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  • Jul 6, 2020
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    Not sure if you mean me?

    Naw general mindset of the world

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    And I’m not gonna sit here and try and change peoples minds if they feel Trump is worse, my man @Oblivion99 thinks the same which is fine.

    I just want more people to be aware of what y’all signing up for. Cus like I told someone else, if Trump wins there’s going to be crazy riots cus people are gonna be so mad. I know this. But if Biden wins niggas is going to relax and get complacent because it’ll be said “thank god it ain’t Trump we did it”......majority of people are going to be satisfied with the simple fact of trump being out of office. Not all people obviously but majority.

    That’s scary bro. You can’t be complacent with a man like Biden in office same way we not with Trump. But it’s a clear agenda that the news and media outlets and celebs have against trump and simply do not keep the same energy with Biden and I do not understand it. Like y’all have to realize how scary that is, when news/media/celebs are so one-sided you have to open your eyes and realize why.

    Biden doesn’t even apologize for the crime bill, he even called out the clintons for apologizing and still stands by it to this day. To me Trump is an idiot who we can agree doesn’t know how to run a country, but with Biden (dementia aside) he isn’t an idiot, look at how he moved as a senate. He’s a f***ing wolf. And to me it’s asking too much of black people to trust someone like Biden after all he’s done.

    Diddy said “the black vote ain’t free this time” but Wtf we really gonna do? Still end up voting for Biden? Vote for Trump? We need more options

    Yeah dont know why people thinking us criticizing biden is bad lol. Biden deserves all the criticisms just as trump. My whole point with the other guy was that even if you dont agree with some people wanting to vote for ye you can at least understand why they would rather use their vote on someone besides those two. It's not a trump = biden thing it's a both them niggas have f*** us up before thing, whether trump more than biden or other way around it dont matter.

    Like you can argue that we should vote biden without having to cape and go to war for him as a person lol

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    We can’t preach about change but then run back to Trump

    We can’t preach about change and then run back to Biden

    Everyone keeps saying I’m advocating for Trump. Pointing out FACTS as to why Biden is worse than Trump is it advocating, that’s just called having a conversation based on facts.

    How many times have I said ITT if I end up voting I’m voting for Kanye?? Last time I checked you can only vote for one person

    Niggas ITT doesn’t understand how strong minded I am, lmaoo like them guilt trip tactics doesn’t work on me at all. You can’t convince me that Biden is good for us when FACTS show he isn’t.

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I’m not a Trump supporter, nor do I identify as left or right. I was a big Yang and Bernie supporter actually so I was leaning left in that regard though ig. It’s insane that people are getting shamed out of not wanting to vote or voting independent. The same people pushing for Biden are the same people who were calling him the worst stuff and saying he was worse than Trump back when it was Biden vs Bernie. It’s insane to see people go to “well it’s not Trump” as a defense when Biden won’t even remember his name in about a year. Idc man, I’m supporting Kanye.

  • lucky star

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I’m not a Trump supporter, nor do I identify as left or right. I was a big Yang and Bernie supporter actually so I was leaning left in that regard though ig. It’s insane that people are getting shamed out of not wanting to vote or voting independent. The same people pushing for Biden are the same people who were calling him the worst stuff and saying he was worse than Trump back when it was Biden vs Bernie. It’s insane to see people go to “well it’s not Trump” as a defense when Biden won’t even remember his name in about a year. Idc man, I’m supporting Kanye.

    S*** crazy right? Realistically I’m not saying anything new or different. I should look into how MK ultra and mind control works cus s*** too unreal to me how blinded some people is acting. It gotta be something deeper going on that got niggas switching up they whole views and out of nowhere worshipping a man they once hated

  • Jul 6, 2020
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    ⚠️ This post contains unverified information which is most likely false
    The provided source(s) are known to be consistently unreliable (More information)

  • Jul 7, 2020

    SM is so triggered at the thought of people voting for Kanye.

    It’s Kanye. he does this every election year lol. People have lost all sense of humor.

