So u just want other men f*** ur girl
I feel like either yall niggas re.tarded or yall just cant read.
What part of “both parties do they own thing” arent yall illiterate niggas getting?
Damn so u be kissing up on yo girl even tho she outs here sucking off other niggas huh
Damn this is literally not how any poly/open relationship works unless you a swinger but nice try huh.
@TIIMMY_BURNER I think KTT gets most they information about these type of relationships from p***hub lol
I feel like either yall niggas re.tarded or yall just cant read.
What part of “both parties do they own thing” arent yall illiterate niggas getting?
I get that.
So im just curious would u also be okay in an open relationship with the love of ur life/wife too?
I get that.
So im just curious would u also be okay in an open relationship with the love of ur life/wife too?
I’ve done it lol.
And before you ask, s*** ending had nothing to do with it and more to do with COVID
Why should they not? Weirdo ass niggas
Someone said it perfect itt, s*** ain’t black and white. Not everyone gonna have a single partner or be single. When Life hits, you make decisions and compromises with the people you care about and go from there. Their lives are inherently more complicated than the average person so why should your normal rules about relationships fit the mold for them?
Media really tryna promote everything but making babies & being a family nowadays
This s*** irks me though, if one partner knows they won’t be faithful one way, but they wanna raise the kid they have together, they make a compromise on their relationship to keep it all together. That’s the exact definition of doing the best thing for your family
Media really tryna promote everything but making babies & being a family nowadays
This is literally not true and you know it. Media was shoving kimye and jada/will down our throats for years as “goals”
Damn this is literally not how any poly/open relationship works unless you a swinger but nice try huh.
@TIIMMY_BURNER I think KTT gets most they information about these type of relationships from p***hub lol
How does an open relationship works then ? Genuinely curious
Someone said it perfect itt, s*** ain’t black and white. Not everyone gonna have a single partner or be single. When Life hits, you make decisions and compromises with the people you care about and go from there. Their lives are inherently more complicated than the average person so why should your normal rules about relationships fit the mold for them?
Why is their life more complicated bro. You dont need to keep your head in the clouds. Thats just what they choose to do because a lot of these people were into that in the first place
This s*** irks me though, if one partner knows they won’t be faithful one way, but they wanna raise the kid they have together, they make a compromise on their relationship to keep it all together. That’s the exact definition of doing the best thing for your family
That is selfish and unfair as f*** to the child just because u wanna f*** around what type of logic is this
KTTcels are in indenial of how much full of s*** year imagine calling someone who is dating Kylie jenner a cuck
A women will walk all over and take advantage of a nigga like u believe that
You have to be a complete cuck if ya f*** with this
A cuck is literally getting off on watching his girl f*** another man
Someone in an open relationship isn't getting off on it, they're just accepting it or dealing with it in exchange to have freedom of their own. Y'all look at this s*** so black and white. Yea bruh Travis a cuck even tho he probably f***ing more than any of us ever will
I’ll do a open relationship if it’s only open for me
I’ll do a open relationship if it’s only open for me
And this the thing 99% of men would gladly sign up for this and expect the girl to just accept that but find it unfathomable for them to accept the same from their girl.
Damn so u be kissing up on yo girl even tho she outs here sucking off other niggas huh
She not my girl tho
I'm not forcing these nice ladies to adhere to the rules and regulations of the insecure. She can do what she want... not my fault when it happens to be me
That is selfish and unfair as f*** to the child just because u wanna f*** around what type of logic is this
Its always best if a child has both parents constantly there to raise the child, because of their schedules thats never going to be the case, this is also why being together exclusively and not being with others is a struggle. So if you can come up with a solution you work out where you can raise the child together in a relationship but still be able to have freedom where you can happily be together and raise the child and not miss out that much than whats the issue?
Are you a better parent if you are unhappy in your relationship but suck it up for the kid even though they will likely know you are both unhappy because neither is getting what they want? Or compromise and work it out with the other one where you both can get what you want and raise the kid happily? S*** aint black and white, divorce and hard splits are more prevalent than ever nowadays and its proven two households make for more troubled kids. So I think this mentality that you need to split and raise the kid separate from eachother, or stay together exclusively and neither is happy because neither are getting what they want is stupid.
Life aint all ideals, you just gotta work out whats gonna be best for everyone in the situation, seems like they came up with a reasonable solution, the "normal" extremes seem like worst cases in this situation.