Normal People (2020)
Miniseries: A
Case in point s*** like this lol
UK mastered the art of the tv show with 25-30 minute runtime
In my skin (2019)
As ive gotten into my late teens i prefer shows like this compared to s*** like west world where id force myself to try and enjoy it for an hr plus
I still like heady, cerebral s*** but only from certain directors/show runners.
I appreciate stuff like this more now, who knew I could relate to a show about a girl in northern england dealing w her sexuality but ig young peoples troubles all over the world are universal
Normal People (2020)
Miniseries: A
looks interesting. you've put me on.
probably never gonna watch it though like so much on my tv show watchlist
Case in point s*** like this lol
UK mastered the art of the tv show with 25-30 minute runtime
oh s*** its a half hour show? might actually bump this up on my watchlist
oh s*** its a half hour show? might actually bump this up on my watchlist
It’s just a nice little coming of age story
I started this morning
It’s just a nice little coming of age story
I started this morning
12 eps at half an hour sounds good. When every show is 60 mins I often feel like its just not something I can commit to. Just too much.
12 eps at half an hour sounds good. When every show is 60 mins I often feel like its just not something I can commit to. Just too much.
2016 was really the last good year for hour long shows (also yr the leftovers finished )
A lot of the new stuff on hbo and s*** i just can’t get into
It’s like they think just being an hr long and confusing makes a show automatically good
Westworld — season 3
Will Aaron Paul ever not be confused? Great cast and music though this season was the revival the show needed.
Onto season 4 we go Tessa Thompson bout to turn this b**** upside down!
Gangs of London — season 1
I usually trust the Brits to deliver a good show but the action in this was so unprecedented compared to most of the things I've seen from there.
This show has it all. Every plot twist is epic. Every action scene is to die for. Visuals are insanely realistic. Casting is superb. Storyline is so uniquely refreshing
Michelle Fairley still the Queen
It’s just a nice little coming of age story
I started this morning
This is severely downplaying it, it's not even a coming of age series lol
I’ve started watching game of thrones. I’m on episode 8 of season 1
This show crazy. Incest, brothels, folks killing each other, marrying folks they don’t want. F***ery galore
KTT2 has made me very excited for this run I’m bout to go on for Mr. Robot...
Remember seeing season 1 years ago when S2 just came out and loved it. Left it alone because I wanted it to finish.
Here I go
Been rewatching House of Cards still in season 1 and it's just as good as the first watch
Wish it didn't start falling off towards the end I didn't even finish it the first time.
I’ve started watching game of thrones. I’m on episode 8 of season 1
This show crazy. Incest, brothels, folks killing each other, marrying folks they don’t want. F***ery galore
enjoy it while it's still good haha
Been rewatching House of Cards still in season 1 and it's just as good as the first watch
Wish it didn't start falling off towards the end I didn't even finish it the first time.
Ngl every show seems to fall off if it has more than 5 seasons but sometimes even before that
enjoy it while it's still good haha
What season does it fall off?
I’m on episode 4 of season 2 and this s*** is fire.
Rip to the OG stark and the khal
What season does it fall off?
I’m on episode 4 of season 2 and this s*** is fire.
Rip to the OG stark and the khal
after season 5 s*** starts falling apart so you have a good chunk of great episodes ahead
They did my boys Ned & Khal dirty
Skam — season 1 (Eva)
So happy the next season is gonna be focused on queen Noora!
Breaking Bad rewatch
I don't think the storyline would suffer if you got rid of half of the episodes. There's not enough character development and nuance to the show to justify spending 50ish episodes to document one year.
The best thing this show has going for it is the tension between all of the main characters. But it takes too long to get to the point where sitting through all of that pays off.
Aaron Paul and Bob Odenkirk were consistently excellent though and seasons 1 and 5 are classics.
The morning show 9/10