  • Aug 14, 2020

    if you beat a kid (or a woman as a man) you're a weak and sad individual, end of the story.

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    But kids also need to stop trying to bury their parents for something that was definitely the norm especially in black culture. Doesn’t make it right, but at some point you just got to get the f*** over it and make sure not to do it to your kids if it means so much.

    Except for some people it's not so easily gotten over depending on the extent of the beatings. You really think growing up in a household as a kid where you're getting beaten every other day for mistakes has no psychological impact on the type of person you grow up to be? That s*** can define you

  • Me getting spanked wasn’t abuse. All the times I got spanked I deserved it because of my actions. I was bad as hell and had a single mother that worked a lot. I threw a brick through a car window, shoplifted, played with my grandfather gun, and etc.

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Except for some people it's not so easily gotten over depending on the extent of the beatings. You really think growing up in a household as a kid where you're getting beaten every other day for mistakes has no psychological impact on the type of person you grow up to be? That s*** can define you

    Dude you’re talking to someone who was beat everyday. But what’s the point in crying about that s***. Grow up and move on stop being b****es please

  • Aug 14, 2020

    There’s a line between “beating” a child and discipline them for acting up.

    Allot of decent human beings grow up from getting punished for dumb kid s*** and by punished I P much mean spanking.

    Anything else kinda unkess it’s like a slap on the head lol lil dumbass jit

  • Aug 14, 2020

    S/o to my fam for whopping my ass that’s one thing I can for sure appreciate them for

  • Aug 15, 2020

    Dude you’re talking to someone who was beat everyday. But what’s the point in crying about that s***. Grow up and move on stop being b****es please

    Lmao no one is saying you should keep crying about it. What i'm pointing out is your complete lack of empathy. Not everyone has the same threshold for pain you a******. Learn to understand that people have nuances,deal with s*** differently and that it's not all about you and your experience d***head.