Why would he siphon black votes? Because he's black, even though his conservative views conflict with a lot of liberal black peoples' views? Isnt that also "monolithic thinking"?
Yes, I struggled with this myself but the answer is that yes he's so influential that he could pull votes from Biden. It's less about being a monolith and more about Kanye having a lot of mindshare- and he's speaking about things that black people relate to like Christianity and dare I say reparations.
I really think our mans is not well. Seems all over the place and honestly just has a very clouded iffy mindset right now.
Tbh I think we are just on a big pendulum swing in terms of Kanye’s personality/mind frame. Less 2 years ago he was creative directing the p***hub awards and now we are on the complete opposite site of the spectrum. I mean now he’s not even supporting trump, luckily.
I just hope he becomes more grounded and actually open minded and the people around him can help him in doing this. Somebody gotta step in. What happened to free thought?
Can’t even defend it anymore but I’ll stick with the facts
There ain’t no way you can read this article and stand by him anymore, if you can’t separate the art from the artist I’d suggest you learn now
nah ill still support the art but the artist has proven to be batshit
Why would he siphon black votes? Because he's black, even though his conservative views conflict with a lot of liberal black peoples' views? Isnt that also "monolithic thinking"?
I don’t get the stealing Biden votes idea either its obv racist as s*** lmao
He’ll take a little sure but he’d take more trump ppl. Real concern for them is if hed bring in more nonvoters. only old ppl showing up this election
Nobody is voting for ye if they’re not even voting for ye on this website imo.
Doesn’t seem like he has until ideas yet - just Godgodgod.
Still think Gods Country promo and 2024 possible.
Speaking as a christian myself, this mans approach to Christianity exemplifies everything that is wrong with evangelicalism
why do people think being pro-life is bad? I think it's only bad if you actualy want to ban abortions
why do people think being pro-life is bad? I think it's only bad if you actualy want to ban abortions
well he explicitly said he’s against them, so
why do people think being pro-life is bad? I think it's only bad if you actualy want to ban abortions
is that not what pro-life is??
well he explicitly said he’s against them, so
well yes that's what pro-life means, you are against abortions but it doesn't mean you want to ban them there is a difference
maybe it's different in the US but the current govorment in my country is pro-life but they didn't and do not plan to ban it, also it is available to everyone thru the nation health care system and is also made affordable to anyone
is that not what pro-life is??
in my view abortion is morally wrong and the point of pro-life is to destigmatize abortion as a form of contraception
but not to ban it
Until Kanye tweets these beliefs or I hear it from his mouth live then I'm taking this article with a grain of salt. Remember, the media LOVES to chop things up and edit articles. Yeah some of his ideas are outrageous but people are getting upset over ONE article. Also, the president will never please everyone. Literally every president has done something bad, because they're just... human. It doesn't make it right but it will always be that way. Also everyone is making a bigger deal over Ye being pro-life than the other candidate being ACTUAL pedophiles. Ye doesn't even have that bad of a past compared to the others, as far as we know. Lastly, Ye will be Ye. The people are literally giving him what he wants, tons of attention. Not surprised though. The mass majority of twitter never thoroughly constructs an idea out. They just babble. I rarely speak my opinion on these things but it's sad to see how the mass is reacting.
Until Kanye tweets these beliefs or I hear it from his mouth live then I'm taking this article with a grain of salt. Remember, the media LOVES to chop things up and edit articles. Yeah some of his ideas are outrageous but people are getting upset over ONE article. Also, the president will never please everyone. Literally every president has done something bad, because they're just... human. It doesn't make it right but it will always be that way. Also everyone is making a bigger deal over Ye being pro-life than the other candidate being ACTUAL pedophiles. Ye doesn't even have that bad of a past compared to the others, as far as we know. Lastly, Ye will be Ye. The people are literally giving him what he wants, tons of attention. Not surprised though. The mass majority of twitter never thoroughly constructs an idea out. They just babble. I rarely speak my opinion on these things but it's sad to see how the mass is reacting.
I mean the interview is quoted so it's 98% him
and until he states that he wants to ban abortions being pro-life is not a bad thing
here I was for a couple of days thinking he could run on a platform I’d actually be able to get behind
in my view abortion is morally wrong and the point of pro-life is to destigmatize abortion as a form of contraception
but not to ban it
no congressman shares your view, its either legal or banned
no congressman shares your view, its either legal or banned
I wouldn't say no one shares my view but I would rather have it legal then to be banned but I am pro-life
illegal abortion doesn't stop abortion. it stops safe abortions.
religious indoctrination in the school system will divide this country even more.
come on kanye
illegal abortion doesn't stop abortion. it stops safe abortions.
religious indoctrination in the school system will divide this country even more.
come on kanye
this is 100%, that's why I will never be for illegal abortions but then again I have said it before, he did not say he wants to ban it he just said he is pro-life which I agree
also forcing religion is not good, if someone wants to learn about it they should be able to learn in church