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“These kids wouldn’t be here if pro-choice liberals of Planned Parenthood had their way”
Kanye's kids popping up like a 90s sitcom after a new season there's a baby added to the cast out of nowhere.
He been off since UCLA this isn’t really surprising to me
Even if Yandhi came out his rebirth in his faith was inevitable if I’m being honest the only thing that would be different was how he got there
This is very arrogant
No it was literally all made up before science was discovered and religion was made to con people
Why don’t the people of the schools decide whether God belongs there or not?
because public education needs to be kept objective and informative
He been off since UCLA this isn’t really surprising to me
Even if Yandhi came out his rebirth in his faith was inevitable if I’m being honest the only thing that would be different was how he got there
honestly thats where it all started. once he was hospitalized
No it was literally all made up before science was discovered and religion was made to con people
religion is opium for the masses
But then again it can help people find peace and spread positivity and the opposite