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  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Meant for that to be a reply to u idk why it didn’t

  • 130K dead. Now if you tryna tell me Trump is crooked and creates COVID and doing some wild s*** to infect people. I’d love to have that convo cus I have those suspicions
    But if you just saying “oh well 130K people died on COVID” as if that’s 100% trumps fault then you gon have to explain. Do we not see people still not giving a f*** about social distancing? And having COVID parties???
    Bro I feel terrible for people who have died and effected by this disease, my mom lost a friend. But we not gonna sit here and blame one person for that when look how many people died across the world from this?! And look how stupid some people are being about this s*** too

  • Bro why is my s*** not replying to people now?

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    People getting mad if you want to make a change in the world.. sad

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    People getting mad if you want to make a change in the world.. sad

    Not sure if you mean me?

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Lmao lemme go meditate cus y’all niggas getting under my skin now with this s*** no lie.

    It’s like I’m literally showing y’all we can’t trust nobody, not trump, not Biden. And presenting proof. And y’all deadass purposely saying “oh that was then it doesn’t matter anymore”

    I’m out this thread. Y’all have fun being slaves for Biden. Coon ass niggas

    dont let anyone try and convince you you’re an “idiot” for feeling the way you do

    this actually could be the most opportune moment to choose to vote independent EVER with Ye now running, that guy who quoted you is essentially trying to tell you to be a part of the change you wish to see, EXCEPT when it comes to ending the biggest issue our country has (the broken two-party system).

    They want to act like Ye will only be taking votes away from biden as if he hasnt gained overwhelming support from the right, which includes many who no longer support trump. They also want to act like many of the people voting for Ye wont be young people who didnt vote to begin with, they’re trying to selfishly guilt people into thinking voting for an independent black man is some sort of travesty, it is absolutely sickening

    i was going to wait to decide until I viewed Ye’s policies, but the more and more im seeing, the more i am beginning to realize how important it is that i show out and vote for Ye: because i know and understand this man more than any of the other candidates combined, and i know Ye wants to save the f***ing world and its people. Will he be successful in doing so? maybe, maybe not. but at least he wants to try

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies
    hey man relax

    dont let anyone try and convince you you’re an “idiot” for feeling the way you do

    this actually could be the most opportune moment to choose to vote independent EVER with Ye now running, that guy who quoted you is essentially trying to tell you to be a part of the change you wish to see, EXCEPT when it comes to ending the biggest issue our country has (the broken two-party system).

    They want to act like Ye will only be taking votes away from biden as if he hasnt gained overwhelming support from the right, which includes many who no longer support trump. They also want to act like many of the people voting for Ye wont be young people who didnt vote to begin with, they’re trying to selfishly guilt people into thinking voting for an independent black man is some sort of travesty, it is absolutely sickening

    i was going to wait to decide until I viewed Ye’s policies, but the more and more im seeing, the more i am beginning to realize how important it is that i show out and vote for Ye: because i know and understand this man more than any of the other candidates combined, and i know Ye wants to save the f***ing world and its people. Will he be successful in doing so? maybe, maybe not. but at least he wants to try


    We can’t preach about change but then run back to Trump

    We can’t preach about change and then run back to Biden

    Everyone keeps saying I’m advocating for Trump. Pointing out FACTS as to why Biden is worse than Trump is it advocating, that’s just called having a conversation based on facts.

    How many times have I said ITT if I end up voting I’m voting for Kanye?? Last time I checked you can only vote for one person

    Niggas ITT doesn’t understand how strong minded I am, lmaoo like them guilt trip tactics doesn’t work on me at all. You can’t convince me that Biden is good for us when FACTS show he isn’t.

  • hey man relax

    dont let anyone try and convince you you’re an “idiot” for feeling the way you do

    this actually could be the most opportune moment to choose to vote independent EVER with Ye now running, that guy who quoted you is essentially trying to tell you to be a part of the change you wish to see, EXCEPT when it comes to ending the biggest issue our country has (the broken two-party system).

