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  • Jul 9, 2020

    because public education needs to be kept objective and informative

    Education and objectivity

    Relook over this post

  • Jul 9, 2020

    religion is opium for the masses

    But then again it can help people find peace and spread positivity and the opposite

    yes true

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    how can I take your music opinions seriously when you think schools should have a preferred religion?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    thread exposing the whackos on this site

  • Jul 9, 2020
    2 replies

    how can I take your music opinions seriously when you think schools should have a preferred religion?

    I mean to be fair most Christians think that it should be taught in school

  • Jul 9, 2020

    kanye kids are cute though

  • Jul 9, 2020

    I mean to be fair most Christians think that it should be taught in school

    at that point it’s not “difference in beliefs” it’s delusion and control. kanye’s anti mind control? this is a step in the wrong direction

  • Jul 9, 2020

    spiritual beliefs should be a personal journey, religion is hivemind. it’s Pure Evil when you train everyone else to believe your crackpot theories on how the world came to be when Science literally exists.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    people who think we should “leave it up to the schools” are a threat to democracy, truth, and justice, and must have some sort of vested interest in conforming society to their worldview

  • Jul 9, 2020

    sorry for the realness.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean to be fair most Christians think that it should be taught in school

    and those christians are dumb ash

  • Jul 9, 2020

    and those christians are dumb ash

    how do you know his/her name is ash?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Nothing is wrong, people crying because his views differ to theirs.

    Separation of church n state is important, since he wanna use God in his legislation, what's stopping him from using the word to scale back even more rights from the LGBT community.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    5 replies

    Since Ye's gone full god fearing mode, I'd be lying if I said I haven't explored my own spirituality a bit more. All things considered, I think Kanye (of 6 months ago) was touching on some interesting ideas about spirituality being washed away from American society. S***, spirituality's even been washed away from American religion. But if you think about some of the ideas that have guided revolutions in the US' past, so many have been guided by faith. MLK's "beloved society" comes to mind. No "real" change can happen unless there's a spiritual transformation. And real talk, the USA is absolutely piss poor at having any structures or models in place to inspire empathy and agapic love between neighbors. We could all due with a little more spiritual connection. And with so much interesting material to explore, so much beauty and complexity, this unconscionably stupid mf-er chooses to talk about devil vaccinations, deodorant chemicals, and how Trump is the president who's brought us the closest to the Jesus. I can't f***ing handle this dude.

  • VivaJeebus

    Since Ye's gone full god fearing mode, I'd be lying if I said I haven't explored my own spirituality a bit more. All things considered, I think Kanye (of 6 months ago) was touching on some interesting ideas about spirituality being washed away from American society. S***, spirituality's even been washed away from American religion. But if you think about some of the ideas that have guided revolutions in the US' past, so many have been guided by faith. MLK's "beloved society" comes to mind. No "real" change can happen unless there's a spiritual transformation. And real talk, the USA is absolutely piss poor at having any structures or models in place to inspire empathy and agapic love between neighbors. We could all due with a little more spiritual connection. And with so much interesting material to explore, so much beauty and complexity, this unconscionably stupid mf-er chooses to talk about devil vaccinations, deodorant chemicals, and how Trump is the president who's brought us the closest to the Jesus. I can't f***ing handle this dude.


  • pneu

    Being married to the greatest artist of all time sounds great.

    tbh given how a lot of artists are, being married to a mid level artist sounds stressful let alone a goat

  • Jul 9, 2020

    So glad I took a break from Twitter today lol I don’t wanna even feel the 2nd band embarrassment.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Well damn. His policies are the exact opposite of mine. Wtf?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Since Ye's gone full god fearing mode, I'd be lying if I said I haven't explored my own spirituality a bit more. All things considered, I think Kanye (of 6 months ago) was touching on some interesting ideas about spirituality being washed away from American society. S***, spirituality's even been washed away from American religion. But if you think about some of the ideas that have guided revolutions in the US' past, so many have been guided by faith. MLK's "beloved society" comes to mind. No "real" change can happen unless there's a spiritual transformation. And real talk, the USA is absolutely piss poor at having any structures or models in place to inspire empathy and agapic love between neighbors. We could all due with a little more spiritual connection. And with so much interesting material to explore, so much beauty and complexity, this unconscionably stupid mf-er chooses to talk about devil vaccinations, deodorant chemicals, and how Trump is the president who's brought us the closest to the Jesus. I can't f***ing handle this dude.

    He was onto this during yandhi era and it was very apparent

    Then he just went overboard

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Since Ye's gone full god fearing mode, I'd be lying if I said I haven't explored my own spirituality a bit more. All things considered, I think Kanye (of 6 months ago) was touching on some interesting ideas about spirituality being washed away from American society. S***, spirituality's even been washed away from American religion. But if you think about some of the ideas that have guided revolutions in the US' past, so many have been guided by faith. MLK's "beloved society" comes to mind. No "real" change can happen unless there's a spiritual transformation. And real talk, the USA is absolutely piss poor at having any structures or models in place to inspire empathy and agapic love between neighbors. We could all due with a little more spiritual connection. And with so much interesting material to explore, so much beauty and complexity, this unconscionably stupid mf-er chooses to talk about devil vaccinations, deodorant chemicals, and how Trump is the president who's brought us the closest to the Jesus. I can't f***ing handle this dude.

    You hit the nail on the f***ing head. I really can’t stand Kanye right now.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Damn. Kanye tweeted so much about encouraging people to register to vote. both in 2008 and 2016 yet he never did

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Since Ye's gone full god fearing mode, I'd be lying if I said I haven't explored my own spirituality a bit more. All things considered, I think Kanye (of 6 months ago) was touching on some interesting ideas about spirituality being washed away from American society. S***, spirituality's even been washed away from American religion. But if you think about some of the ideas that have guided revolutions in the US' past, so many have been guided by faith. MLK's "beloved society" comes to mind. No "real" change can happen unless there's a spiritual transformation. And real talk, the USA is absolutely piss poor at having any structures or models in place to inspire empathy and agapic love between neighbors. We could all due with a little more spiritual connection. And with so much interesting material to explore, so much beauty and complexity, this unconscionably stupid mf-er chooses to talk about devil vaccinations, deodorant chemicals, and how Trump is the president who's brought us the closest to the Jesus. I can't f***ing handle this dude.

    Words if wisdom.

    Spirituality and religion are not exactly the same.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't think the tweets were damage control, if anything he was furthering his stupid point lol

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