Some of y’all need to go back to twitter and your cancel culture jerk cirlcle
I'm really baffled at some of these responses. Pls take your time and talk to your kids, we don't need to resort to our parent's rudimentary forms of punishment. Kids don't know any better, they can be disciplined without it being physical & potentially emotionally scarring them or becoming even more malicious out of spite.
I'm really baffled at some of these responses. Pls take your time and talk to your kids, we don't need to resort to our parent's rudimentary forms of punishment. Kids don't know any better, they can be disciplined without it being physical & potentially emotionally scarring them or becoming even more malicious out of spite.
Yeah try love
white ppl be putting their kid in timeout when he says he want to shoot up a school
Every damn time
Ur upset huh
Why you only coming for me meanwhile he made another post about me. We’re 2-2 on post about eachother and he started it so
It’s all subconscious but I’ll notice myself tip toeing around the kitchen or using my flashlight to not turn on any lights but then I’ll be like “oh wait I’m literally by myself”
thats not all necessarily related to discipline alot of that is trained behaviour.
My mother used to turn the internet off at 10pm to make sure i wasn't online all night, downstairs, i had to tiptoe to turn that mofo back on. When im at home, that s*** comes straight back to my mind, when im hitting the fridge at 3am.
There are plenty of cases of trained behaviour or being sneaky still being prevalent in certain situations from when you was a kid.
Why you only coming for me meanwhile he made another post about me. We’re 2-2 on post about eachother and he started it so
dont bother bruh cookies is one of the worst bad faith actors on this site
That’s what I’m saying bro all the child beaters itt are resorting to insults and projections. Y’all need some therapy
its funny cus niggas are getting that sensitive on ktt about other peoples opinions , they would try that exact s***.
Do what you gotta do tho, but live your truth.
I remember this blew up on Kardashians with Scott Disick vs Cory Gamble, when Cory said he would whoop his kids ass if they tried biting him too
S***, I work with people who know the consequences of whooping their kids, literally taught me about it, and still do it
(Most) Parents try their best, as long as they’re not spanking your kids/shaming you for spanking your kids, the best you can do is disagree and maybe have a civil conversation about it if both sides are open
thats not all necessarily related to discipline alot of that is trained behaviour.
My mother used to turn the internet off at 10pm to make sure i wasn't online all night, downstairs, i had to tiptoe to turn that mofo back on. When im at home, that s*** comes straight back to my mind, when im hitting the fridge at 3am.
There are plenty of cases of trained behaviour or being sneaky still being prevalent in certain situations from when you was a kid.
Why have you been itt for 7 hours minimizing people beating their kids? Lol
dont bother bruh cookies is one of the worst bad faith actors on this site
Cookies the goat user
That’s what I’m saying bro all the child beaters itt are resorting to insults and projections. Y’all need some therapy
Nobody is a “child beater” itt, if you think getting spanked is getting beat YOU need therapy for being so much of a p****
It’s all subconscious but I’ll notice myself tip toeing around the kitchen or using my flashlight to not turn on any lights but then I’ll be like “oh wait I’m literally by myself”
Moving quietly at night is definitely something I've learned as a kid because nobody likes to be woken up from sleep. Just feel like it's the courteous thing to do.
But for me to still be doing it now, it's a mix of it being ingrained in me, and because I just really like to move quietly. Night time is a peaceful and quiet time to me so I move accordingly lol
Nobody is a “child beater” itt, if you think getting spanked is getting beat YOU need therapy for being so much of a p****
Nah I need therapy from getting Beat
awful take
Always making great threads with good discussion, one of the few who doesn't troll and engages in conversation.
Doesn't get any better than that,
Why have you been itt for 7 hours minimizing people beating their kids? Lol
that was in the morning, done what i had to do at work, and back in my home office now , definitely procrastinating on ktt
but i was getting crucified at the start wanted to see couple other peoples opinions and join back in with discussion...
its a forum dude.