    They want to act like Ye will only be taking votes away from biden as if he hasnt gained overwhelming support from the right, which includes many who no longer support trump. They also want to act like many of the people voting for Ye wont be young people who didnt vote to begin with, they’re trying to selfishly guilt people into thinking voting for an independent black man is some sort of travesty, it is absolutely sickening

    i was going to wait to decide until I viewed Ye’s policies, but the more and more im seeing, the more i am beginning to realize how important it is that i show out and vote for Ye: because i know and understand this man more than any of the other candidates combined, and i know Ye wants to save the f***ing world and its people. Will he be successful in doing so? maybe, maybe not. but at least he wants to try

    “ because i know and understand this man more than any of the other candidates combined”

    That’s one the best things that’s been said ITT. Niggas deadass going hard for Biden a man they truly don’t know and choose to not fully know. Absolutely pathetic. I’m keeping tabs on all these niggas in here

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Meant for that to be a reply to u idk why it didn’t

    i'm having some glitches on my end too lol

    yes, those numbers are terrible bc of a pandemic

    a pandemic he clearly cannot handle bc he is too incompetent. his failed response is the reason we're here right now. and yes I see people not wearing masks... literally his supporters! at his rallies! and he never wears one. nor makes any kind of official announcement/advice of "wear a mask", which would obviously help

    people collecting more on unemployment than being on work is an indictment on the federal government... Trump's government. his failure, so you're proving my point by saying that lol

    but bro you keep moving these goal posts about policies in an effort to show that Biden is worse than Trump. being a president goes beyond policies and legislation, the reality is that's Congress' job. SENATOR Biden helped write the crime bill, not PRESIDENT Clinton, although ofc he is culpable; but do not lose sight of what i am saying: unless the president acts pursuant to his executive powers via executive orders, he's not going to be in office trying to write bills and laws. again, Congress will do that (and thats where having people like AOC and Ilhan come into play). at its most basic level, being a president is about being a leader.

    Trump's failure to navigate us through a historic pandemic is a proof he is unfit for the job. he can't lead. he can't navigate. he can't take accountability for his failures; as you said he can't even direct the general public to mask up.

    i'm glad you and i can agree on the fact that American politics doesn't help black folks/POC/minorities. i'm glad we can agree on Biden and Trump both being trash. if you don't vote, that's your prerogative (although complaining but not voting makes you apart of the problem, not the solution, though i do understand not wanting to vote for someone you think is morally repugnant - i would not have voted if Bloomberg got the nom). all i am saying is that Trump is worse than Biden. that's the only thing i will advocate for in this discussion

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    We can’t preach about change but then run back to Trump

    We can’t preach about change and then run back to Biden

    Everyone keeps saying I’m advocating for Trump. Pointing out FACTS as to why Biden is worse than Trump is it advocating, that’s just called having a conversation based on facts.

    How many times have I said ITT if I end up voting I’m voting for Kanye?? Last time I checked you can only vote for one person

    Niggas ITT doesn’t understand how strong minded I am, lmaoo like them guilt trip tactics doesn’t work on me at all. You can’t convince me that Biden is good for us when FACTS show he isn’t.

    listen, i personally feel trump is worse than biden, but the point is theyre both dogshit, and that was kind of pretty widely understood. the point was that one had to vote for the lesser of two evils

    but now, we have someone running who is the lesser evil of all three. in fact, he is not evil at all, he is someone who we know for a fact has a good heart, cares about people, and stands for something. Ye stands for something to the point where he’s risked EVERYTHING MULTIPLE TIMES to tell people the truth. So there is not a damn thing anyone can tell me to make me feel like im doing the wrong thing for supporting Ye

    now if Ye begins to unveil his policies and i dont agree with them, then the discussion will change. But as of right now, that is how i feel

