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  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Yikes Christian cult strikes again

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Budd Dwyer

    i understand it’s not literal and i understand he can’t win. yet the interview was a disaster

    I must have had much lower expectations than you guys.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    I just got so excited when I saw the headline on Twitter, now I am little worried for Ye. I hope this whole Pres run is just an umbrella strategy for Yeezy promotion

  • Jul 8, 2020

    I must have had much lower expectations than you guys.

    unless he declared himself as a devout nazi idk what could be worse

  • Jul 8, 2020


  • Jul 8, 2020

    obviously his faith has had a real impact on his life and what he believes, and as someone who has gone through that awakening of spirit i can completely understand wanting everyone to feel the same clarity and peace that it brings. If i had a massive platform like the one kanye does, it's likely that i would have used it to try spreading "enlightenment" to people, but the truth is you can't really make people understand that, it's something people must choose for themselves so the forcing christian values is just an error, but his heart is not in the wrong place with that. we are in a social climate where you will be ridiculed for questioning mainstream thought and mainstream science, so it doesn't surprise me that so many people are losing their s*** over things like anti vaxx and pro life, but honestly if we spent less time criticizing people with those views and more time finding out why they really believe them, we'd end up with much more constructive outcomes. there are anti vaxx doctors, there are thousands of parents who claim their child was affected adversely by vaccinations. why do we immediately discredit what we don't agree with? having real discussions about this stuff will only serve to ween out the actual crazies

  • Prez 💎
    Jul 8, 2020

    I love kanye as a musician but I’m done with him as a person. F*** that dude

  • blase 🦋
    Jul 8, 2020

    please keep

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Was excited no longer excited

  • Jul 8, 2020

    Was excited no longer excited

  • Jul 8, 2020

    The vaccine thing, the pro-life comment and the bring back Christianity to schools is what bothers me the most. The rest of things are not bad.

    Even though, still better than Biden and Trump. I would not vote for Kanye tho, if I was American.

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Overall it wasn’t too had, but that vaccine and school stuff will ruin his image so bad

  • Jul 8, 2020

    what a f***ing nut

  • Jul 8, 2020

    I get not caring about what other people think, but Kanye, you’re running for president... it’s kind of the whole point

  • Jul 8, 2020

    Yikes Christian cult strikes again

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply
    lucky star

    Overall it wasn’t too had, but that vaccine and school stuff will ruin his image so bad

    Also, he wore the hat because he likes trump hotels and the saxophone in the lobby

  • Jul 8, 2020
    Zach LaBeam

    Also, he wore the hat because he likes trump hotels and the saxophone in the lobby

    I can’t believe him having Covid was the LEAST shocking thing in the interview

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jul 8, 2020

    If you vote for Kanye I hope you get banned

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    “I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.”

    Alexa, play FACTS by Kanye West

  • Jul 8, 2020

    buckle up buckaroos

  • Jul 8, 2020

    This... really isn't it.

  • Jul 8, 2020

  • Jul 8, 2020

    “I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.”

    Alexa, play FACTS by Kanye West

    Yeah but it's one of the few relatable things that he said- which could potentially effect how black people view Biden- who happens to be the only other person besides Trump who can win.

    Its facts but it's ugly and not really beneficial in the big picture.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    pro life comments and this on the same day

  • Jul 8, 2020
    2 replies

    Why would he siphon black votes? Because he's black, even though his conservative views conflict with a lot of liberal black peoples' views? Isnt that also "monolithic thinking"?

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