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  • Jul 6, 2020
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    I actually have heard accusations of the Iraq stuff. Have never read Intercept before this will def check them out more often. Only proper article I saw written on this too lmao.

    Intercept is good. they do podcasts and s*** too if you prefer getting info that way

    one of the better political outlets in the us rn to me is Rising on the Hill, a tv show that clips on youtube. because as a brit if i ever wanna get up on a us story, it's so disorientating to me how your tv shows are blatantly left, centre or right a lot of the time, you're not allowed to do that in the uk on mainstream tv without at least hiding it. so 24/7 mask off is crazy to us. but on there they've got one lefty dem and one newer right younger republican type. and they're both good journalists. and they have people from the intercept on there a lot, so that's one of the better ones too i think.

    i don't think i could ever get through 5 mins of msnbc or fox or most of cnn

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    At least acknowledge Biden is worse than Trump or at least acknowledge he’s just as bad. Niggas deadass sit here and act like Biden is better


    Yes Biden will push more progressive legislation such as higher taxes, more definitive climate change action, and a financial pump into medicare. This is every liberal’s actual excuse when they argue with you on why Biden is better than Trump, but we ain’t talking about climate change right now.

    Kill me for this progressives, but I personally prioritize the need for my modern-day enslaved brothers and sisters to be out of prison.

    And it goes further than freeing people too. It’s about amending the 13th amendment to truly abolish slavery in this country, regardless of it being a punishment of crime or not. We can have prisons. But I promise you they’re not gonna get nearly as filled up when big corporations can’t pay for cheaper labor here than China.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I agree. It’s objectively true that during his time in public office Donald Trump has done more to help the disenfranchised Black community than Biden ever has.

    Like I’m sorry that Biden spews all this progressive s*** now. His actions speak a lot louder than his words.

    Same could almost be said for Trump that’s a stretch but you get what I’m saying lmaoo

    i think the real worry is that biden won't fight for any policies when in office. he'll constantly roll over. part of bernie's appeal, love him or hate him, was when it comes to policy he is stubborn af. biden has rolled over his whole career.

    but i don't think he'll actively pursue more right wing policies than the compromises he outlines in his election campaign. (maybe he'll make out he'll be slightly less right wing on foreign policy or something) but on broad commitments i don't think he'll go that far the other way. trump's already starting in some very right wing positions so it's like you won't get anywhere with him.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Nothing he just lame

    You calling Kanye lame yet you stan Kendrick

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Intercept is good. they do podcasts and s*** too if you prefer getting info that way

    one of the better political outlets in the us rn to me is Rising on the Hill, a tv show that clips on youtube. because as a brit if i ever wanna get up on a us story, it's so disorientating to me how your tv shows are blatantly left, centre or right a lot of the time, you're not allowed to do that in the uk on mainstream tv without at least hiding it. so 24/7 mask off is crazy to us. but on there they've got one lefty dem and one newer right younger republican type. and they're both good journalists. and they have people from the intercept on there a lot, so that's one of the better ones too i think.

    i don't think i could ever get through 5 mins of msnbc or fox or most of cnn

    Is Rising on the Hill the duo that went on Joe Rogan recently? A guy and a girl?

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Is Rising on the Hill the duo that went on Joe Rogan recently? A guy and a girl?

    yeah i didn't hear their rogan ep tho. i like rogan some of the time, liberals should lay off him. he helps more than he hurts

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    i think the real worry is that biden won't fight for any policies when in office. he'll constantly roll over. part of bernie's appeal, love him or hate him, was when it comes to policy he is stubborn af. biden has rolled over his whole career.

    but i don't think he'll actively pursue more right wing policies than the compromises he outlines in his election campaign. (maybe he'll make out he'll be slightly less right wing on foreign policy or something) but on broad commitments i don't think he'll go that far the other way. trump's already starting in some very right wing positions so it's like you won't get anywhere with him.

    I agree with everything you said up until you can’t get anywhere with Trump. Kim and Ye showed us that you can, you just gotta play his annoying ass egotistical “we’re celebrities lol @RealDonaldTrump” game. And that f***ing sucks that that’s the only way to reach diplomacy with the commander in chief without him turning into a f***ing wannabe fascist........but getting the work done is still possible.