  • Jul 6, 2020

    most people that are sane, informed and think with their braind wouldn't want to vote Biden or Trump

    that is why I think most Ye voters would be people who wouldn't vote at all

    all this bullshit with splitting the votes and acting like most Kanye fans aren't white or that the right hasn't supported Kanye like the left

  • i mean holy s***, think about this people

    which side do christians lean? left or right? just because some boujee white girl on twitter told you Ye is only taking votes from biden, does not mean she is telling you the whole truth

    an honest man with a good heart will be perceived as an alien to the opposite

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    hey man relax

    listen, i personally feel trump is worse than biden, but the point is theyre both dogshit, and that was kind of pretty widely understood. the point was that one had to vote for the lesser of two evils

    but now, we have someone running who is the lesser evil of all three. in fact, he is not evil at all, he is someone who we know for a fact has a good heart, cares about people, and stands for something. Ye stands for something to the point where he’s risked EVERYTHING MULTIPLE TIMES to tell people the truth. So there is not a damn thing anyone can tell me to make me feel like im doing the wrong thing for supporting Ye

    now if Ye begins to unveil his policies and i dont agree with them, then the discussion will change. But as of right now, that is how i feel


    they are trying to dig up dirt on Ye but can't find s***

    some lies but most of it is stuff out of context

    and I think Ye has really good intentions, can't say for the other 2

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    i'm having some glitches on my end too lol

    yes, those numbers are terrible bc of a pandemic

    a pandemic he clearly cannot handle bc he is too incompetent. his failed response is the reason we're here right now. and yes I see people not wearing masks... literally his supporters! at his rallies! and he never wears one. nor makes any kind of official announcement/advice of "wear a mask", which would obviously help

    people collecting more on unemployment than being on work is an indictment on the federal government... Trump's government. his failure, so you're proving my point by saying that lol

    but bro you keep moving these goal posts about policies in an effort to show that Biden is worse than Trump. being a president goes beyond policies and legislation, the reality is that's Congress' job. SENATOR Biden helped write the crime bill, not PRESIDENT Clinton, although ofc he is culpable; but do not lose sight of what i am saying: unless the president acts pursuant to his executive powers via executive orders, he's not going to be in office trying to write bills and laws. again, Congress will do that (and thats where having people like AOC and Ilhan come into play). at its most basic level, being a president is about being a leader.

    Trump's failure to navigate us through a historic pandemic is a proof he is unfit for the job. he can't lead. he can't navigate. he can't take accountability for his failures; as you said he can't even direct the general public to mask up.

    i'm glad you and i can agree on the fact that American politics doesn't help black folks/POC/minorities. i'm glad we can agree on Biden and Trump both being trash. if you don't vote, that's your prerogative (although complaining but not voting makes you apart of the problem, not the solution, though i do understand not wanting to vote for someone you think is morally repugnant - i would not have voted if Bloomberg got the nom). all i am saying is that Trump is worse than Biden. that's the only thing i will advocate for in this discussion

    And I’m not gonna sit here and try and change peoples minds if they feel Trump is worse, my man @Oblivion99 thinks the same which is fine.

    I just want more people to be aware of what y’all signing up for. Cus like I told someone else, if Trump wins there’s going to be crazy riots cus people are gonna be so mad. I know this. But if Biden wins niggas is going to relax and get complacent because it’ll be said “thank god it ain’t Trump we did it”......majority of people are going to be satisfied with the simple fact of trump being out of office. Not all people obviously but majority.

    That’s scary bro. You can’t be complacent with a man like Biden in office same way we not with Trump. But it’s a clear agenda that the news and media outlets and celebs have against trump and simply do not keep the same energy with Biden and I do not understand it. Like y’all have to realize how scary that is, when news/media/celebs are so one-sided you have to open your eyes and realize why.

    Biden doesn’t even apologize for the crime bill, he even called out the clintons for apologizing and still stands by it to this day. To me Trump is an idiot who we can agree doesn’t know how to run a country, but with Biden (dementia aside) he isn’t an idiot, look at how he moved as a senate. He’s a f***ing wolf. And to me it’s asking too much of black people to trust someone like Biden after all he’s done.

