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  • Oct 28, 2022
    1 reply



  • Oct 28, 2022
    1 reply


    damn season 3 of twin peaks.....i didnt understand nothin but i still enjoy it

  • Oct 28, 2022
    Wheel Smith

    damn season 3 of twin peaks.....i didnt understand nothin but i still enjoy it

    I'll rate it pretty highly now that I digested it

  • Oct 29, 2022


    Finale literally saved the show for me

  • Currently watching House season 2

  • Nov 4, 2022

    slasher season 3 - rewatch - 10/10

  • Nov 4, 2022

    The devils hour. A surprisingly amazing show. It’s best to go in blind

  • Nov 5, 2022

    Watching From Scratch with my shorty. On episode 7… this hitting hard for my girl. She lost her mom to cancer about 5 years ago. Had to stop watching there cause it was hitting too close to home for her.

  • Nov 6, 2022

    If y'all are in the mood for a good doc these series on Heaven's Gate cult is pretty good (they are most famous recently due to Uzi wanting to use their logo on his sophomore record)

    (HBO MAX)

  • Nov 6, 2022
    1 reply


    damn y'all guys weren't lying. only funny parts were carell receding hairline and the basketball match

  • Emu 🇮🇱
    Nov 6, 2022


  • Nov 7, 2022
    1 reply

    House of the Dragon
    Season 1: 7/10

    Lord of the Rings
    Season 1: 6/10

    Interview with the Vampire
    Season 1: 8.5/10

    David Makes Man
    Season 1: 8.5/10

  • Nov 11, 2022

    Season 1: 8/10
    Season 2: 8.5/10
    Season 3: 6/10
    Season 4: 7/10

  • Nov 20, 2022

    been rewatching shows from last decade cuz my watchlist is super dry rn

  • Nov 29, 2022
    1 reply



  • Nov 29, 2022

    Overall I'll give it a solid 8/10, such an unique show and breath of fresh air.
    The finale lost his comedic touch but it was still heartfelt and lovely.

  • Nov 29, 2022


    Some cool jokes and a couple of laughs but only a little snapshot of the famous golden age.
    First episodes were dark and depressive as hell and only lately it became the confortable series I remember.

  • Dec 2, 2022

    one of us is lying season 2 - 7.5 /10
    harper island - 9/10

  • Dec 6, 2022

    Been watching this Stallone show Tulsa King. Pretty by-the-numbers and I’m not sure there’s really enough story there for the second season it’s already been given but it’s entertaining enough so far. Fun seeing Herc from The Wire with hair.
    6/10 since it’s not amazing but I am still watching it?

  • Dec 6, 2022
    3 replies

    For people who’ve seen The Handmaid’s Tale, is the first season basically a standalone adaptation of the book (I’ve heard the show falls off pretty heavily after the first season, but that first season is supposed to be really good)?

  • Dec 6, 2022
    · edited

    For people who’ve seen The Handmaid’s Tale, is the first season basically a standalone adaptation of the book (I’ve heard the show falls off pretty heavily after the first season, but that first season is supposed to be really good)?


  • Dec 6, 2022
    1 reply

    For people who’ve seen The Handmaid’s Tale, is the first season basically a standalone adaptation of the book (I’ve heard the show falls off pretty heavily after the first season, but that first season is supposed to be really good)?

    Yes. Everything after (iirc) is the writers making their own story, sort of like what happened with GoT after S4. It's never really been a faithful adaptation since S1, but S1 was still intriguing enough to peep imo.

  • Dec 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Yes. Everything after (iirc) is the writers making their own story, sort of like what happened with GoT after S4. It's never really been a faithful adaptation since S1, but S1 was still intriguing enough to peep imo.

    It's s1 autoconclusive? If yes I might check and act like the following seasons don't exist. With Westworld worked beautifully.

  • Dec 6, 2022

    It's s1 autoconclusive? If yes I might check and act like the following seasons don't exist. With Westworld worked beautifully.

    Not really. I'd just watch it for the first season alone and then forget everything else. The Marvellous Mrs Maisel suffered from the same quality dip after season 1. season 1 was top tier TV (not even exaggerating, I'd put it up there with some of the best seasons of TV), and once it got to season 4, I stopped watching.

    It's actually a common thing. So many TV shows suffer from that season 1 to season 2 quality dip. Too many showrunners have no idea what they're doing so they just try to perfect the first season and forget they still have a show to finish after.

  • Dec 11, 2022


    damn y'all guys weren't lying. only funny parts were carell receding hairline and the basketball match

    Not in the same lane of some comedy titans, this season was very hit and miss it's flawed but... it mostly works.
    Michael is an annoying grown ass 5 years child in a boomer body then in the later episode/scene his immaturity can be the most awesome thing to watch in a bad day lmao. Same goes for Dwight butt-licking eccentric behaviour.
    I think these seasons added a new dimension to these unpleasant guys that make them redeemable.
    Michael is a talented salesman and got him and Jen out of trouble in a cunning way, while I like Dwight relationship with Angela.
    I think so far the best written part of the show are Jim and Pam, they are very cute together and they both have that kind of relationship that everyone could have experienced irl. She is with that no-brain guy and keep sending mixed messages towards Jim while Jim at the same time is flirting with someone who got a boyfriend. They are always together but at the same time so insecure about the nature of their relationship.
    No matter what happens, you can't stop rooting for them to end-up together!
    Also f*** Packer or whatever his name is and s/o Creed, dude does the most random s*** and I never fail to chuckle.

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