    My single concern for the Biden presidency is him not continuing and prioritizing the First Step Act and expanding it. As long as he does that I could give a f*** if Trump loses. I just want prison reform.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah i didn't hear their rogan ep tho. i like rogan some of the time, liberals should lay off him. he helps more than he hurts

    They were fire I loved their dynamic. Will check them out too. They work for Intercept?

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    biden has always been on the centre of the dem party when making new policy.

    the centre of the dem party rn > trump in 2020. not that hard to understand.

    biden is a shill for one faction of the party. he's spineless and has pretty much no political beliefs or morals, beyond loyalty to his faction.

    his faction's policy positions rn > trump's policy positions rn

    Ima just give you a brief history of Biden and I’m done. If it still ain’t clear then don’t bother responding to me.

    “I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”

    “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”

    "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."

    “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

    “On balance,” he says, “the whole bill … did in fact bring down violent crime.” And, he contends, “The crime bill didn’t increase mass incarceration.”

    Perhaps the most egregious example of Biden’s racist use of power is 1994’s Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the crime bill he wrote and continues to support vocally to this day. The bill is a laundry list of the worst aspects of the mass incarceration state. It led to a boom in the number of police officers and prisons, lengthened prison sentences, and created financial incentives to keep people in jail. It created 60 new death penalty offenses as well as the infamous “three strikes and you’re out” rule, which inflicted a life sentence for almost any crime, even ones considered very minor, if there were two prior convictions for “serious” or “violent” crimes. Since then, people have died in prison for things like stealing a dollar in loose change from a parked car, possessing less than 1 gram of a d***, and attempting to break into a soup kitchen.

    Biden had also co-written the Anti-Drug Abuse Act a few years earlier, during the so-called crack epidemic. It amplified sentencing disparities between crack cocaine users, who were mostly Black, and powder cocaine users, who were mostly white.

    They worked together early in Biden’s Senate career on the 1983 Comprehensive Forfeiture Act, which increased the use of civil asset forfeiture by police departments across the country. Civil forfeiture is legalized theft, allowing cops to seize and sell any property they say is involved in a crime, even if the owner is never even arrested or convicted. It is used mostly against working class and poor people, especially if they are Black. Since 1999, the federal government alone took in $36.5 billion in assets through civil forfeiture, a percentage of which was used to buy military grade weaponry that was then allotted to local and state police agencies and has been deployed against protesters. Biden played a pivotal role in ensuring the law was passed, whipping the Democrats into voting for it and ensuring that Thurmond got the credit for the law.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I agree. It’s objectively true that during his time in public office Donald Trump has done more to help the disenfranchised Black community than Biden ever has.

    Like I’m sorry that Biden spews all this progressive s*** now. His actions speak a lot louder than his words.

    Same could almost be said for Trump that’s a stretch but you get what I’m saying lmaoo

    Nigga I agree 100% with what you saying. ACTIONS > words

    “Oh but Biden said he gon do this” but nigga Biden DID THIS.....crime bill....stole property from blacks to buy guns...was against blacks/whites going to school together, etc.

  • Jul 6, 2020
  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I agree with everything you said up until you can’t get anywhere with Trump. Kim and Ye showed us that you can, you just gotta play his annoying ass egotistical “we’re celebrities lol @RealDonaldTrump” game. And that f***ing sucks that that’s the only way to reach diplomacy with the commander in chief without him turning into a f***ing wannabe fascist........but getting the work done is still possible.

    My single concern for the Biden presidency is him not continuing and prioritizing the First Step Act and expanding it. As long as he does that I could give a f*** if Trump loses. I just want prison reform.

    that's true but when you look at some of the justice choices trump has made, he can't be the prison reform candidate just for what he's done for kim and ye

    idk enough about where he's at on first step to know if he'll do that. he's just so uninspiring and useless at pushing for things, i can't see him getting that much done. i feel like for some people they want not much done over trump off the leash tho

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    They were fire I loved their dynamic. Will check them out too. They work for Intercept?

    nah but one of their main contributors does. they have good stories on their show i think. i don't catch all of it but there's some great coverage when i wanna know what's really going on with a us story.

    all their show is uploaded in clips on here, but with a few other things too so you have to go through. it's heavy them on the weekdays

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Ima just give you a brief history of Biden and I’m done. If it still ain’t clear then don’t bother responding to me.