    Diddy said “the black vote ain’t free this time” but Wtf we really gonna do? Still end up voting for Biden? Vote for Trump? We need more options

  • hey man relax

    listen, i personally feel trump is worse than biden, but the point is theyre both dogshit, and that was kind of pretty widely understood. the point was that one had to vote for the lesser of two evils

    but now, we have someone running who is the lesser evil of all three. in fact, he is not evil at all, he is someone who we know for a fact has a good heart, cares about people, and stands for something. Ye stands for something to the point where he’s risked EVERYTHING MULTIPLE TIMES to tell people the truth. So there is not a damn thing anyone can tell me to make me feel like im doing the wrong thing for supporting Ye

    now if Ye begins to unveil his policies and i dont agree with them, then the discussion will change. But as of right now, that is how i feel

    And I back this 100%...the argument of Trump VS Biden really is whatever because it’s devil vs devil I mean you lose either way

    But for people saying “y’all complete morons for voting Ye” gonna have to articulate why. And “he knows nothing about policies” isn’t good enough. Cus EVERY person who’s saying “don’t vote Ye” IS voting Biden, 100% Same people pretending they want “change” yet sticking with the old??

    So you don’t want a caring black celebrity as a president who TRULY cares about humans and wants us to be free all because “he doesn’t know politics”

    But you do want someone who knows politics very well and used his knowledge to make the black community suffer?

  • We gave a white celebrity a chance, let’s give a black celebrity a chance

    Oh wait y’all wanna run back to Biden evil racist ass....okay....more slavery and more oppression yayyy thanks guys really loving the “change”

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply


    they are trying to dig up dirt on Ye but can't find s***

    some lies but most of it is stuff out of context

    and I think Ye has really good intentions, can't say for the other 2

    He 100% has good intentions

    The thing a lot of kids on here lack besides common sense is street smarts and good judge of character

    Anyone with good judge of character can read how genuine Ye is just as a person. Like he feels s*** deeply and cares deeply.

    Anyone with actual street smarts can recognize a crook when they see one, and that’s Biden.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    If you don’t vote for Kanye leave this site now

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    He 100% has good intentions

    The thing a lot of kids on here lack besides common sense is street smarts and good judge of character

    Anyone with good judge of character can read how genuine Ye is just as a person. Like he feels s*** deeply and cares deeply.

    Anyone with actual street smarts can recognize a crook when they see one, and that’s Biden.

    Ye also has laser focus work ethic, reports of him sleep deprived and Kim saying he's workin too much, look at all of the stuff he did and everything he says he will do and most of it comes true.
    Self-made black bilionare compared to the other 2.
    and lets not even start to talk about morality and judge of character

    or their mental and physical state

  • Bamskeev

    Ye also has laser focus work ethic, reports of him sleep deprived and Kim saying he's workin too much, look at all of the stuff he did and everything he says he will do and most of it comes true.
    Self-made black bilionare compared to the other 2.
    and lets not even start to talk about morality and judge of character

    or their mental and physical state

    Yup bro I agree 100%.....all the s*** he’s been doing in Wyoming too. Niggas act like KanYe is Lil Yachty or someone random. Like nah nigga Ye actual had a vision and executes his goals very well

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    And I’m not gonna sit here and try and change peoples minds if they feel Trump is worse, my man @Oblivion99 thinks the same which is fine.

    I just want more people to be aware of what y’all signing up for. Cus like I told someone else, if Trump wins there’s going to be crazy riots cus people are gonna be so mad. I know this. But if Biden wins niggas is going to relax and get complacent because it’ll be said “thank god it ain’t Trump we did it”......majority of people are going to be satisfied with the simple fact of trump being out of office. Not all people obviously but majority.

