has the most members becomes the government in the Uk we don't vote separately. this is the same in a lot of countries.. but what it means is that most of the time if you're the government you got a majority to pass what you want within reasn. so you can maybe get more done easier.

    Its the fact that history has caused Americans to develop a real f*** "workers attitude". Also 2 red scares, a lot of xenophobia in regards to foreigners, and the every 3rd world nation literally implementing Communism in the worst ways imaginable has lent itself to an anti socialist sentiment in America.

    I would say the issue is moreso the large racist and xenophohic bent in American politics more than anything. So every American election season is a straight up culture war. Like a lot of countries have issues with race and ethnic animosity but these are ingrained in American culture and legislsture. Especially in red states

    The corportatism is w.e since Americans tend to be a lot less class conscious as a whole.

    And yes, changing how governance works would certainly benefit America atm. Politics currently is in a weird state where instead of compromising, we have 1 party that is hyper partisan and the other literally f***ing itself over to compromise on bills. As you can see, that isnt working anymore.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Not posting this to excuse Reagan for being a racist.

    But like bruh even Reagan was like “Jesus nigga you trynna go broke locking niggas up?”

    Lmaoooooooo bro Biden a bro has deadass said more openly racist things about black people yet I’m the “idiot” for speaking the truth that everyone else chooses to ignore. Yeah Ight

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Bro as bad as it sounds it’s like you kinda want Biden to win just to hope it wakes niggas up to stop letting Democrats bend us over every second of the day


    Plus there will be a few undeniable benefits such as marijuana being at least decriminalized federally.

    Aaaand that’s about it lmao. I firmly believe Trump will enact similar law in his second term tho I just think he just doesn’t wanna piss off anti-drug Republicans before re-election.

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Lmaoooooooo bro Biden a bro has deadass said more openly racist things about black people yet I’m the “idiot” for speaking the truth that everyone else chooses to ignore. Yeah Ight

    Na I’m with you brother

    One day we’ll wake niggas up understand that we’re not coons just cuz we’re not saying what’s written on the teleprompter for us

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Lmao ight bro...y’all keep going hard for dems. Let’s keep the oppression going niggas keep b****ing about

    I fully understand and agree with why niggas don’t want Trump in office. But the second you say you don’t want Biden in office “oh you pro trump”...Niggas literally lack common sense to understand why both these niggas is bad for our country.

    But all good I’ll fly to your country when Biden f***s up this one, maybe then you’ll understand what I been preaching.

    going hard for dems? bro i legit just called them corporate and corrupt there's just some good factions in the dems, whereas i can't think of a good republican faction, so who's even gonna sway a republican administration towards something positive. unless you support republican ideas then that would be positive to you, it's just not to me but then neither is most of the obama platform so i don't think you can say 'going hard to dems'

    people are making a comment about the consequences of voting third party under first past the post bro, they don't literally mean you're pro-trump. it's not that hard to understand

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Na I’m with you brother

    One day we’ll wake niggas up understand that we’re not coons just cuz we’re not saying what’s written on the teleprompter for us


    Props to Biden tho. The man has used the n-word, put us in mass incarceration + crime bill, hung out with Robert Bryd, has said Obama is the first African American who can articulate himself as if Malcolm X and MLK didn’t exist, has said he doesn’t want blacks and whites going to school together or it’ll be a racial jungle, has said if you vote trump you ain’t black, had another racist (Reagan) tell him damnnn homie slow down with the lock ups you going hard, has called us super predators, more than likely rapes little kids with Hillary.

    But yet has our people d*** whipped enough to still vote for him. You couldn’t make this s*** up

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Trump put more money in my pocket during this pandemic idk what y’all talking bout


    his economic response could still be seen as too soft by some people. for some people it might feel like a nice free payday but for others it wasn't enough to turn things around. so would have cost money without going far enough to see a return on that cost.

    Romney (the last republican nominee) was endorsing going further with a temporary universal basic income, that means you could argue that by some republican standards he was being weak let alone by progressive standards

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I was today years old when I found out

    Btw I found this out from a very anti Trump communist on YouTube lmao

    the intercept have a lot of great work

    biden has a history of helping right wing republican presidents push their agenda harder. look at his iraq war rallying for bush

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    going hard for dems? bro i legit just called them corporate and corrupt there's just some good factions in the dems, whereas i can't think of a good republican faction, so who's even gonna sway a republican administration towards something positive. unless you support republican ideas then that would be positive to you, it's just not to me but then neither is most of the obama platform so i don't think you can say 'going hard to dems'

    people are making a comment about the consequences of voting third party under first past the post bro, they don't literally mean you're pro-trump. it's not that hard to understand

    Bro it’s the fact you keep questioning why it’s Trump > Biden

    I simplified it for you: Crime Bill

    Like stop telling me “ohh but the dems might do this or they might do that”

    All these mufuckas is crooked as f*** and my “trump > Biden” statement literally comes down to who has done the worse corrupt s***. The answer is Biden.