  • Jul 7, 2020

    Kanye becoming president would be the final nail in the coffin to the god awful charade that is American politics so in that regard, I hope he does run and I hope he wins because I don’t know how anyone could possibly take any of this s*** seriously after this lmfao

  • bruh I got snubbed

  • Jul 7, 2020
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    I wanna post some s*** on IG telling everyone to calm down about this Kanye hate thing but lowkey worried people finna be mad af and unfollow me lmao

    I’ve already wrote some s*** down in my notes to post but not sure if it’s the “right” thing to do 🤔🤔🤔

    Ain’t tryna have heat on me over something people will forget about in a week...

  • Jul 7, 2020

    If already saw that famous IG post about "some truths about Kanye West" on my friend's stories.

    I can't believe people are so absolutely dumb to blindly believe what a few headlines read without any context, but also not asking the same for the infamous Trump and Biden.

    Also, the things that were posted as "bad" of Kanye aren't criminal things like racism or pedophilia

  • Jul 7, 2020

    I feel we will see Kanye on Joe Rogan in the very near future

  • Jul 7, 2020

    I wanna post some s*** on IG telling everyone to calm down about this Kanye hate thing but lowkey worried people finna be mad af and unfollow me lmao

    I’ve already wrote some s*** down in my notes to post but not sure if it’s the “right” thing to do 🤔🤔🤔

    Ain’t tryna have heat on me over something people will forget about in a week...

    just keep to urself my g

  • Jul 7, 2020
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    Sensing a tweet today

  • Jul 7, 2020

    Sensing a tweet today

    Need that, I was talking about 2024 election

  • sonyatv 😽
    Jul 7, 2020
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    ⚠️ This post contains unverified information which is most likely false
    The provided source(s) are known to be consistently unreliable (More information)

    howd u get that notice on ur reply tf

  • Jul 7, 2020

    I wanna post some s*** on IG telling everyone to calm down about this Kanye hate thing but lowkey worried people finna be mad af and unfollow me lmao

    I’ve already wrote some s*** down in my notes to post but not sure if it’s the “right” thing to do 🤔🤔🤔

    Ain’t tryna have heat on me over something people will forget about in a week...

    f*** everybody else be true to you

  • Jul 7, 2020

    howd u get that notice on ur reply tf


  • Jul 7, 2020
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    Lemme ask you this, because it’s interesting what you said about the VP plan and I could see that happening.

    But do people at least acknowledge that Biden is also racist? Also meaning yes Trump is racist but so is Biden. Because I had @KuntaKinte sit here and tell me “Biden isn’t racist he’s just old and white in America so sometimes that can lead to saying racist/sexist things”

    S*** like that is what bothers me. “Yeah Biden sucks”......okay the word “sucks” is downplaying it. Are we aware of him being racist

    sorry for the late response

    to answer your question in a short way, yes.

    in the traditional sense of how think of whether a person is racist or not racist, yes he's been racist in the past: "if you don't vote for me, you aint black" is a hella racist sentiment, shows u how entitled he believes he is to the black vote

    i don't view usually view people under blanket terms like "racist" or "not racist" tho; at all times we are either acting in a "racist" manner, or in an "anti racist" manner, and i think Biden has acted in both of those manners

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply

    that pdf file in @OP is 100% fake

  • Jul 7, 2020

    that pdf file in @OP is 100% fake

    200% fake

  • Jul 8, 2020

    This s*** just pains me what the f*** happened bro

  • Jul 8, 2020
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    Can’t even defend it anymore but I’ll stick with the facts

    There ain’t no way you can read this article and stand by him anymore, if you can’t separate the art from the artist I’d suggest you learn now

  • Jul 8, 2020

    He wayyyy to deep in on the Christian stuff, enough that it makes it really hard to stand by him as a person because he really is trying to force it onto other people in a harmful way.

  • Jul 8, 2020
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    Worst things to talk about in life:

    • politics
    • religion

    Kanye: here you go

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