    That’s scary bro. You can’t be complacent with a man like Biden in office same way we not with Trump. But it’s a clear agenda that the news and media outlets and celebs have against trump and simply do not keep the same energy with Biden and I do not understand it. Like y’all have to realize how scary that is, when news/media/celebs are so one-sided you have to open your eyes and realize why.

    Biden doesn’t even apologize for the crime bill, he even called out the clintons for apologizing and still stands by it to this day. To me Trump is an idiot who we can agree doesn’t know how to run a country, but with Biden (dementia aside) he isn’t an idiot, look at how he moved as a senate. He’s a f***ing wolf. And to me it’s asking too much of black people to trust someone like Biden after all he’s done.

    Diddy said “the black vote ain’t free this time” but Wtf we really gonna do? Still end up voting for Biden? Vote for Trump? We need more options

    i am ABSOLUTELY with you on, "we cannot stop the fight just bc we have Biden in office". I won't stop bc Biden is in place. that's not enough.

    Biden in office means a regression to the mean; i think it'll essentially be a return to the Obama era. it may be better than the Trump era, but that's not saying much.

    Biden/liberals think Trump is the problem, when really he is the symptom of a broken system. I know Biden isn't the answer, but to me its a step (albeit a very small one) in the right direction. Unfortunately, change sometimes has to come incrementally. I am willing to accept that.

    one thing I forgot to mention: voting for Biden is really more about voting for his VP. who he chooses there will be crucial. I truly believe he won't even finish his first term, he'll pick a black woman as VP (Abrams? Kamala?), resign before the end of his first term, have his VP takeover and then champion himself as the GOAT black ally "I was the VP to the first black president, I am responsible for the first black women president". even if he doesn't end up doing that, I think one way or another Biden doesn't finish that first term (purposefully or not) and so that VP choice will be crucial bc a VP's job is to be able to step into the presidency at a moment's notice.. and let's be real here with Sleepy Joe over here with his age/dementia, he needs to pick a capable VP

    I don't think Biden actually wants to be president, he just truly believes he's the only one who could beat Trump bc he's moderate enough to appeal to some GOP who would flip and vote for him in a way they'd never have done for Hillary

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    i am ABSOLUTELY with you on, "we cannot stop the fight just bc we have Biden in office". I won't stop bc Biden is in place. that's not enough.

    Biden in office means a regression to the mean; i think it'll essentially be a return to the Obama era. it may be better than the Trump era, but that's not saying much.

    Biden/liberals think Trump is the problem, when really he is the symptom of a broken system. I know Biden isn't the answer, but to me its a step (albeit a very small one) in the right direction. Unfortunately, change sometimes has to come incrementally. I am willing to accept that.

    one thing I forgot to mention: voting for Biden is really more about voting for his VP. who he chooses there will be crucial. I truly believe he won't even finish his first term, he'll pick a black woman as VP (Abrams? Kamala?), resign before the end of his first term, have his VP takeover and then champion himself as the GOAT black ally "I was the VP to the first black president, I am responsible for the first black women president". even if he doesn't end up doing that, I think one way or another Biden doesn't finish that first term (purposefully or not) and so that VP choice will be crucial bc a VP's job is to be able to step into the presidency at a moment's notice.. and let's be real here with Sleepy Joe over here with his age/dementia, he needs to pick a capable VP

    I don't think Biden actually wants to be president, he just truly believes he's the only one who could beat Trump bc he's moderate enough to appeal to some GOP who would flip and vote for him in a way they'd never have done for Hillary

    Lemme ask you this, because it’s interesting what you said about the VP plan and I could see that happening.

    But do people at least acknowledge that Biden is also racist? Also meaning yes Trump is racist but so is Biden. Because I had @KuntaKinte sit here and tell me “Biden isn’t racist he’s just old and white in America so sometimes that can lead to saying racist/sexist things”

    S*** like that is what bothers me. “Yeah Biden sucks”......okay the word “sucks” is downplaying it. Are we aware of him being racist

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