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Props to Biden tho. The man has used the n-word, put us in mass incarceration + crime bill, hung out with Robert Bryd, has said Obama is the first African American who can articulate himself as if Malcolm X and MLK didn’t exist, has said he doesn’t want blacks and whites going to school together or it’ll be a racial jungle, has said if you vote trump you ain’t black, had another racist (Reagan) tell him damnnn homie slow down with the lock ups you going hard, has called us super predators, more than likely rapes little kids with Hillary.

    But yet has our people d*** whipped enough to still vote for him. You couldn’t make this s*** up

    Trump is on the same s*** tho so what are we supposed to do

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Trump is on the same s*** tho so what are we supposed to do

    At least acknowledge Biden is worse than Trump or at least acknowledge he’s just as bad. Niggas deadass sit here and act like Biden is better

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Its the fact that history has caused Americans to develop a real f*** "workers attitude". Also 2 red scares, a lot of xenophobia in regards to foreigners, and the every 3rd world nation literally implementing Communism in the worst ways imaginable has lent itself to an anti socialist sentiment in America.

    I would say the issue is moreso the large racist and xenophohic bent in American politics more than anything. So every American election season is a straight up culture war. Like a lot of countries have issues with race and ethnic animosity but these are ingrained in American culture and legislsture. Especially in red states

    The corportatism is w.e since Americans tend to be a lot less class conscious as a whole.

    And yes, changing how governance works would certainly benefit America atm. Politics currently is in a weird state where instead of compromising, we have 1 party that is hyper partisan and the other literally f***ing itself over to compromise on bills. As you can see, that isnt working anymore.

    some us friends tell me that there's old folks in the us who legit think just a little bit social democracy is communism

    yeah, the culture wars can get very distracting. left get caught out by the right a lot in these emotional ways then it distracts from the real issues that actually make a difference in people's lives. some cultural issues are worth fighting but some i think the political left could not respond to just to not go so off message all the time. that's such a tough balance to strike tho, cos morally you'd want to respond to every one. but a lot of these right wingers are OGs are trolling to control the narrative

    yeah again, in the uk all our conversations are about class, we don't talk about race enough. it seems to be the other way round in the US. one of the BLM UK slogans 'is UK not innocent' because it's so hard for millions to comprehend that we could ever be racist, despite some of us still celebrating the british empire

    the right is so good at consolidating support for other wins the battle to control the party. the centre and centre left split a lot more. in the UK we've now got 4 parties sharing millions of centre or left votes in england/wales/scotland against what is now one party sucking up every right vote. the right have mastered this in lots of countries.

    there's some countries where because of proportional representation and systems like that, they have mutliple left parties vote splitting but that can collectively come together to form a government at the end of all that

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    the intercept have a lot of great work

    biden has a history of helping right wing republican presidents push their agenda harder. look at his iraq war rallying for bush

    I actually have heard accusations of the Iraq stuff. Have never read Intercept before this will def check them out more often. Only proper article I saw written on this too lmao.

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Bro it’s the fact you keep questioning why it’s Trump > Biden

    I simplified it for you: Crime Bill

    Like stop telling me “ohh but the dems might do this or they might do that”

    All these mufuckas is crooked as f*** and my “trump > Biden” statement literally comes down to who has done the worse corrupt s***. The answer is Biden.

    biden has always been on the centre of the dem party when making new policy.

    the centre of the dem party rn > trump in 2020. not that hard to understand.

    biden is a shill for one faction of the party. he's spineless and has pretty much no political beliefs or morals, beyond loyalty to his faction.

    his faction's policy positions rn > trump's policy positions rn

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Bro it’s the fact you keep questioning why it’s Trump > Biden

    I simplified it for you: Crime Bill

    Like stop telling me “ohh but the dems might do this or they might do that”

    All these mufuckas is crooked as f*** and my “trump > Biden” statement literally comes down to who has done the worse corrupt s***. The answer is Biden.

    I agree. It’s objectively true that during his time in public office Donald Trump has done more to help the disenfranchised Black community than Biden ever has.

    Like I’m sorry that Biden spews all this progressive s*** now. His actions speak a lot louder than his words.

    Same could almost be said for Trump that’s a stretch but you get what I’m saying lmaoo

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