    “I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”

    “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”

    "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."

    “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

    “On balance,” he says, “the whole bill … did in fact bring down violent crime.” And, he contends, “The crime bill didn’t increase mass incarceration.”

    Perhaps the most egregious example of Biden’s racist use of power is 1994’s Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the crime bill he wrote and continues to support vocally to this day. The bill is a laundry list of the worst aspects of the mass incarceration state. It led to a boom in the number of police officers and prisons, lengthened prison sentences, and created financial incentives to keep people in jail. It created 60 new death penalty offenses as well as the infamous “three strikes and you’re out” rule, which inflicted a life sentence for almost any crime, even ones considered very minor, if there were two prior convictions for “serious” or “violent” crimes. Since then, people have died in prison for things like stealing a dollar in loose change from a parked car, possessing less than 1 gram of a d***, and attempting to break into a soup kitchen.

    Biden had also co-written the Anti-Drug Abuse Act a few years earlier, during the so-called crack epidemic. It amplified sentencing disparities between crack cocaine users, who were mostly Black, and powder cocaine users, who were mostly white.

    They worked together early in Biden’s Senate career on the 1983 Comprehensive Forfeiture Act, which increased the use of civil asset forfeiture by police departments across the country. Civil forfeiture is legalized theft, allowing cops to seize and sell any property they say is involved in a crime, even if the owner is never even arrested or convicted. It is used mostly against working class and poor people, especially if they are Black. Since 1999, the federal government alone took in $36.5 billion in assets through civil forfeiture, a percentage of which was used to buy military grade weaponry that was then allotted to local and state police agencies and has been deployed against protesters. Biden played a pivotal role in ensuring the law was passed, whipping the Democrats into voting for it and ensuring that Thurmond got the credit for the law.

    on the stuff ik most about on here of course i agree but fam you're confusing me for someone who defends biden

    i'm just talking likely outcomes of 4 more trump years or 4 more biden years

    of course that involves some speculation but in elections you can only really make the best informed decisions based on what you know at the time. i doubt biden will be more than a one term president if he wins too so i don't think this is a 8 year situation like obama or bush

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Nigga I agree 100% with what you saying. ACTIONS > words

    “Oh but Biden said he gon do this” but nigga Biden DID THIS.....crime bill....stole property from blacks to buy guns...was against blacks/whites going to school together, etc.


    But no no I’m a coon because I’m acknowledging that the racist that I’d prefer in office has actually put an ounce of effort into reforming the prison system. BIDEN AND OBAMA DIDN’T EVEN DO THAT S*** BRUH. They tried but they couldn’t. Obama didn’t even start trying until his 2nd term. Trump started pardoning mfs 2 years into his first.

    Whatever man lmao like I said, whoever is gonna push the best prison reform into action is the person that should win.

    We got two f***ing rapists on the ballot goddamn it lmao people really trynna make this election about moral high ground🤣 give me a break man

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    that's true but when you look at some of the justice choices trump has made, he can't be the prison reform candidate just for what he's done for kim and ye

    idk enough about where he's at on first step to know if he'll do that. he's just so uninspiring and useless at pushing for things, i can't see him getting that much done. i feel like for some people they want not much done over trump off the leash tho

    I believe he’s granted clemency to more individuals today than Obama did in 8 years. I could be wrong tho.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I believe he’s granted clemency to more individuals today than Obama did in 8 years. I could be wrong tho.

    nah that's probably true obama got some terrifying stats.

    you got to take trump as a whole tho

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I agree with everything you said up until you can’t get anywhere with Trump. Kim and Ye showed us that you can, you just gotta play his annoying ass egotistical “we’re celebrities lol @RealDonaldTrump” game. And that f***ing sucks that that’s the only way to reach diplomacy with the commander in chief without him turning into a f***ing wannabe fascist........but getting the work done is still possible.

    My single concern for the Biden presidency is him not continuing and prioritizing the First Step Act and expanding it. As long as he does that I could give a f*** if Trump loses. I just want prison reform.

    coonlaps at it again

  • Jul 6, 2020

    nah but one of their main contributors does. they have good stories on their show i think. i don't catch all of it but there's some great coverage when i wanna know what's really going on with a us story.

    all their show is uploaded in clips on here, but with a few other things too so you have to go through. it's heavy them on the weekdays

    Thank you man👍🏽 Will def peep

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    coonlaps at it again

    I’m a coon for saying that whichever candidate will enact the better prison reform should win👍🏽

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    on the stuff ik most about on here of course i agree but fam you're confusing me for someone who defends biden

    i'm just talking likely outcomes of 4 more trump years or 4 more biden years

    of course that involves some speculation but in elections you can only really make the best informed decisions based on what you know at the time. i doubt biden will be more than a one term president if he wins too so i don't think this is a 8 year situation like obama or bush

    I’m just informing you of why Biden should not be in office. You literally cannot show me s*** Trump has done that is worse than that

    And also you keep calling him spineless

    Read that and tell me if it sounds like he spineless. Nigga was deadass bullying niggas to get bills passed and to be more aggressive

    So you mean to tell me Biden played a big role in enforcing “war on d****” which raised the crime rate and then responded to that with the crime bill?

    Are we waking up to the patterns here? Do we see the set up?

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    I’m just informing you of why Biden should not be in office. You literally cannot show me s*** Trump has done that is worse than that

    And also you keep calling him spineless

    Read that and tell me if it sounds like he spineless. Nigga was deadass bullying niggas to get bills passed and to be more aggressive

    So you mean to tell me Biden played a big role in enforcing “war on d****” which raised the crime rate and then responded to that with the crime bill?

    Are we waking up to the patterns here? Do we see the set up?

    he's obviously not totally spineless but we just mean he's not stubborn with policy in the way that someone like bernie is. he's flip flopped his whole career (a major flaw of a public figure tho don't get me wrong). not that he has no drive but that he won't fight for progressive policy and risk his career which is what it might take sometimes. he's shown from what we've seen he doesn't care enough to do that

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    nah that's probably true obama got some terrifying stats.

    you got to take trump as a whole tho

    I do. And in conversations when speaking about overall policy I 100% understand why any lifelong liberal would vote for Biden over Trump. Makes complete sense. Especially after the year Trump has had.

    But when it comes exclusively to who’s administration will Black people (specifically imprisoned Black people) benefit from the most, I don’t think either side has a very big hill to really die on. Trump purposely fuels white supremacy throughout the country with his irresponsible rhetoric and Biden is directly responsible for the imprisonment and involuntary labor of millions of Black men for 3 decades now.

    They both suck lmao. But which one sucks more?

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply


    But no no I’m a coon because I’m acknowledging that the racist that I’d prefer in office has actually put an ounce of effort into reforming the prison system. BIDEN AND OBAMA DIDN’T EVEN DO THAT S*** BRUH. They tried but they couldn’t. Obama didn’t even start trying until his 2nd term. Trump started pardoning mfs 2 years into his first.

    Whatever man lmao like I said, whoever is gonna push the best prison reform into action is the person that should win.

    We got two f***ing rapists on the ballot goddamn it lmao people really trynna make this election about moral high ground🤣 give me a break man

    Lmaoooooo feel me?? “But but Trump is xenophobic” man if these niggas don’t get the f*** outta here with they highlighted word dictionaries

    Both these niggas is some f*** ups. Stop tryna make one look morally better.

    How can niggas read the article you posted and not see the slick ass set up bruh orchestrated.

    Played a big role in the war on d**** which raised the crime rate (let’s not forget how they planted d**** and weapons in the hood), then rolled out the crime bill to control the crime rate they started and then enforced the law to where they could take property from “suspected criminals even if not convicted” which lead them to snatching up 35 bill which they turned around and supplied more weapons to police who turn around and kill more black people

    Like bruh can you niggas not f***ing see the chest moves?!! See bro I ain’t sheltered so I’m f***ing street smart and see how slick these niggas is

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Lowkey more and more every day I wonder if s*** like parliament is a better idea.

    Idk if this is how parliament really works but if we could have the Democrats do all the climate change s*** meanwhile Republicans do the business s***, both could work on prison reform.

    Idk man maybe s*** would work out smoother here. Or is this not even close to how it works? Lmfaoo

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